Female Teacher Gets 10 Years in Prison for Sex With 13-Year-Old Boy
Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2007-07-19 03:01
Story here. Excerpt:
"A sixth-grade science teacher who was accused of having sex with a 13-year-old student has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Rachel L. Holt, 35, had pleaded guilty to second-degree rape. She sobbed in court Friday as Superior Court Judge Calvin L. Scott gave her the mandatory minimum sentence.
Police accused her of having sex with the boy that many times during an intense weeklong affair. She was also accused of plying the boy with alcohol and allowing him to drive her car."
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Here's my favorite bit of misandry from the article:
Holt's attorney, John S. Malik, said the sentence was much longer than what teachers convicted in similar cases got. He reviewed 40 such cases and found the average was 18 months to two years.
Gee, no mention of gender in that sentence.
Wonder why the author disguised the gender of the other 40 cases with the word "teachers". I'll bet every single one of those 40 cases that lawyer reviewed were FEMALE teachers convicted of rape. The reason for this is two fold. First, since the courts are not gender blind and females receive preferred treatment, it would not have been in his clients best interest to site cases involving male teachers as that may have cause the judge to come down more sternly in his sentencing. Secondly, since about 80% of all teachers (may vary a bit depending on where you live) are female, it only stands to reason that the majority of cases of inappropriate sexual conduct by teachers would involve females as the perpetrating teacher.
But, 40 is a big number, and using even implying that the majority of that number is women who are attracted to the young students they teach would be heresy in this day and age. Everyone knows that all inappropriate sexual conduct perpetrated against children is done by men because everyone has been told for the last few decades that all men are rapists and pedophiles.
Bet that bitch was all for mandatory minimum sentences before she got caught ravaging that 13 year old boy like rabbit in heat an average of 4 times a day (at least 28 times in a 7 day period). Hey, 10 years may sound rough, but to put things in a bit of perspective, she should be thankful for her golden pussy pass - in 7 US States (and counting) she'd count as a repeat child rapist and be eligible for the death penalty if she were male. It's rare (as the other 40 cases her lawyer sited indicate) for a judge to even impose the supposedly 'mandatory' (I guess mandatory only applies if the perpetrator has a penis they were born with) minimum sentence on a member of the vagina wielding sex.
No mention whether or not this woman will be excused from the sex offender registry. That's another 'mandatory' that women often somehow don't have to comply with so I take the fact that it wasn't even mentioned as an indication that she'll be out in 5 years, not have to register, able to change states and resume her teaching career as if she took some time off to have a kid with no penalty at all. Since society is so fucking brainwashed that only males have sex with children, likely no one will even bother to run a background check on this bitch when she gets out.
Its a step in the right direction anyway
No doubt about it
It's definitely progress towards equality under the law. Still a long way to go as male sex offenders are currently treated far worse then murderers. I certainly don't agree that it's the correct approach the way male sex offenders are handled by the justice system either, so maybe in the long run this sentence which is lenient by current male standards will end up being fair.
But right now, this is one lucky bitch. When a teen aged Genarlow Wilson got the same sentence (10 years) for one 100% consensual blow job from a peer at a party (and his friends who also got head from the promiscuous young lady plead guilty and got 5 years) as this teacher (formally responsible for the well being of the children in her study) got for having intercourse with a 13 year old boy at least 28 times over the course of a week, we are no where near gender parity in the courts when it comes treating people who have committed sex crimes. What happened at that party should not have been a crime at all as the girl was 100% all for it. But a teacher [boss, supervisor etc...] should never cross the line with those for whom they are under charge to educate.
It's good that she received jail time, but the judge did only give her the minimum sentence. No male teacher or not would have gotten the minimum sentence for having sex with a 13 year old girl even if he was the same age as her let alone an adult teacher.