"Make room for a different daddy"

Article here. Excerpt:

"The numbers tell the story: Fathers do 67 percent more housework and 50 percent more child care than 25 years ago, according to surveys by the Families and Work Institute, a nonprofit organization based in New York.

Decades ago, men responded to fatherhood by honing their ability to support a family. Now, more are making career sacrifices and adjusting their work days as they try to reconcile the roles of provider and parent.

Yet they don’t always find sympathy at their jobs. Bosses and colleagues who nod knowingly when a new mother scales back may react with surprise when a new father wants to do the same. And the biggest career-oriented rewards, many experts say, still go to those with few home duties, who can devote their full energy to work."

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This is a feminist ploy!!! No Man should do housework. If your wife demands it, divorce her immediately. This is another attempt by feminist’s to emasculate Men. Through emasculation they can take control. They are trying to be the dominate partner in the relationship. Resist this at all costs! Communicate to her that housework makes you feel emasculated. All you need to do is look at nature to see who was intended to be the dominate partner, and it is not the fe-Male.

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I can tell you right now that your view is going to be unpopular. Not that it is untrue, but it is unpopular, because its in the popular culture to share housework and chores nowadays. Of course, the fact that yard/garage/car work is not counted as housework is a different thing.

But anyway, the verdict is clear - survey after study after survey proves that women lose respect and dislike the "intrusion" of a well-meaning man into "their territory." I will help with housework, but I know enough to let the woman handle the majority of it. The nazi-ish "politically correct" morons aren't going to intrude into my house because I'm never going to marry in the first place.


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Do a search (top right on the home page) and type "GreatMRNI."

Read her/his posts in sequence.

My guess is that this "author" is a bored female womenz's studies major on summer vacation, with nothing (and nobody) to do.

It's pretty vacuous, any way you slice it.

If necessary, I will splice and dice the specifically relevant quotes that led me to this conclusion.

But I would appreciate it if some other hard-working (and younger) semiotician would do the job......

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And as we can see, some unhappy manginas here don't like the idea that it's not going to be easy for their "princesses" to put all the housework on men. ))

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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The kind that thinks’, looks and writes like a female but is really a little boy.

In any case he/she/it is a dickless wonder.

Above all he/she/it is a brainless twit who does nothing but drawn the wrong conclusions, and call other people names, just like a little girl.

Nice post peckerwood!!!!!!,

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Your posts are over the top, and quite frankly, a bit creepy.
Troll or not, I'm having a bit of trouble taking you seriously.

Personally, I don't mind a few trolls hanging around. Maybe we can teach them a thing or two. Otherwise, we would just be preaching to the choir.

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With Asexuality and Artificial Reproduction, wouldn't you be putting all of the housework on yourself (as there is no female around?)

Who does the housework in my family depends on time demands. We both work, and on average days she picks up 90% of it. When either is overloaded by work, the other picks up more. That's the deal we made, and it works for us.


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There is no such a thing as "MRA Bible" or some other canonical text that contains dogmas of "MRA movement". (There is no even any organized movement whatsoever.) Therefore each "MRA activist" has his own personal views of what future is better for the civilization. My views differ from views of those who have daughters and wives (I don't have and am not going to have either). The childbirth and marriage rates are on long and steady decline around the globe. The number of men with my views is increasing with every passing day. And we'll win.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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ladyboy-roy probably works for the government, maybe some lame university. ladyboy-roy doesn't make much money, but doesn't work hard either. ladyboy-roy goes home only to take orders from his wife and daughter. As far as pecking order at home, ladyboy-roy is slightly above the dog, but below the cat. You go girl!!!!!!!

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*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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I have a very simple rule with my wife.
If it's important to her, she should do it, or ask for help... if it's important to me, I should do it or ask for help.

No expecations on the things that you think are important.

Sure enough the things that we think of as important are pretty different, and stereotypical. And who cares if they are. We're both doing our share, and doing what we think needs to be done.

That's it, that's all. Works quite well over all for us.

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"And the biggest career-oriented rewards, many experts say, still go to those with few home duties, who can devote their full energy to work"

That _should_ be true, whether an employee is a man or woman. Why would anyone have a problem with that? It is really not even an MR issue in a sense..those who work harder get more rewards from the company..although a lot of bosses are big-time douchebags who will honor _loyalty_ by taking advantage of you, or in some other way fucking you over. (My theory is that anyone who works for a company of more than about 30 people, and naively thinks that being loyal is the way to go, is putting himself in position to be in for a big surprise..but that is a different subject).


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The reason I like it is because it is not a "system" really, not some constantly self-exploring "what's wrong with this relationship" bullshit, one that needs to live up to every fantasy and complex machination promoted by marriage counselors, pinhead intellectuals who have never been laid, "relationship experts" (who are always female and single), and barf-bag psychologists who think we must endlessly explore every possible nuance of each interpersonal event in a relationship, and be held to their standards of what constitutes a proper marriage.
All these are just as bad, if not worse, than arch-conservatives who calmly state that "men were put on earth to be providers", and other absolutes.

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