Four times as many children prescribed antidepressants

Story here. Excerpt:

'The number of prescriptions for antidepressants and other mind-altering drugs given to children under 16 has more than quadrupled in the last decade, according to official figures released today.
The new figures are revealed amid growing concern about rising levels of childhood depression and pressures faced by young people.
A Department of Children, Schools and Family spokeswoman said: "The government's Every Child Matters agenda commits to supporting every child to have a happy and healthy childhood.'

Really? Destroying the family and stripping children of their father is not going to help.

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(Excerpt) -- "A Department of Children, Schools and Family spokeswoman said: "The government's Every Child Matters agenda commits to supporting every child to have a happy and healthy childhood."

The 1984/Brave New World psycho-babble double-speak is truly frightening.

What a great idea! Let's allow mediocre government bureuacratic parasites to legislate and define what constitutes "health and happiness" for our children!

Little Johnny seems a little blue today,or a little too active, or a tad too verbal, or slightly withdrawn, or uncharacteristically exhuberant?

Maybe some soma for breakfast, lunch, and dinner would cure Johnny's abberant personality syndrome? (And there's always electro-shock, or a drive-thru lobotomy if the meds don't do the trick!)

There are currently several bills in Congress seeking to make it mandatory for school children to be screened for "mental health" issues multiple times during their K-12 education.

Big Pharma is lobbying hard to get these bills passed, because when parents can be forced to medicate their kids -- and to refuse becomes a crime -- multi-billions are at stake.

No Child Left Behind = No Child Without Rx Meds?

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Kids have been raised to distrust their fathers as potential rapists and batterers (the polar opposite of the truth since biological fathers are far less likely then biological mothers to abuse their own children) and that mommy is this god like infallable being that must be worshiped.

Plus, to disguise the fact that mommies hurt more little children then daddies our society has decided that the only kind of abuse we really care about is sexual abuse (since the courts still think men have a slight lead in this area of child abuse yet cases that are processed through the courts do not reflect what's actually going on in the real world). Oh, we preach on and on about physical and verbal abuse, but all the posters, fliers, after school specials depict the abuser to be a male (either biologically related or a step father) or a school peer bully.

Of course mom is never shown in the role of perpetrator and boys are essentially given no voice at all to tell their stories.

Plus, when boys do manage work up the courage and come forward with tales of abuse they are not met with sympathy and understanding. They are branded as 'damaged goods' and labeled high risk of becoming a criminal. Abused boys are basically medicated to get them through the mandatory years of school, and then fast tracked into prison - AKA a men's shelter - because instead of helping boys society has merely branded abused boys as defective as a result of abuse and left them with the choice of 'get over it and get on with your life like nothings wrong' or since you have no place to turn, become a criminal your self and off to prison with you. But in the mean time, since we don't want to deal with your trouble making we're going to prescribe these mind numbing drugs to get you through school without a fuss so the teacher can focus her attention on the human beings - AKA girls - in the class.

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