Men Circumcised as Adults

Link to post here. Excerpt:

"Only men circumcised as adults can experience the difference a foreskin makes. In the Journal of Sex Research, Money and Davison from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine reported on five such men. Changes included diminished penile sensitivity and less penile gratification. The investigators concluded,

Erotosexually and cosmetically, the operation is, for the most part, contraindicated, and it should be evaluated in terms of possible pathological sequelae.(1) Other men circumcised as adults regret the change."

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Another issue is that many men DO report increased sensitivity. The problem with the comparison is men circumcised at birth go 16-20+ years with an exposed glans before its used for sex. Men circumcised as adults had the protection of the foreskin for those years. As this study would seem to indicate, while it may be more sensitive right after the operation, as years go by sensitivity will go down.

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That's something many researchers didn't seem to think about.

edit: I remember I read the quotes from the article years ago. This is very old info. Nonetheless a worthwhile read, I just wish the right people would read it (and not the ones who already know).

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