Italy: No Men Allowed on Beach
Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2007-07-04 13:49
And the list grows of women-only places created with government sanction...
Story here. Excerpt:
'And it happens all the time. Boy meets girl and boy annoys girl. So, the Italians have enacted an interesting solution to this problem. They have created a beach strictly for women. No men, children or loud disco music are allowed.
Women can enjoy the sun, sea and sand without the lustful leers of men.
The beach does have one man.
"The lifeguard must be a man," Ravaglio said in a foreign newspaper interview. "You clearly need a man to save women in the sea. It's a question of muscles."'
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50 miles!
That's one hell of a stretch of beach that excludes 50% + (as no kids are allowed either) of the population.
That life guard is going to be fucked to death though before he gets a chance to save a single person. Women become fiercely competitive when there is a extreme lack of potential mates around and women also love a good looking man with a career saving lives. They'd better hire a gay lifeguard or more then one woman will drown while several others 'annoy' the lifeguard trying desperately to get their fuck on.
Of course the usual mental exercise applies. How would an idea like this go over if the signs around the beach read 'No Jews', 'No Blacks', 'No Muslims', 'No Protestants', 'No Britains', or 'No...any other minority group in Italy'?
Why 'That would be discriminatory!' you say? Well, so is this. Believe it or not, men are often bothered by many women on beaches to and many women absolutely love the attention they get from certain men on the beach. So to create a rule that implies men are universally a nuisance to woman is the worst kind of discriminatory bullshit just like any of those other signs would be.
More bullshit.
Women talk abou tsex and engage in freaky shit much more often than men do; women are much more sexual than men are. As a matter of fact women tend to think in terms of sex all the time.
If a man says hi "he must want her." If a man looks at her and says she looks nice "he must want her." Women obssess over one's sex, their bodies(butt, abs, etc.), "sexy" clothing. How many times have you heard a man say in the middle of an intellectual argument "You need to get laid." Not too many times, but WOMEN use that line all the time. They always try to insult men as being sexually inadequate because women are obsessed with sex. It's all they think about...honestly. I love how society keeps trying to act like men are more sexual than women.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
One Very Empty Beach
"Women can enjoy the sun, sea and sand without the lustful leers of men."
So, ummm --- other than lesbians, why would any reasonable woman go there?
Especially an Italian female! They are the world's biggest attention whores!
Who will they have to display their merchandise to?
Silly idea.
Almost as dumb as making an Italian automobile....
Leave Women Alone!
This corresponds with the women-only floor at the Mariott hotel. If women consider us to be a nuisance to them, why are we even bothering with them? Why do we continue to pursue them, date them, marry them, have children with them? What are we doing? Do we not see that they don't like us and want to be as far away from us as possible? Grant them their wish--leave them alone. For the past thirty years, women have said that 'they do not need men.' It's time for us to adapt the same philosophy. Just leave them alone! Don't chat with or hook up with them at bars, don't hang out or socialize with them at clubs, don't look at or speak to them on the beach. Leave them alone! We are living in a bleak and grim anti-male era, and this is what it is coming to; but you must decide where you stand and decide whether or not to follow this advice. It's up to you.
Common sense is speaking here.
032105 is telling the truth every single thing that women have been doing politically for the past 30+ years has been to FORCE men into one section of society and women into the other; the men as slaves of course. I agree with 032105; leave women alone!
Let them see how the segregated society they are trying to create will be; don't speak to them, don't date them(I don't care if you have to date men instead), don't marry them, don't do anything for them unless the law FORCES you to do it(and it will because women HATE you).
If this was not the case women that supposedly don't agree with this would step up to the plate and loudly declare that this is wrong and fight against it. Since very few women are doing that and most women can easily see what is being done to men we must conclude that women could care less about men and that they in-fact AGREE with misandry.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
Hmm.... This makes me wonder
Hmm.... This makes me wonder about the levels of feminism and misandry in Italian culture as a whole. I've heard that in Europe it's one of the better countries in that department, actually. I've tried researching online to find out about feminism in Europe, but oddly enough, I haven't had much quality success.... If and when I have children, I want to relocate out of the USA, and Italy is a place I would consider, I think....
At any rate, it must beat the hell out of England.
Keep in mind they still have
Keep in mind they still have a healthy dose of treating women like children by stating a woman can't function as a lifeguard. This seems atleast partially motivated by the desire to 'protect' these women from the 'evil eyes' of men, than what it would be in the states, specifically, "women have endured countless centuries of men visually raping them at the beach and deserve special preferential treatment as compensation". Might be a moot point, since the end result is the same.
I think we should push for this.
Then we can start have MEN ONLY beaches because the women will be at the women only beaches. Men can film women when they attempt to come over to the male beaches and use the footage against women who let other women claim that women are afraid of men.
Men should then start acting like they are afraid of women. Stop speaking to them. Stay away from them. When they speak don't respond. Leave them be and stay AWAY from them. If they try to come on to you....reject them because she may say you raped her or even worse, get pregnant. When they start sweating in between their legs from no sex--and eating chocolate and ice cream at night to replace having no male companion--they will see the light. Or they can just go be lesbian. I'd prefer the latter. We'll be rid of them.
Women have to be taught a lesson and arguing back and forth here will not do it.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5
Finally! I knew I would get a chance to post this photo here..
Took a while, but.. welcome to 1970s South Africa!
spoilt privilege princesses...
I would have not thought it possible under the EU's discrimination laws. As we can read the Italian mangina wants to dedicate a private beach to encourage sex discrimination and like the previous poster suggested...
"Apartheid" re-surfaces under a different guise.
Another bonus feminists will answer for.
Personally, as far as women are concerned, ignore them, do not associate, definitely do not marry, and absolutely do not get one pregnant.
It will cost you your life.
Women Are Only Interested in Two Things
Sex and shopping.
And now, thanks to the evil conspiracy of cell phone technology, they can chat about their obsessions 24 x 7 with their similarly addicted girlfriends!
When was the last (first?) time you had an intelligent conversation with an American female?
When the topic wasn't about HER?
Oh crap --- I just recalled #3, which underlies # 1 and #2 above:
a MAN'S M-O-N-E-Y!!!
It's so accepted that women objectify men as "success objects" (wallets) that I forgot to even mention it....
Pay attention --- what you assume is "natural" is always an ideological con game.
Both myself and 032105 said the same thing.
Leave women the fuck alone and do not associate with them even if they beg you for attention. The only time this should be lifted is if a woman has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt via her actions that she is adamantly pro-male/pro-boyfriend/pro-husband. Some men think women that support ANY MAN are pro-male but that is not the case; women use men against men. So let's say you are dating a woman and she has a man she had a previoud relationship with as a friend. Nine times out of ten she will use the old flame as a tump card against the new man so as to "keep him in line."
Women always want men thinking they don't need them. Using another man against a man has always been in their book of tricks. However, it is men that allow them to do this. The feminized man sees himself as "being a player' when in all reality both men are being played by the manipulative, deceitful woman. Most men never see this though as the woman keeps their small ego fed well enough that men never notice her HUMUNGOUS EGO which leads her to use men--and children--for self-gratification.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5