Newspaper in Malta recognizes the DV research, female-on-male violence
Posted on behalf of Marc A.:
I recently sent a letter to the editor of a newspaper in Malta, the Malta Independent, in response to their gender-biased article on domestic violence that left male victims invisible. I cited and linked the recent 32-nation study by the University of New Hampshire (Straus), which included Malta and which confirmed that female students initiate DV as often as male students and that controlling behavior is found equally in perpetrators of both sexes.
The editor wrote back and said she would do a story on it. The story just printed, read it here. Excerpt:
"The study’s results challenged the common assumption that violence between partners is mainly a male crime, and that “when women are violent it is self-defence”.
It queried the assumption that violence by male partners is an effort to dominate and control while violence by female partners is attributed to self-defence or “as a justified response to an overwhelming pattern of domination and degradation”."
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Another Squeak Through Feminist Filters?
" ... the study found that in none of the 32 participating countries was violence perpetrated by males, the largest category. However, the most predominant pattern was one in which both partners were violent.
The second largest category was couples where the female partners was the only one to carry out physical attacks when it came to both severe violence “such as punching and hitting with objects, as well as to minor violence”.
This “contradicts the widely held belief that partner violence is predominantly a crime committed by men ...
As a result, the study called for a “fundamental revision” of almost all partner violence prevention and treatment programmes and to align these programmes with the data found.
It pointed out that “prevention and treatment of partner violence could become more effective if the programmes recognise that most partner violence is mutual”. ...
(The author) said many other researchers who reached his same conclusion have not expressed their opinions publicly “for fear of the type of ostracism I have experienced”.
---- NEWS FLASH!!! ---
This is NOT new news!
The research in jury-reviewed academic journals documenting gender parity in the instigation of domestic violence has been around for over twenty years now.
What keeps this important scholarship from seeing the light of day, except for marginal and infrequent coverage?
Recall the last VAWA hearings chaired by Sen. Joe Biden? (The bill that Congress passed UNANIMOUSLY?)
Absolutely NO testimony was invited or allowed other than the voices of radical misandrist feminism.
There is a solid political filter in place to ensure that this contrarian research and the consequent dialogue reexamining DV that it would fuel will never take place.
To entertain this degree of objectivity would almost certainly mark the beginning of the end of the DULUTH MODEL (Google it…) which is the ideological gag order and the financial guarantee that the feminist-model DV Industry shall not be reformed.
And let’s not forget, that to admit that women are potentially violent creatures threatens the entire historical Code of Male Chivalry .... without which men would have to look critically at the choices they have made --- to sacrifice and subordinate themselves to a predatory gender.
Well, that was reasonably fair and balanced, restrained even.... yes? ;-)
I sent CBS this:
I am offended by the behavior of Katie Couric in the violence she committed against an editor at CBS. Is Couric's lack of accountability in this matter an example of a double standard in treatment of personnel, based on sex? Males at CBS would never be allowed to commit this kind
of offense, and then promote it in a "sympathetic" manner as Couric has done.
Katie Couric must be accountable, and disciplined, without
consideration of her privileged, politically correct sex status as a woman, or just admit that CBS is openly and disgustingly prejudiced against all males.
Couric grudgingly admitted to the assault in a New York Magazine article:
"I sort of slapped him around," Couric admits. "I got mad at him and said,
'You can't do this to me. You have to tell me when you're going to use a word like that.' I was aggravated, there's no question about that."
Couric is a known feminist pig, even before the incident
"Males at CBS would never be allowed to commit this kind
of offense, and then promote it in a "sympathetic" manner"
That qualifies as the understatement of the decade (so far). A man would be sitting in prison right now.
As far as the Straus thing, I think over the next ten years or so, the truth will out (for the most part), but when it does, the politicians, the media and all the other guilty parties will all be saying, " I had no idea those figures were bogus..I do not recollect spreading hysteria, and promoting hate legislation." (except the radical feminist pigs will not admit they are unethical scum; they will be sitting in a padded room twiddling each others' twats, until they come up with another fascist con-job to replace DV).
Biden in 2017: "I do not recall being an unethical douche-bag and a liar.."
Kennedy: "I do not recollect having an all-out knee-jerk response to 10,000 different feminist demands over the last thirty years"
Hillary Clinton: "I do not recall having a black 'toothbrush' mustache and wearing a Swastika."
Horrid thought
If and when the backlash really comes, I can tell you right now that the men will be first against the wall and women will be excused, just as usual.
Honestly, I can see that.
If the backlash is violence (as it will be), as it will be an reaction to the injustices men have faced, then the men rioting will enter the animalistic state and be thinking on an instinctual level.
And who do you attack first in such a state?
The betrayers.
High profile male gender-feminists will be the first put up against the wall. Lower profile males will follow. Depending on the level and duration of the rage, high level women will be next.
Thing is, if the current legal trends are not reversed, violence WILL be the solution to unchecked gender-feminism. We are men, we are socially raised to solve our own problems. We will be cornered, with all good-faith removed from our executive, legislative, and judicial branches... understanding that we have no recourse other than revolting, and come out fighting like rats (and if you've ever seen cornered rats fight, that's a compliment).
For any feminists reading the above and considering it a threat, it is not. It is a prediction given the current trends in our society.