True Equality Conference 2007 Ends Successfully

"MR 2007" ended yesterday with a lot of good work getting done and new faces and names involved. More details are to follow I am sure, but having just gotten off the plane back from it, I can safely say that it may well be the most successful of the three such conferences held so far, by many measures.

Thanks to everyone who attended and to all the great work that has been, is getting, and will be done for our cause.

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Sadly I only made the Saturday festivities... but Jen was there for it all and even the reduced time I had allowed me to sit in on some great presentations. To have the most prominent names in Men's Activism (US, Canada, and the UK) all in one place was an awesome sight.

Dave K
A Radical Moderate

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I agree Dave that it was great to see the panel all together. Here's a picture of the group during the last section of the conference titled "Where do we go from here." You all probably know this group but for those who don't, from left to right Matt O'Connor, Christina Hoff Sommers, Warren Farrell, Glenn Sacks, Katherine Young, Paul Nathanson, and Stephen Baskerville. The panel was fascinating with Warren Farrell giving a 7 step tactical approach and O'Connor announcing to much laughter that he thought we needed a 12-step program and then listed 12 things we needed to do.

Hopefully we will be putting the conference online. We are likely to do this in the order the speakers presented with Warren Farrell's Friday night presentation being first up. It could come online as early as today or tomorrow if we don't have any glitches.

It was great to see everyone there! Scott and Matt, Dave and Jen and many others. One of the most important things I think took place was the cross-pollenization between the people and groups. Lots of good networking, numerous plans for joint ventures. Most of the attendees were enthusiastic about attending the August 18th rally in DC. Be there! We need to find ways to work together and this was an encouraging sign that it can be accomplished.

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Please be sure to post the links when you get this online! I would love to see it and be able to link to it on my blog. I wish I could have gone but I am a poor white wageslave that has to work long hours so my wife can have a job that makes her feel good about herself. LoL. Anyways, keep use informed!!


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