Education: 'The New Gender Divide'

Article here. Excerpt:

"This is where Mortenson's third theory comes in: the declining presence of men in the home. While it's true that girls are as likely as boys to be raised by single moms, research suggests the absence of a father is more damaging to boys. In many homes, there is not only no male to offer guidance, there is no good male role model anywhere around."

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I hate to say it but to a certain degree, a lot of these problems are of men's own doing. We fell for the bait and believed in the feminist lie of androgyny or "gender equality" to have recreational sex on demand and to "liberate" ourselves from our responsibilities for our children, falsely believing that we could create a huge welfare state that could take over the responsiblities of the family without plunging us into huge debt and that it wouldn't make any difference for children whether or not we were there in the home. What fools we were. What you sow you shall reap. If you're out there banging away indiscriminantly, fathering children out of wedlock like they do in the welfare culture, or if you don't stand up to the divorce regime, you can't blame the feminists for that. Feminists could never have gotten away with what they did without men's support. Contraception, abortion, no-fault divorce, etc. the things that have led to this mess, all went down with our blessing.
At the same time, every country that has adopted feminism is dying out as a result of suicidal birthrates. What do girls gain in the end if their civilization goes extinct in the process? At this point, while attention certainly needs to be given to the "Boy's Crisis," we're probably so knee deep into this feminist disaster already that we have to wait for it to play itself out to its self-destructive end before significant changes are made.

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While all the factors mentioned in this article contribute to the problem, they are all minor contributors.

The universal trend of superior female performance in school, cutting across all cultures, points to a universal explanation: biology. Females mature earlier. Their brains develop sooner. Consequently they apply themselves more to school at an age when society arbitrarily decides to make critical evaluations about children that will affect them for the rest of their lives

All societies until ours have understood a basic truth: females simply are but men must be made. We have forgotten this. We have stopped bothering to put the extra effort in required to mold boys into men.

And we will pay the price. We evaluate boys against girls during the brief window of their lives in which they are roughly of equal intelligence, and we evaluate them against standards only moderately challenging to students of average intelligence. In this environment, girls, who are at grade school ages about the same intelligence as boys on average, can outperform boys with the extra conscientiousness that comes with their more advanced maturity.

But look what happens in the late teens and early twenties. Men's brains continue to grow while women's do not. By the mid twenties men have significantly larger brains and are on average 3-5 IQ points more intelligent than women. A higher male mean IQ and higher standard deviation conspire to produce two men for every woman at an IQ of 120. At even higher intelligence levels the male-female ratio becomes staggering. Women do not contribute half of humanity's brainpower. Not even close. We are not intellectual equals.

We neglect the next generation of brainpower -boys at our peril. Any nation that emphasizes the education of females at the expense of males will suffer catastrophic economic decline relative to a nation that focuses of educating its boys.

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Girls actually meet the standards for what society--ran by females(and emasculated men) of course--designates as "maturity" at a young age; which is simply the ability to "do what they are told and go along with the crowd."

Remember these are the same creatures that will say they are "in love" with one boy one week and then another the next. The boys they fall "in love with" are usually the most popular boys in school. That's not maturity, it's going along with the crowd that says "popular is better" whereas young boys either are not interested in girls or if they do get interested will fall for any girl he thinks is cute regardless of playground status. This shows that females are biologically inclined to be whores. The same thing occurs in school; when the teacher says sit still and do your work girls automatically do this because they are trained "followers, not leaders."

It's easy for girls to "follow" instructions. A recent science article--well from 2006--stated that males and females came from one source but when this source split the males retained the "dominant" aspects. While the female is at home "doing her homework"(which is usually done FOR HER by an overly intelligient male whom likes her) the male is taking apart his new computer and reassembling it without any instructions(or actually doing the homework the GIRL claims she did for herself. Let's face it tons of movies show women using men to get their homework done in exchange for a date or a kiss). Men by nature are superior in thinking and women by nature are herd creatures. They just go along with the crowd; which is why feminism was so successful in directing hatred towards men from women. All they had to do was make "male bashing" popular and show that people in the media were doing it and women--like the herd creatures they are--follow suit.

Boys and men are different; we want facts. Things must make sense and be proven. That group error that women always fall subject to is not the case with men. The reason GIRLS do better in school--at first--is because girls are coddled like babies in this society--thus they remain babies--and it is also the reason women sit around waiting for instructions from the feminists or some new aged popular culture male bashing group like Destiny's Child to tell them how to deal with the men they claim to love. A female is also more likely to try to slink her way into the good graces of the teacher. All of those apples--and kiddy crush notes--on the desk are usually from girls.

Women can't and don't think for themselves for the most part which is why it is a BIG DEAL when you meet a woman that does something great all by herself(and even then a man, misandry, the government, or the feminists were usually involved at some point).

Of course you now have the politically correct male which is just as dumb as the typical American skank being that he was raised under the umbrella of feminism and single motherhood tyranny.

*Site and Blog:

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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You are completely wrong, and you sound like a female supremacist troll. Men are to blame because we wanted guilt-free sex? Men wanted the welfare state to replace themselves?

You can take those lies and shove them right up your ass.

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I don't recall a single male ever pushing for the introduction of the welfare state for reasons other then it is what women wanted and would make their lives easier. If anything the welfare state made men's lives harder because it is men who must work to pay for it while useless women choose to take advantage of the free life offered by it.

Plus, every man who's ever had sex in his life knows there is no such thing as guilt free no strings attached sex where women are involved.

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Just another feminist moron. Hop along motherfucker.

*Site and Blog:

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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