UK: New legislation means mothers will soon be forced to register the name of their child's father
Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2007-06-27 01:17
The consequences of feminism speak for themselves. Article here. Excerpt:
'Watching Mark playing with our children is simply wonderful. He'd do anything for them and that makes our family feel secure and special.
Yet the relationship he has with Ellie and Harvey often makes me pine for the father figure I never had.
Not only did I grow up without a father, my mother never even told him she was pregnant with me - as far as he is concerned, I simply don't exist.
After three decades, Mum thinks I should accept this situation and get on with my life, but I've felt the stigma of being fatherless all my life. I resent the fact she never gave him the chance to be named on my birth certificate.'
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When it comes time to put in the father's name, 30% of the time she will flip open the phone book and pick one. The poor sap will be into it for $50,000 trying to get out of it.
Did I hear that Michael Robinson got something added to the form in California like "Father Unknown?"
Oh, really?
I'm the father, huh?
Got a DNA test to prove that?
Guys, nobody wants liberated, emancipated men LESS than the women who see us as slaves and the feminists who support their endless privileges and entitlements.
Those same women are consumers. They buy the magazines and watch the TV that advertises pharmaceuticals. Then they buy those pharmaceuticals. Those pharmaceuticals are sold by the same companies that might one day produce a viable form of male birth control.
That's why safe and effective male birth control will NEVER be released to the market. Feminists are all too aware of the fact that women only gained their current choke-hold on society when female birth control became available, and there's no way in hell they'll ever let anything similar benefit men.
So I have four syllables for you that will mean never having to say "yes, your honor":
If you aren't already fixed, get fixed. You'll be sore for a few days, and that's that in most cases. If you allow any woman within 100' of your semen before that happens, you're begging to live the rest of your life as a slave, simple as that.
Sow Your Seeds
99.9% of my instinct is with you; however, what happens to the future of the human race if savvy MRAs like yourself do not reproduce?
When the servers crash, your legacy is erased.
Don't you think there might be a truly nasty, formidable, and articulate RandomGirl to be made?
Educated, and set loose into the world to continue to pursue your diabolical havoc?
There's a better way. . .
. . .and it's called RISUG -- Reversible Inhibition of Sperm Under Guidance. See:
So far it appears to be the foremost 'killer app' of male contraception -- not only very safe and extremely effective, but even easily reversible.
Why are people so against
Why are people so against this? Women not having any accountability for their reproductive issues is one of my biggest concerns. I think we should be equally interested in not only preventing men from being falsely identified as the father, but also from being told they AREN'T the father (or not told anything). Of course a genetic test should follow.
Theoretically, depending on how this is done; this could be a good thing.
ie: Mother must have father's consent to place name on the card, father should be urged to get paternity test.
But even with those provisions there's a hole... if the mother doesn't know the father at all, or if the father refuses to have his name on the card, and refuses a paternity test, then who does the mother put on the card...
Mother's would still have to have an option not to put the fathers name down, and that option could always be exploited with malicious intent.
In theory, I like the idea of getting a lot of the confusion that can happen in unplanned pregnancies out in the open and cleared as early as possible... but I don't think the solution here really helps anything...
Just like Maury Povich women will be setting...
...numerous men up to "be their babies daddy." They will randomly select men for fatherhood even if that man does not even know who the hell these bitches are--more less their bastard children. Men will be brought before before the talk show(i.e. the courts) where the audience(i.e. women who control the votes and the government) along with Maury Povich(i.e. the misandric judges) will bash the men(i.e. fine them, put them in jail, etc.).
Life will go on and women will continue to bring more and more innocent men before this talk show-style justice system we live in to answer to a bunch of chivalrous men and angry women.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
3 thoughts
probably iterated in one form or another below, but I have had only time to scan though.
1)This is done by legislators to get mom to name someone they can force her to sue for child support rather than pay for social assistance. No noble thought there.
2)I think this is a positive for men, who deserve to know they have kids. Hopefully, this will translate into forcing mom to give the kids access to dad.
3)The article states "New legislation means mothers will soon be FORCED (caps mine) to register the name of their child's father." This seems to acknowlege that women are unjustly withholding that information, i.e. women are actually being blamed instead of being regarded as the victim in some way. While I would like to believe legislators are standing up for fathers' rights, see point #1.
Where Is Michael Moore When You Need Him?
The film producing muck raker Michael Moore should do an expose' on forced fatherhood and lack of post conception choice as women have had for over a quarter of a century now.
He has done moderately successful films on gun control, political corruption, corporate corruption and most recently corruption in the health care field. Why not do one on the judicial corruption in the goddamned family court system?
Oh, BTW if you haven't rented the DVD of "After Innocence" do so! It is about men who have been exonerated by the Innocence Project using DNA analysis of the evidence. That is just half of the story. The other half is what happens to the men many whom have been falsely imprisoned for decades.
Single Fathers By Choice
"99.9% of my instinct is with you; however, what happens to the future of the human race if savvy MRAs like yourself do not reproduce?"
RandomMan ... reproductive sciences. Heck, if women can be single mothers by choice, why couldn't men be single fathers by choice?
The source of female's power
why couldn't men be single fathers by choice?
Because women will momentarily lose then all their power and value in society.
Two pillars of the World of the Future:
Artificial Reproduction
"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."
J. Steinbeck.
Considering ...
I'm already considering having the procedure done. I've been working endlessly and saving up. I read somewhere on the web about a reproductive clinic for gay men to get an egg and a surrogate ... I think. I guess they would consider a single man. If I can't find a place here in the States, I may have to leave the country to have it done elsewhere. I'm seriously considering this. This is not about trying to get revenge on women. It's about wanting and having a child without the plague of worries about the dismal possibilities of my child being ruthlessly torn from me by a spiteful and malicious ex in a break up or divorce and then forced to pay child support for a child(children) I don't get to see. Are you kidding?! I'd be an idiot if I took the risk of marrying and having children the normal way, knowing the grim threats constantly lurking. No way! I will never place myself in that type of danger. I want to have children, but I'm not going through all the crap I read and hear about men going through. I'd rather do it by myself or not do it at all. I don't care a thing about dating, marriage, sex or any of that stuff ... seriously. I just want to have a kid.
name registry
Does the act actually say that the person named on this certificate should have to give consent and how will this be verified,all sounds a bit hit and miss to me but that would be par for the course.
Ok if Done Right
If they do, hope to God they avoid the California model, which spawned something in excess of 70,000 instances of paternity fraud per year. It was a great Make Work program for family court lawyers but at an average cost of $12,500 per man to try to fight it, it was a huge transfer of wealth.
For sticking a man (yes, this is an exclusive man-to-woman wealth transfer procedure) with $350,000 payable over the next 21 years THE FOLLOWING IS NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK:
1. Send a 30 day letter to the best address they can come up with.
2. Follow up in 30 days with the cheap service-by-proxy.
3. Follow up in 30 days with a certified eyeball-to-eyeball service.
Get the cheek swab and do the DNA test. It’s idiotic to wait down the road to do it. GET IT OVER WITH. Impeding the discovery of true, honest facts is BS.
I’m OK with jailing the guy until he cooperates.
If there is no match, NO judge can order it entered on the birth certificate like judges in California do.
In California, Phone Book Dads found out about it when 66% of their take-home pay was garnished (taken by the state). They then learned it was going to be garnished for the next 20 years and there is not one damn thing in the world they can do about it.
A Gedanken experiment
The law applies to the UK, but all is not safe in the USA. Imagine that you don't have any kids and you feel brave, so you pen the following letter.
Dear Local Child Support Enforcement Agency,
You'll never get a dime from me.
(your name here)
What are the odds that you would be assigned a kid to support?
Because women will momentarily lose then all their power and value in society.
I agree what if women were considered disposable? After all men hold the future of the human race in their genetic make-up not women. Males drive evolution.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57