Unruly schoolboys or sex offenders?

Story here. Excerpt:

"The two boys tore down the hall of Patton Middle School after lunch, swatting the bottoms of girls as they ran -- what some kids later said was a common form of greeting.
Now, Cory Mashburn and Ryan Cornelison, both 13, face the prospect of 10 years in juvenile detention and a lifetime on the sex offender registry in a case that poses a fundamental question: When is horseplay a crime?
The outlines of the case have been known. But confidential police reports and juvenile court records shed new light on the context of the boys' actions. The records show that other students, boys and girls, were slapping one another's bottoms. Two of the girls identified as victims have recanted, saying they felt pressured and gave false statements to interrogators. "

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Single-sex education is a correct measure and will help to correct many problems at once, including the one described in the article.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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ABCNews also covers the story here.
Nope, nothing new to see. Just another overzealous D.A. run amok (and we know that never happens!).

Of course, there are no charges filed against the equally culpable girls, even though they admitted to swatting the boys on earlier occasions. No, it's just the evil sex-obsessed boys that deserve punishment. 5 days being locked up in Juvie-hall isn't nearly enough hard time for these delinquents! :-P

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If ABC ends its article about this incident with words "I think it's all crazy." - I think we all clearly see the light in the end of the tunnel.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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Getting over our fairy tale notions about the innocence of girls and the evil of boys is the answer.

Boys are not evil, and girls are not the living incarnation of pure innocence.

Plus we need to get rid of fucking sex offender registries immediately! They can only pull that scam for so long when the reality is there are only about half a dozen child abductions and murders by strangers in all of North America per year. Oh, and when they get caught, they never get out of prison so no need to register them as they spend their remaining years in a 6X8' cell. The Boogie man simply is not lurking behind every bush. Over 90% of child sex cases are by a relative or someone the child knows very well - and trusts - and not some stranger three doors down.

But the fear that these fucking registries create is pure gold for police, lawyers and politicians. But in order to keep the fear in the general populace at maximum the witch hunter generals (police and their partners in crime the DA's who carry the charges forward) must keep widening the net and targeting more and more and more people. All it takes is a few years of no registered sex offenders being arrested for new sex crimes for the people to catch on that there is nothing to gain from the registry so they must keep them distracted from that fact by targeting 'up and coming future pedophiles' like 6 year olds who give their teacher a hug, or these boys who were engaged 100% mutual, not even really sexual horseplay.

The answer is not segregation. It is to open our fucking eyes and get over our irrational fears.

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You nailed this one -- Good post!

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It's just your personal opinion. A great many Americans have a totally different opinion. That's why the Government has been forced to allow single-sex schools again.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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Good thing it's the right opinion cause putting boys and girls in separate schools just exacerbates all the fears that lead to crap like boys being labeled potential sex offenders of innocent teen aged horseplay.

Teen age hormones and sexual experimentation are not a disease and no one's ever been raped, died, or got the AIDS from fooling around in the hallway leading to a pat on the bum.

Fuck, just let kids be fucking kids and stop all this 'up and coming sex offender/rapist/pedophile/etc..' bullshit.

Boys and girls need to be able to work together in the working world when they get out of school so I see absolutely no reason why they should be segregated throughout school.

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I am just so sick and fucking tired of all this sexuality is evil and a disease - but only male sexuality - bullshit!

Fuck, teens have been fooling around since time fucking began, and yet somehow, despite the fact that modern thinking is that sexuality in young people is the worst plague ever the human race has not ended yet.

When the fuck are we going to wake up and learn that zero tolerance policies don't work now, have never worked in history, and at no point in the future will they ever work. I mean just look at how the fucking war on drugs is going - 30+ years and things are worse today then ever.

It's just so fucking sickening that every person involved in the horseplay this story is about said that it was purely innocent, mutual, and not in any way offensive or damaging to them, but yet people have to stick their fucking all knowing noses in and label it a fucking sex crime! FUCK THEM! Those people are the mother fucking problem, not the kids goofing off in the hallways.

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But I do not think there is anything inherently wrong with single-sex schools. Certainly not a few single-sex classes.
Traditionally there have been things like "prep academies" for boys. It could be argued that they use mind control, but that has nothing to do with the gender issue. I also see nothing wrong with girl's schools. I think a good plan, at least if I was a parent, is to send a kid to private schools for grades 1-4 or 1-8, then let them mingle as they get older. The private schools offer an excellent foundation, which will pay for itself many times over during the life of the student. And later when they enter public schools, they learn the part about co-mingling.
Of course most private schools are not single-sex.

Also I am convinced at this point that hazing _DOES_ serve a good purpose. It weeds out the weak people, and furthermore it ensures that the unit will function _as_ a unit, where individuality must be minimized. This is _absolutely crucial_ in the military. Check out Warren Farrell on this issue. People like psychologists have in part succeeded in "fairy-izing" our military, due to for example setting the stage for the mentality that leads to forcing the Citadel and VMI to accept women. I guess there is nothing wrong with that as such, as long as the women can hold up under the same level of hazing as the men. The problem is that the jackass social workers, psychotherapists etc, then continue on to try and wipe out or criminalize hazing and similar activities. These (therapists, etc) are the losers whose whole body jerks in anguish, upon hearing words like "weak", "bad", "should", etc. I am not kidding, I have seen a few social workers whose bodies momentarily become spasmodic when they encounter any such "absolutist" verbage(sp?).

Sorry to change the subject.

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...SO even though it would good for boys and girls to just get along and respect each other without girls trying to manipulate boys into doing something for them but that will never happen. Women and girls will always hate and manipulate men and boys will always take it like suckers. Separating the two may not be bad until people learn to grow the fuck up.

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis

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