Israel: Govt. Committee To Look Into False Accusations

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An Israeli Knesset (parliament) committee has decided to investigate whether women who make false accusations go unpunished. Excerpt:

'"We contend that the police do nothing when it comes to light that women are lying in their accusations," said Gil Ronen, head of a group called Familists, which asked for Wednesday's meeting to follow up a similar one held last year.

Ronen said the failure to prosecute these women was particularly common in divorce proceedings, where, he said "lawyers advise their female clients to do this in order to win [key elements] in divorce cases."
"Many of these men's groups claims of discrimination are baseless," Kramer told the Post following the meeting. ...

She said she hoped that discussing the issue in an official forum would not deter female victims of rape and sexual assault from coming forward in the future.'

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Why not just recognize false allegations of rape or sexual abuse as a form of rape and sexual abuse and punish them accordingly? This isn't rocket science. Even the Israeli Knesset could probably grasp the concept!

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"She said she hoped that discussing the issue in an official forum would not deter female victims of rape and sexual assault from coming forward in the future"

It may have been true at one time, the the police "systematically" did not believe many women who said they were least in the U.S. Well, that time has long past; most of the women of "rape age" now (and younger and early-middle-age women DO get raped more), have been programmed to come I don't think it will be that much of a problem. These feminists pretend that it will be like a swinging pendulum - instead of a readjustment of attitudes, and hopefully achieving a correct balance of justice, for both actual rape and false allegtions - they pretend this so that women will continue to be unquestioningly believed. I am sick of it. They are still playing on emotion and hysteria of the past.

Besides that look what happened with Mangum. Just the fact that the accusation of a stripper went that far, even against millions of dollars in defense attorneys..I suspect if anything, it will encourage women to come forward even moreso. Anyone who declares that the Duke case will have the opposite effect, is either an incredible liar, or a complete dunce.


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this type thing is epidemic. funny how the impartial police trot out the resident feminist to throw out some off-the-wall stats. wonder who did the 2% "scientific" survey. probably some high and mighty think tank like university womens whatever. i got a good laugh when they pulled that group out of their hats.

if there is no problem then why is this type thing SOP for lawyers. hey girls, people are starting to watch. maybe it would be a good time to get some reliable stats, maybe from a reputable source (yeah, that would be rich). how typical that once questioned they always mention how even questioning womens motives could cause terrible harm. really simple minds. these tactics are wearing thin. something they teach in womens studies courses?

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My understanding was, atleast in the US, that the 2% statistic was the rate of false police reports for ALL crimes. As in, their assuming false rape claims are as rare as say, false arson reports, ignoring the massive incentives women have to report false rapse cases.

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My understanding was, atleast in the US, that the 2% statistic was the rate of false police reports for ALL crimes. As in, their assuming false rape claims are as rare as say, false arson reports, ignoring the massive incentives women have to report false rapse cases.

I'm reasonably sure that I've read an analysis that traced the 2% claim back to a statement by some judge. If I remember correctly there was no basis given or study that supported it - just a number thrown out that feminists ran with. (I did a quick look through my references but didn't find it. It might turn up upon deeper digging - but not today. Maybe someone knows where it might be)

This 2% claim may be just another one that fits a familiar pattern. A claim is supported by the fact that others have claimed it, supposedly "credible" references. The credible references claim its credible because it was published by so-and-so in 1986. And if/when you ever get to the original source it's just a number thrown out by someone without a basis. But if it's a politically useful claim it spreads uncontrolled and becomes a "fact" in the public's mind.

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Ms. Kramer of the Israeli Association of Rape Crisis Centers needs to hire a graduate student in mathematics to do some research and validate her claim that "only 2% of rape claims are false..."

According to her own stats -

450 of 200,000 rape claims were identified as suspicious, i.e. possible false allegation. (That's .00225%!)

Of the 450 claims identified as suspect, only 7 were found through judicial process to be false. (That's .000035%!)

One might summarize this statistical dilemma by arguing that, on average, ZERO females accusing men of rape are found to be committing a false accusation.

Also note Ms. Kramer's typical rad-fem ideological attack on men based on faux-feminist psychology ---

"Many of these men's groups claims of discrimination are baseless," Kramer told the Post following the meeting... and their accusations come from a severe emotional and personal state."

Imagine that! A man falsely accused, facing the loss of his home, his property, his reputation, and access to his children....

Might be experiencing a "severe emotional and personal state."

And the feminazis immediately INVALIDATE that experience, because it is being inflicted upon a member of the legally defined subordinant, disposable gender --
a man.

The degree to which feminists are willing to go to dehumanize men surpasses anything that the Evil Patriarchy (i.e. historical chivalrous female protection racket) ever attempted.

Women in aggregate have no sense of justice, and apparently, never will.

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..the "Familists". Maybe the best counterpart to "Feminist" I've come across so far.

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