"The Mirage of Professional Gender Equality": By David R. Butcher
Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2007-06-26 21:04
Article here. Excerpt:
The Woman's Century? Never heard that one, but nothing surprises me anymore. Notice the links towards the end of the article. Excerpt:
"The 21st century has been called the Woman’s Century. Hillary Clinton is running for President, women are playing stronger roles in the workplace and the female profile is rising in many professional fields. So why does no one seem shocked that gender discrimination still lingers in the workplace today?"
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Technically gender
Technically gender discrimination will always exist in the workforce. I like being able to go to the bathroom without women around.
Shit or get off the pot
The American Association of University Women, mentioned in the article, is one of the most unethical and fraudulent of all the women's groups. This has been well-documented in the book "Legalizing Misandry" by Nathanson and Young.
Why are fewer women enrolled in Computer Science and Engineering? Because they know hard work awaits them when they graduate, in those fields. It's easier to major in Art History, work in a museum for a few years, then ensnare a doctor or engineer so as to get married, have children, and retire from the workforce for good.
No matter how much women have...
...it will never be enough for feminists. Ever. 100% women everywhere will still be a nefarious plot by the patriarchy. Do you really think that feminists will just stand back one day and collectively say "phew, we're there, we have everything we need, so now it's time to stop bashing men"?
It'll never happen.
That's why I completely ignore everything that women's lobbyists have to say - it's complete, unadulterated, self-serving bullshit.
By the way, it took about a dozen tries to enter the CAPTCHA validation code and have it accepted. Once it's turned off or it works as intended, I'll be happy to comment again.
No one is shocked
No one is shocked by gender discrimination in the work place because not even men are shocked anymore that we are discriminated against.
Re No matter how much women have...
...it will never be enough for feminists. Ever. 100% women everywhere will still be a nefarious plot by the patriarchy. Do you really think that feminists will just stand back one day and collectively say "phew, we're there, we have everything we need, so now it's time to stop bashing men"?
I believe, as I think many of us do, that in the past feminism addressed and achieved some legitimate goals but now mostly uses its high-profile status to keep up the appearance of being useful. I ran across this truism while reading on another subject. It was describing another force in American politics but it applies equally well to feminism.
"Organizations that achieve their objectives don’t go out of business; they adopt new objectives."
Technology made things more equal not feminism.
That's a lie the feminists keep pushing that many PC men fall for. The notion of women being EXCLUSIVELY oppressed--or more oppressed than the men of that time--is absurd. Throughout history women have always received preferential treatment while the men were workhorses. Feminism never did anything for women except bring the female's disregard for men center stage.
Angry Harry speaks on this subject here:
*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
My Daughter's Survey - Men Are Prey
My kid is enrolled in a university journalism school routinely ranked #1 or #2.
She did a freshman year project that entailed interviewing 12 young university women - juniors and seniors - about their "life plans."
Guess what?
All but one female planned on getting her $160,000 bachelor's degree, starting a lucrative career with a six-figure salary, THEN -- (after a couple of hard-working years) --
harvesting a higher earning husband so that she could become a stay-at-home mom and pop out and raise babies for a couple of decades.
These are "the best and brightest" of the daughters of the elite Second Wave feminists. (The Boomer soccer mommies.)
Thank gawd I have no sons to educate.
(If I posted some variation of this tale earlier, apologies. It has twists and turns depending on the classes she is taking.)
So, gender politics aside, my kid is off to Nashville this week-end to sing in a Gospel church where she will be prominently featured as the only white girl....
Gents ... be forewarned .... you never know what your unrestrained sperm might create. ;-)
PS - axolotl,
How can I get OFF the AAUW's mailing list?
I hit their web site a couple times to read a feminazi article, and now I get a solicitation every month!
As near as I can tell from their propaganda, AAUW's main focus is on sending out more propaganda.
Heck if I know how to get off it..
But thanks for warning me, now I know not to look at their site:)
That sounds like my experience with Perfactmatch.com. I emailed them a complaint (actually addressed to their CEO) about their misandric advertising for their "dating service". Of coure I didn't get a reponse to it, but a couple weeks later they start sending me periodic emails to "come back to Perfactmatch" or something. What a bunch of losers..they are about as organized as they are ethical.
BTW, what do you mean "second wave feminsts" are soccer moms? The trailing baby boomers were born 1955-1964. I had the soccer moms figured as a couple generations after that..before generation X. (I think they called one of those generations the "baby boomlet" because there was an upsurge in births due to the large numbers of boomers having _their_ children)
Are you still reading "Legalizing Misandry"? Pretty dense isn't it ;->
Occult Secrets of Captcha Mastery
I find if I use tabbed browsing that I have to close all other tabs before the site will accept the captcha validation. This is a nuisance, since I prefer tabbed browsing to multiple windows. The best of my comments have never made it to the site--I've balked at having to enter and re-enter captcha validation codes to no avail.