Duke University newspaper editorial says Duke owes LAX players nothing
Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2007-07-12 14:36
Posted for Marc A.:
Item here.
We should send letters to the editor using the feedback link in the upper right. You can also email the editorial board through the article page. Marc
"Duke is getting the short end of the stick on this one. They suffered a major blow to their reputation as a result of this ill-fated party and took the right actions, both when the allegations came to light as well as after it became clear that the young men were innocent of raping the woman.
Duke owes David Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann nothing."
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Ha ha, this one response to the editor cracks me up :-)
"Why do you bother writing an editorial but not bother to become familiar with the facts of the case? You may as well publish an editorial that comes right out and says "We here at the Daily Tar Heel enjoy blathering ignorantly.."
_Of course_ the university owes the players something..if nothing else, the school "allowed a hostile atmosphere to exist" (probably they actually created one), which is something individual females and minorities are allowed to sue for, even at the slightest bit of discomfort caused them.
at bare minimum
the University needs to apologize for the hostility created by the 88 PC-reacto professors who publicized comments implying guilt.
IMO the University should not even have suspended them prior to a finding of guilt.
There are also other allegations made against the University.
They will not apologize...
...because misandrists do not respect men that don't stand up for themselves. As long as men continue to coddle women and act like the current state of American males is not an EXTREME one. Noone will respect men....ever.
*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5
They _without doubt_ owe more than an apology!
When was the last time anyone heard, of a case brought by a female or a member of a minority, being settled with just an apology???
The fact is that at least one of the three had to transfer to another school. And I'm fairly sure that the incident may affect their future earning capacity, i.e. it might take them longer to find well-paying jobs than it would have, if the incident had not occurred. They should as a minimum, be compensated for any such loss, as well as personal distress. Why should the law be different because the victims were white males from well-to-do families? Sorry if that sounds unreasonable, I guess it's that streak of good old justice in me :(
P.S: someone might respond, that the law is already different, because they could afford better lawyers. Okay, so what..then protest about that. One "injustice" does not warrant another one. Acknowledging a vice doesn't make it a virtue.
Bad Grammar and Poor Thinking?
(From the editorial committee) - "Duke is getting the short end of the stick on this one. They suffered a major blow to their reputation as a result of this ill-fated party and took the right actions..."
It is telling that the best and brightest Duke students writing the student newspaper cannot compose a grammatically correct sentence.
"Duke" is not a "They." (It's called subject-predicate agreement.... i.e. singular not plural...)
These journalistas need some remedial English language courses. Maybe learn how to diagram sentence structure?
I particularly enjoyed these free speech advocates putting all athletes on notice that they will be severely surveilled in the future! For suspected moral turpitude!
Does Duke's journalism program include a mini-course on the origins of fascism?
Duke U. Is An Accessory After The Fact Of The Crime Of Rape
Duke owes the LAX players the same as any other enabler of a rapist. And Crystal Gale Mangum IS A RAPIST and the 3 young men were raped by her false accusations with the help of the atmosphere that Duke U. and its misandric faculty created.
accessory after the fact definition:
Law. Serving to aid or abet a lawbreaker, either before or after the commission of the crime, without being present at the time the crime was committed.
cite: American Heritage Dictionary; 3rd edition 1994.
Correction needed?
Maybe there is something I'm not undertanding, but the article appears to me to be in the University of North Carolina's periodical, not that of Duke. UNC is the Tar Heels, Duke is the Blue Devils. (Of course the Duke university faculty gang of 88, could be called the "Red Pigs", but that is besides the point)
wake-up call
Here's a wake up call to all those guys out there who still don't believe that by patronizing the likes of strippers and prostitutes (hell, even girly mags) you are enpowering women to shoot you in the ass by giving them a loaded gun and bending over.
These guys made themselves vulnerable the minute they hired that malevolent smutbag, and nothing done to them afterwards will ever overshadow their 'evil' act.
Duke has been taken over by feminists, lesbians and whimpy Men
The feminists and lesbians need to be stopped in their tracks at every turn. Remember, any society that elevates females to positions of authority eventually gets wipe off the face of the earth. Never let someone refer to nature as “mother nature” this is an attempt by feminists to equate earth to females and goes back to witchcraft teachings, as does equating men to evil and women to good.
Something to think about!
Chivalry = Original Sin?
"Remember, any society that elevates females to positions of authority eventually gets wipe off the face of the earth."
This is a foolish non-argument.
The entire contemporary western world is tuned and dedicated to appeasing women.
85% of retail space is all about women's rapacious needs.
All of the special government commissions are dedicated to women's health, women's safety, women's dominance.
The MSM is a feminist celebration of anti-male ideology ... especially advertising.
Women control over 80% of domestic spending, mainly because their wage-slave husbands die on average 7 years before cupcake expires.
For gawd sakes, Egypt elevated Cleopatra to goddess status, nearly 3,000 years ago!
Men have been "elevating women" since the dawn of time.
It is an ancient code .... called Chivalry.
Indeed, a sickness that appears to inflict only one gender.
Why is there no national crisis "Hotline" about this debilitating disease? ;-)
Missing the point
There are, and have been female "figure head" leaders. However, the society as a whole was still run by men. These are called patriarch societies. Matriarch societies, which is the opposite, do not last. Feminist are trying to create a matriarchal society in this country. That is my point!
As far a chivalry is concerned the following can be said. Chivalry came about because women had no power and therefore needed a chivalrous man’s help from time to time. It started out as a good thing but has turned into a bunch of morons fighting over females, or trying to impress them in one form or another. Today, a chivalrous man is considered a brainless twit (and rightfully so).
Stupid Is As Stupid Does
GreatMRNI -- "Today, a chivalrous man is considered a brainless twit...
That may be true.
But 100% of the brainless twits holding elected offices in Congress voted YES for VAWA 2005-2010...
So, those brainless twits have your balls in a jar on exhibit in D.C.
Lotta daylight between your legs these days?
Pro Male Reaction
So far of the 68 comments posted (as of 15 July) in reply to this opinion piece 99% have been pro LAX players and anti femifascist. If this backlash reaction is a barometer of general public opinion then it is a good thing for men's rights. Maybe the message that men have equal civil rights is getting through?
The VAWA was and is an outrageous mistake
It was bill "clit-ton" who signed that act into law. He is the guy with no balls and is to blame for many of the problems facing men today.
In a study, professor Murray Straus of the University of New Hampshire interviewed 13,601 men and women in dating relationships in 32 countries around the world. Overall, Straus found that 31% of couples had engaged in any act of physical violence such as shoving, slapping, or punching. Among those couples that did engage in physical aggression, 68.6% of the couples engaged in mutual violence, 21.4% was initiated by the female, and 9.9% was male-only aggression. Even for severe violence, women were twice as likely as men to initiate the violence.
Extensive research reveals women are as likely as men to initiate partner aggression.
Martin S. Fiebert of the Department of Psychology at California State University, Long Beach, has compiled 195 scholarly investigations on domestic violence: 152 empirical studies and 43 analyses, with an aggregate sample size that exceeds 175,700 persons. These studies demonstrate women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men [4].
Likewise, John Archer, PhD published a meta-analysis titled, "Sex Differences in Aggression Between Heterosexual Partners: A Meta-Analytic Review." (Psychological Bulletin Vol. 126, No. 5, pages 651-680, 2000) Archer's analysis concluded that:
1. Women were slightly more likely than men to use physical aggression, especially among younger women
a bunch of morons fighting
a bunch of morons fighting over females, or trying to impress them in one form or another.
This is the key to the enslavement of men by women. The male ego which includes chivalry and wasting time "impressing women" leaves men vulnerable to female manipulation.
This is why self-discipline is key. A man who controls his desire to "please and impress women" can defeat female manipulators at every turn.
*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5
A few points
"There are, and have been female "figure head" leaders. However, the society as a whole was still run by men. These are called patriarch societies."
I don't buy this "patriachal society" stuff for a number of reasons. For one thing, how things are run is not necessarily dependent upon who is 'in charge'. Secondly, societies are run by a class, not a gender. Women are as much a part of that class as the men doing the 'ruling', usually either by birthright or marriage. Men also marry or are born into this class, but men also suffer the greatest consequences of being part of the 'working class'. In other words, women get lifted into this class, while men suffer the greatest risk of exploitation.
MrR wrote
"This is the key to the enslavement of men by women. The male ego which includes chivalry and wasting time "impressing women" leaves men vulnerable to female manipulation."
I don't think it merely LEAVES men vulnerable to manipulation, but also MAKES then vulnerable to derision. Women lap it up, encourage it, reward it, and then use it as a tool to denigate.
Good point Scottie....
...how would you reccomend going about removing the need for "female approval" from the male psyche? I have tried numerous ways--which are somewhat effective--such as revealing to men just how sly and devilish these manipulative women are.
I'm willing to take some more suggestions though and I will help spread them through my blog.
*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5
Surgically removing the chivalry gland
It doesn't help that any talk of making men and women equal in terms of the (dis)respect they have for each other is met with cries of "MISOGYNIST", mostly from other members of the male sex who have built their entire worldview around pleasing women.
Its telling that only one sex is able to get away with naked hatred of the other sex.
Good question
"...how would you reccomend going about removing the need for "female approval" from the male psyche? "
Hey, MrR. I signed your guest book and look forward to spending more time at your blog once I free up a bit of time.
The "female approval" problem arises from a longstanding tactic of 'proximate rewards/ultimate punishment'. This phenomenon is used frequently. Chivalrous men and those who toe the line are so well rewarded for that, it clearly is not in their best interest to stop. Bill Clinton and Obama fall into this category.
But 'bad boy' behaviour also gets rewarded. Men who patronize strip joints are regarded as being 'macho', yet men (as a gender) are pigs for staring at breasts. Brutish behaviour is called for to 'defend a lady's honour', yet men (again as a gender) are considered violent. The list goes on. Men are well-trained via a reward system to conform to the stereotype of the ignorant, perverted, brutish male, which in turn is then used as a feminist tool. An example of this is a woman (girl, really, she was only in her early 20's) I used to work with who was dating a married man from some latino country. He was 'dark and mysterious' and I suppose made her feel like a sophisiticated, appealing woman instead of the immature little twat that she was. This same little twat would turn around and say what pigs men are for cheating on their wives. This guy, by the way, was a short, stocky troll (LOL).
Pardon the long-windedness but...
I think MAYBE a way to address this is to identify the patterns of behaviour typcial of women who use this tactic. This may be as simple as repeating ancedotes like the one I just did and pointing out the consequences. Also, how many self-defensive men have ceded to feminist rhetoric because of the consoling "most men aren't 'good' like you" line?
Identify the pattern, recognize the tactic, see through the bullshit.
The repertoire to tools women use, frankly, is not that large. I think most men here can repeat verbatim the same lines we have all heard a thousand times before.
However, men have to fundamentally understand that the "female approval" is little more than instant gratification that will ultimately swim up and bite them in the ass.
Maz...you are right. Any attempt at any form of self-defense by men is regarded as misogyny.
Earlier today in a debate a woman told me...
...that I need to go get some pussy. This comment of course came after I defeated each and every one of her feeble pro-female arguments. I quickly revealed that the tactic she was using is an old one and that men now have women's petty tactics "categorized as 'shaming tactics' online."
Of course she then started trying to rally other women to her cause which was quite easy since NONE of them had any sense. It's like I was talking a united front of morons. Instead of debating logically their entire defense was insults, nitpicking on small things like a minor typo and just about anything else that would shut down logical debate. They lost of course, but talking to pro-female women today is like talking to a newborn baby. Except the baby is smarter.
*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5
It’s encouraging to see that men understand the feminist agenda
It’s encouraging to see that men understand the feminist agenda, which is at the root of many of the problems facing men.
It is important to remember that men not only created society(s), but also most of its components. Meaning, one gender (Male) created, designed, and built just about every aspect of all societies, from the wheel to the computer and everything in between. This includes Language, math, science, philosophy, medicine, government, sports, games, logic, religion, and so on. Women are aware of this, whether consciously or unconsciously, and in reality are in awhhh of men. They (at least most) will never admit to it, but it is true! With this understanding you can begin to understand why they do what they do.
The manipulation of men has become innate to them. They have honed these skills over tens of thousands of years. This ‘man-nip-ulation’ was the difference between life and death in prehistoric, historical, and to some degree modern times.
What threatens society today is the ill-logical thought processes contrived by feminist's and like thinkers.
I have always said that the entitlement mentality, hatred, and..
... the female's jealousy of intelligient men who refuse to serve them is at the root of the modern woman's problems. If they could get rid of these petty quirks they nurture they would have a chance. Women basically coined the term "hater" and leveled it at men but women are some of the worst haters around. Men usually hate other men or women that wrong them while women hate anyone that refuses to be manipulated by a woman. Women are extremely jealous of each other and even moreso of MEN. Women know what men have done for this country and other and see that they are nothing more than parasites with a few extraordinary women here and there.
For the most part women just leech onto men or what men have built(i.e. the system) and ride it to success. Even Oprah got her start with a women's group that someone I know was a member of. Oprah will never admit this because like most angry women she wants to deceive people into thinking she did it all by herself.
Ever notice how when MEN accomplish something it is for societies benefit usually but when women see something get accomplished by another woman it is automatically promoted--by women of course--as a victory for "women." Notice how no mention of anyone else other than women is ever even thought of?
The root of the women's movement is hatred, jealousy and hypocrisy. Women hate the bed they made for themselves and get mad because they are too lazy to change the sheets. Women want special treatment right along with the best paying jobs and a half a year vacation at the expense of men. To women male traits only become "positive" when they serve women's selfish needs. Women can't honestly be happy for someone else that succeeds unless they are of the same gender and then the woman can selfishly apply what her sister has achieved tp herself and thus REALLY be tooting her OWN horn instead of being happy for the other woman.
To women equality means women being catered to 24/7 by men and men serving women daily.
Look at how women act and it is very telling. They were NEVER concerned with equality that was just another trick to get men to hand things over to them....and men did just as they prophecied.
*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5
Important point
"Ever notice how when MEN accomplish something it is for societies benefit usually but when women see something get accomplished by another woman it is automatically promoted--by women of course--as a victory for "women." Notice how no mention of anyone else other than women is ever even thought of?"
When men 'rule', they rule for the benefit of the people they represent (unless criminally dishonest), whereas women rule for their own edification. There is not even pretense to the otherwise.
you're half-way there
"in reality [women] are in awhhh of men"
It is more likely that women feel incredibly jealous and frustrated, when they look back and see their lack of achievement throughout history. Male domination of these fields you mention has caused today's woman to feel inferior.
As more women gradually advance, there will eventually come to be women who are high achievers, contributing works to society such as inventions. However, as I have said before, women are currently "stuck" in place and have in a sense gone off on a tangent: instead of taking advantage of the opportunities which are now available to them, many women have become addicted to the power acquired through feminism, and these women thus spend 99% of their time seeking out non-existent barriers and squandering the resources that men have handed them; they have even used this power for malevolent purposes against those very men.
It is like a father giving ten dollars to a child, then the child putting 5 cents in her piggy bank, spending 45 cents on a book, and then using the other $9.50 on finger paint that she can then smear all over her father's suits.
Noone held women back but women.
Women are jealous of men and angry that they themselves are too childish to step up to the plate and do what needs to be done. Women were no more oppressed than anyone else in history. Moreover history shows that women have ALWAYS been a privileged group of people whereas men were nothing but wage slaves and fodder for wars.
Women gained MORE rights than men while having to do nothing to secure those rights. No, women are angry because they look at how much of a failure feminism is. Women are angry because they look in the mirror and KNOW that they are being childish. Women are angry because men are waking up to the web of deceit they have been spinning for hundreds of years. Women are angry because now their "anger" just gets them ignored instead of a pat on the back and a shiny new diamond bracelet. Women are angry because for the most part women have been taking pride in being losers(something THEY chose)--while lying and backing fraudulent "studies" to try and fool everyone into thinking they are winners--and men have been the backbone of society.
Women are angry because it is scientifically proven that the future of the human race lies in the male genome not the female. Women are angry because they incorrectly think causing "drama" is being an adult instead of having respect, ethics, common sense, and morals. Women are mad because most men today could care less about pussy being that is now a commodity anyway. Women are mad because they tried to sell sex at their job interview and the interviewer(who was male) basically told them pussy does not qualify you so get the fuck out of here and go learn some skills skank! Women are mad because women are always mad at something THEY CAUSED yet expect MEN to fix it. The hell with them I say.
Who gives a damn what women think or if women are jealous of us? As we know they are! Women need to grow the fuck up and get their shit together or else become a thing of the past. Bottom line.
*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5