Trojan "Evolve" Theme Front of Trojan Condoms website - Time for Action!
If you think the "Evolve, men!" theme from Trojan is limited only to an ad or a special sub-site, think again. Go to the Trojans main site at and have a look. 'Pigs-to-men if you use Trojans Evolve' is the theme from start to finish.
MANN calls on men and women to boycott utterly Trojan brand condoms and to let them know just why you are doing so. The Trojans brand is owned by Church & Dwight Co. (NYSE ticker: CHD), who can be contacted here. On that page, in the "Visit our Websites" drop-down box, note the other brands owned by C&D; perhaps they could use some time on the shelf as well.
FYI, CBS and Fox have rejected the ad (story here.) Please contact them (CBS, Fox [snail mail only)] and thank them for standing up to this sort of thing. However, note:
"The ad will run on ABC, NBC and nine cable stations, including MTV, Comedy Central and Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. In addition, print ads will appear in 11 magazines, including Cosmopolitan and Glamour, and on seven Web sites. All of the ads highlight a Web site, the Times reports."
Please let ABC, et al., know how you feel; contact links:
Comedy Central
Adult Swim
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My note to C&D, et al.
'The Trojan brand "pigs to men" theme you people have come up with is about as grossly sexist and offensive to men as I can imagine. Herewith I will boycott the Trojan brand of condom as well as C&D's other products. In the world of marketing, I cannot imagine a bigger blunder than this. Fire everyone involved, apologize to the entire male population of the country, and stay quiet for awhile.'
'I read ( you will be airing the deeply sexist and offensive misandrist Trojans "Evolve" commercial. I am very disappointed in this decision and feel you should reverse it immediately. It speaks poorly of your editorial discretion if you do so as well as showing support for blatantly hostile anti-male sexism.'
His profile is here:
If you register, you can send him an email note, or so it seems. If you decide to do so, please be POLITE when asking him to kill this campaign and hold people accountable, as the CEO of a large company like C&D can't possibly be privy to the daily decisions about what marketing campaign to start, etc., at least not under ordinary circumstances.
Wrong reaction
I recall the story with T-shirts "Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them.". This case looks just similarly. After every abuse, MRA activists sit down at their computers and start to write rantings to authors of that abuse. These rantings just vent your irritation and don't make any sense at all. If everyone in the country have already seen those T-shirts and that commercial, what your rantings do change? Until you are reactive rather than proactive, those abuses will follow one after another.
You need to stop whining and to do something real. If you see that it's OK to publicly offense the opposite sex, do the same. Say, put on a T-shirt with a slogan something like "Women! Don't be smelly pigs! Change your tampons regularly!" )) Or take much more aggressive stance towards them on the Web. Throw out of your head all the stupid nonsense about chivalry and laugh at female's awkward physiology, at their smaller brain size, at their lower IQ, at their dirty stinky holes, etc.... You are allowed to do this. This commercial has allowed you to do this.
Two pillars of the World of the Future:
Artificial Reproduction
"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."
J. Steinbeck.
You're right
We should just do nothing, perhaps make our own ad with women as the pigs and men as the pick-up at the bar. Yeah, that's a better reaction all right.
If something doesn't work...
The matter is that MRA activists keep writing their rantings for years, and from year to year abuses are getting worse and worse. A natural rational response in this situation would be to try to change one's behavior.
Two pillars of the World of the Future:
Artificial Reproduction
"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."
J. Steinbeck.
The Porcine Perspective
The Trojan condoms website has a graphic of a highly evolved pig devolving into a horndog. I hope that my porcine friends will join with me to oink in protest.
From the porcine perspective, male and female humans are involved in the larger social issue of sexually transmitted diseases that Trojan's pig-headed campaign seeks to address. Pigs have nothing to do with it.
And human females seem to be deprived of the benefit of further evolution in this campaign. Instead of dragging pigs out of our stys, I suggest not excluding females from the campaign to evolve humans to a higher standard of sexual behavior. Perhaps some animal other than the pig could be chosen for them.
Do you really believe...
... such an approach will "work" or do anything to bring about awareness of misandry? OK, you go ahead and wear that T-shirt and head down to the mall and see if it works. Let us know when you get back.
First of all try to not perceive literally all what is written. Some level of abstraction will help you to understand meaning of text more adequately. (This is as regarding to T-shirts: that was a short symbolic illustration.)
Secondly, there is no any need to bring about awareness of misandry. Everyone already knows about it. Everyone sees it everyday. This is the reason of why those protests are useless.
But the main problem of MRA activists is that they don't really understand what do they want. It seems that they want to reverse the whole historical process and to return in the good old times of family values. But that's impossible. You need to look for something else.
Two pillars of the World of the Future:
Artificial Reproduction
"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."
J. Steinbeck.
Setting back the clock
"But the real problem of MRA activists is that they don't really understand what do they want. It seems that they want to reverse the whole historical process and to return in the good old times of family values. But that's impossible. You need to look for something else."
I agree with that, with the exception of people like Glenn Sacks. Many MRAs dissipate their energies obsessing over women, instead of concentrating on institutional anti-male bias. The reactionary conservative, pro-second-amendment, anti-abortion, anti-stem-cell-research stance of many MRAs is uninteresting at best.
The fittest survive
The reactionary conservative, pro-second-amendment, anti-abortion, anti-stem-cell-research stance of many MRAs is uninteresting at best.
I would call this position "hopelessly outdated". The whole history of humanity shows that the progress (social and scientific) cannot be stopped or all the more reversed. MRA activists should realize that they can win only if they will try to fit into the future and not to try to return in the past.
Two pillars of the World of the Future:
Artificial Reproduction
"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."
J. Steinbeck.
I can't believe there are
I can't believe there are actually some networks who agreed to air this. I'm not surprised, though, that the ones who agreed are the ones who are indisputably left-wing in perspective. Feminism and extreme political liberalism have a steady history together.
Cosmo and Glamour are taking the print ads? Again, no surprise. All of the women's magazines are about 90% trash any way you look at it. I'll take GQ over one of them any day.
One More Evil Ex-Girlfriend?
nbdspcl -- “First of all try to not perceive literally all what is written.”
That’s a really good line to use in Family Court when the judge is about to award custody and alimony to your false-accusing ex-wife. Excellent advice!
nbdspcl -- “Secondly, there is no any need to bring about awareness of misandry. Everyone already knows about it.”
In fact 99% of Americans have never heard the word, nor could they define what it means. Now, on the other hand, everyone knows that “feminism” means “equality for women.”
nbdspcl -- “But the main problem of MRA activists is that they don't really understand what do they want.”
This is just the usual “shame and blame” technique, disguised as a thoughtful comment.
Why is this foolish woman tolerated in this neighborhood?
She has nothing of value to offer.
With her every comment, the quality of the discourse declines.
I’m not for banning, just for putting her obvious polemics in the spotlight.
If you need a braindead girlfriend, I'm sure you can locate nbdspcl on
Then you still haven't...
...put forth a serious alternative to boycotting C&D/Trojan brand. You have just said "stop whining" and try something else without actually saying what concrete alternative action you would take.
If you're going to say to people who are doing something to stop doing it, you have to offer a better alternative. Doing nothing is not an acceptable alternative.
Some MRAs but not me
Personally the LAST thing I want is to see us return to Ozzie and Harriet. I want men to be free from that horse-cow.
I should say some, not necessarily many.
Still, I find the conservative thread abhorrent, especially when it becomes a political reaction against stem cell research. A number of people. myself included, might benefit from it. But for war mongers, of all people, to deny wounded soldiers the potential benefits that might flow from stem cell research indicates to me the most profound level of adamantly ignorant contempt towards the people they would send in harms way.
Harriet Was Sexy!
mcc99, thank gawd you were spared growing up in the 50's!
What passed for erotic on TV then was truly lame.
Later on, in the 60's, "I Dream of Jeannie" put the first actual cleavage on the tube.
Now today, in our Go-Girl Raunch Culture, nothing is titillating enough...
You will never understand why 11 year-old boys across the nation tuned in to see Barbara Eden's breasts ...
and had very sweet dreams!
Sometimes it's better to ignore
OK, let me say that writing to authors of this ad about your disliking this video is worse than to do nothing. They already know that you don't like it. You with your protest are just saying them that they achieved the goals of their provocation. The boycott also will not bring any results. I bet that after this ad, Trojan will be favorite brand of many women who will offset any negative effects of the boycott.
Two pillars of the World of the Future:
Artificial Reproduction
"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."
J. Steinbeck.
This is just the usual “shame and blame” technique, disguised as a thoughtful comment.
On the other hand, your idiocy is not disguised at all. ))
Two pillars of the World of the Future:
Artificial Reproduction
"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."
J. Steinbeck.
Ignoring is not an option
30+ years of ignoring has gotten us to the place we are in now. Ignoring misandry is NOT an option, and neither is staying silent about it.
nbdspcl - "On the other hand, your idiocy is not disguised at all. ))"
This illustrates my basic problem with the female species.
They always choose to avoid actual dialogue, principled argument, even truly honest conversation.
nbdspcl I did not offer to buy you a drink in a pub. You need not feel rejected, yet.
nbdspcl -- are you are trojan 'net whore?
Or, do you wish to make your actual voice known?
Please try to make sense in your posts.
I might become your best comrade if you choose to take that path...
Men will listen if you attempt to speak ...
There are left-wing networks?
Where? Also, you should say political leftism. The far left is authoritarian. Extreme liberalism is not left wing at all and something completely different.
Most here agree that it's not good to be caught in that left vs. right discussion with men's right issues. It also shouldn't be forgotten that the idea of men's rights is very progressive.
You are boring
This illustrates my basic problem with the female species.
Judging by your underdeveloped intellect you must have problems in this life not only with female species. You illustrate the most useless part of those who post on MRA sites: who come to these sites because they have been rejected by females. Should you find any old slut on the site you have mentioned ( you definitely spend much of your time there :))) - you will momentarily forget about all the "ideals of MRA movement". )))
Two pillars of the World of the Future:
Artificial Reproduction
"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."
J. Steinbeck.
Lets get Sack's involved
I e-mailed Sack's and fowarded the commercial. I would be very surprised if he did not take action. Maybe some of you guys want to send him an e-mail and make certain he knows about the Trojan fiasco.
Notice the Complete Female Persona Here....
Wow! This nbdspcl vermin-girl is making my work so easy!
She illustrates precisely why no intelligent man should ever risk consorting with a parasite/vampire like this faux-female.
She is all attack and shame and blame and inslut (sic) and spewing bile....
I kind of respect her for displaying her true self so openly!
But, that does not mean I would ever keep a rattlesnake as a pet...
Hard to believe, but this may work to our advantage in long run
I'm not sure how aware the general public is, of this whole Trojan controversy. But if a critical mass of men, as well as women, see it for the base misandry it is, maybe it will "heighten awareness" of misandric commercials in general, as well as other misandry in the media, and start to piss off enough people to bring about a change.
A Critical Mass?
That would be what?
All the massive subscribers to so-called MRA sites band together and get on one Greyhound bus? (OK, maybe two cars on AMTRAK train service..)
Man, while I love your optimism, I recall that VAWA 2005 passed with 100% approval by our elected representatives.
Democracy is a BITCH!
Yes, she is.
Actually I was referring to something more gradual
Calm down Roy, that troll from the other thread still has you pissed off:)
I'm just saying that all this misandric stuff in the media will gradually build to the point that more and more people will recognize it for what it is (especially men of course). Businesses like Trojan are run by stupid "MBA" types who utterly fail to realize this fact, since they are so totally focused on the bottom line. I think eventually it will backfire on them, but of course I can't be sure. Just keep sending emails to them, I'm not sure what else to do at this point. In the mean time try to look at the bigger picture, not just the stuff right in front of our noses (like any one particular ad).
Or it could be the decline of males
If you believe anthropologists like Lionel Tiger, the decline of men is not just a social phenomenon: the cause is biological. That assertion might be too easy to dismiss, if it weren't for the research of Professor Bryan Sykes, who claims that the Y chromosome is heading for extinction.
So the increasing prevalence and acceptance of misandry could be arising out of a biological imperative, accompanied with an instinctive awareness that males have essentially served their drone-like purpose and are destined to die out. If so, social institutions would change to reflect the increasingly superior female biology. Commentators will write unsympathetically about men as an endangered species. Feminist academics will gloat over the downward spiraling economic, social and political maelstrom in which males, but not females, are caught in increasing numbers.
These developments will be rationalized away in favor of females, as the brain has evolved to invent "reasons" for organizing its experience to benefit the individual in its struggle to survive--and survival will be easier for those whose sympathies lie with the biologically superior sex. Some males will respond, as if in protest, but driven by the same inbred sense of biological exhaustion, and rationalized according to the psychological survival mechanism of denial, with movements such as MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way). Male conservatism itself will be re-interpreted under the biologist's microscope as the futile attempt to conserve what little is left of the Y chromosome. These reactions will have the inevitable exhaustion of the Y chromosome as their underlying cause.
And with what Kathleen Parker has called the consistent ruthlessness of nature, the last men will be cast out of the hive to struggle and die off in the lowest echelon of society, without so much as a thank you for once having helped females to evolve. The very word human will come to mean female, just as the word gender has come to mean female.
In that context, the exhortation of the Trojan condom campaign that men should evolve is sinister. Men have been hearing the Sirens' call to evolve from feminists for over 40 years. But it really means that men should act to hasten their own extinction.
I thought the theory of the disappearing y had been successfully debunked years ago (at least 4?) and that researchers had found that the y chromosome wasn't decaying and that it contained genetic coding (an extra brain gene) [no, I'm not making this up] that was considered to be essential to human evolution.
ABC News article
"As it turns out, men have an extra brain gene that females do not possess."
"He speculates the gene provided some sort of evolutionary advantage in the path from chimps to modern humans."
BBC News article
"As well as having a previously unknown and elaborate back-up system for self-repair, the Y chromosome also carries 78 genes, almost double the previously known tally, the reseachers report."
""This study shows the Y chromosome has become very efficient at preserving its important genes," says Richard Wilson, director of the Genome Sequencing Center at the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis."
Why are you here?
This site is about activism for men's rights.
If you don't believe in that, then leave.
Personally, I do, and I think there have been quite a number of promising successes from that activism, as well as bringing a general awareness of the problems to the public that hasn't existed before in a significant way. Activism is making a difference. There's just a long way to go still.
If it were true that human males are being made obsolete for some reason by the forces of nature, which I don't agree with, it would be 10s of 1,000s of years before the human race became single-sex (or unsexed as the case may be, for without at least two sexes in it, a species is not sexed; it is autogenic). By then humanity will be... something else. Alas I am not optimistic about the future of humanity. But I would like to point out that if human males were removed from the race and somehow females learned to auto-procreate, the human race would become very frail indeed. It probably would not survive such a change. The only unsexed creatures left on this planet are microscopic, plant life, and a few species of lizard that live high in mountains that can't go beyond their narrow range or else they will die, as they have no resistance to parasites and disease. Such are just one of the MANY benefits a species gets by having sexual rather than asexual reproduction.
This is up to Matt.
Matt should have banned this woman a loooong time ago. Numerous posters pointed out the agenda that she has and yet she is STILL HERE not contributing but wreaking havoc. The handful of new posters--whom are women--are concerned with nothing else but villifying the natural attraction men and women have for each other.
They NEVER attack misandry instead always somehow alluding to male and female attraction as evil. Matt should have been kicked these antagonists out. It's not just nbc either, there are several new posters(whom are women) that subscribe to using the very same tactics of pushing the very REAL PROBLEM of misandry aside. I am starting a new board which will be moderated HEAVILY against feminist(separatist) pork. All REAL MRAs are free to join. Keep watching my signature for a link.
Again this is men's fault for not taking action against misandry.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
"There's sex and then there's Durex"
A much more positive approach to raising awareness of the need to use condoms can be found in the second largest condom brand in North Americas ad line.
I never have been a fan of Trojans, they offer you a gift and then kill you in your sleep. Just like murderess women who like to light their partners on fire or shoot them in the back while they sleep.
Welcome back Paragon...
...haven't heard from you in awhile. Also, I pretty much agree with what you said about Durex. What about Lifestyles; any misandry from that brand? I use those alot.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
I think Matt's got to be a bit careful in choosing to kick someone off the site.
It's certainly clear that Female MRA and nmd... have a bias for asexuality.
But having a bias on another topic than men's rights, shouldn't be sufficient reason on its own to kick someone off. After all, Mr. Reality; the discussions that went on around black issues with Paragon and yourself a little while ago were about something which you had a strong bias for. I'm personally not convinced yet that asexuality itself is something against men (although I could see how it might have a higher "membership" of women than men and that that could be colouring opinions there).
I think it's healthy overall to have people with other biases (everyone does), and it can bring new issues and perspectives. These things should be brought up; as long as good points are raised. I also feel that they need to be brought up within a context of men's rights in order to be relevant on this site. And if their commenting isn't relevant then it's a distraction. Constant distractions, and you're a troll...
I certainly haven't seen anything significantly meaningful from nbd... everything he/she's written I've found to be offensive, or a form of misdirection. So I'd be prepared to say the he/she is a troll now, even though I gave the benefit of the doubt initially.
Female MRA? ... Not sure. She seems to be bringing some relevant points to the table, and keeping her biases in perspective for the most part.
If I were Matt though, I'd give these guys a warning that this isn't a site for promoting asexuality. Certainly asexual men are men, and the perspective and rights of asexual men are important; but the aspect of asexuality is secondary here to the topic of men's rights as a whole. An attempt to turn the conversation away from men's rights and towards another issue that that person has a strong bias towards shouldn't be condoned.
Alen that's how you do it!
I caught a feminist attempting to use that argument(i.e. The thrice-debunked imminent demise of the Y chromosome hoax) as well.
Not only did I use some of the exact same fact-laden scientific data the scientists used to make the pro-female crowd look stupid; I also pointed out that the Y chromosome is self-sufficient while the X chromosome is not.
In a woman the X chromosome must swap genetic material with the other X in order to sustain itself. This is known as GENETIC RECOMBINATION. It cannot repair itself but must communicate so-to-speak with the other X in order to survive. The Y chromosome on the other hand has a back-up copy of its genetic material located within the Y itself, thus it is self-sufficient and self-correcting.
Scientists explained this may be why women tend to 'flock together', talk alot about nothing', and do what other women do whereas men tend to be self-sufficient and forward thinkers.
It has also been found that the key to male/female dichotomy(i.e. the actual ORIGINS of men and women) is found ONLY in a MALE-SPECIFIC GENE. It was found in algae first and can be found in the male genome. It should be noted that according to sience humans evolved from a form of algae or bacteria. Look here:
New Male-specific Gene In Algae Unveils An Origin Of Male And Female
Males also drive evolution. This too was announced sometime ago. That's how the mitochondrial Eve study was found to be flawed because men sometimes pass on mitochondrial DNA but a woman can NEVER pass on the Y chromosome. It's a gift only given by one's father. Maybe that's why the women are so mad; that's one gift they can't get. LoL!
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
Looks like I have to debate AGAIN.
But having a bias on another topic than men's rights, shouldn't be sufficient reason on its own to kick someone off. After all, Mr. Reality; the discussions that went on around black issues with Paragon and yourself a little while ago were about something which you had a strong bias for. I'm personally not convinced yet that asexuality itself is something against men (although I could see how it might have a higher "membership" of women than men and that that could be colouring opinions there).
Wrong. The two are not the same.
All of my posts deal with MEN's rights or the defense of such. None are about promoting some other nature-bashing ideology or viewpoint that has nothing to do with the issue of misandry.
Black MEN are still MEN and the hijacking of the civil rights movement by the feminists directly affected black MEN. It is related. Black MEN's rights are still MEN's rights.
Now explain to me how Female MRA and NBC arguing about the false supposed of 'asexuality'--while minimalizing the affects of misandry--relates to MEN's rights?
Trolls have no interest in Men's rights they come to forums such as this to mislead and divide MRAs not to empower them. That's why very few--to none--of their posts deals with misandry and focus on alienating natural sexual attraction as opposed to the issues this site is SUPPOSED to be dealing with.
This should be interesting...
*waits for response*
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
Interesting info, MrReality. Thanks.
"Maybe that's why the women are so mad; that's one gift they can't get."
So they've got y-envy, then? :)
I honestly can't recall seeing a lifestyles ad lately
But I just went an checked out their various web pages and for the most part they seem pretty non-man hating with the unfortunate (but hardly unexpected) exception of their Canadian web sites homepage which features an idiot game show host type pandering to the lowest common denominator in the large ad that plays when the site loads. It's not directly man-hating hating in content but the presentation is one of various negative male stereotypes.
I'm sure there is some misandry to be found from all the major condom brands out there anyway though.
I was afraid I would have to throw away the tons of Lifestyles condoms my mate and I keep in the house! Thanks Paragon for the heads up!
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
Actually forget it Alen...
...I don't want to argue with you because that is what THEY are here to do anyway: Divide and Conquer. I am not going to aid women in destroying men.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
Not very much
Except that there are asexual men out there, and they may have relevant men's rights issues that are specific to asexual men (just as black men have men's rights issues that are specific to blacks). If they're interested in using their perspective constructively, then there's a way for them to do that. What they're doing isn't constructive, though (especially nbd) ... as I've said.
Sounds fine to me.
Not sure we're actually arguing on all that much anyway. :)
Sorry if it sounded that way.
Didn't I say FORGET IT...
Just kidding, let's back off the hypothetical legitimate asexual crap that is taking away from the real issues of misandry MRAs face.
Blacks can't be hypothetical. You're either black or you are not. There is no scientific debate or widespread disagreement over the fact that black people are black. Thus the analogy is lost. Hardly ANY of their dialogues have dealt with fighting for MEN's rights until recently when people began calling them out all of their posts were unrelated to MEN'S ISSUES. If you want to talk asexuality exclusively--and that's all you are concerned about--there is a site for that; why not go there instead of coming here to the MEN's RIGHTS site denying the suffering of MEN while promoting asexuality?
After all that is why this site is here. I'll talk about issues affecting men(black, white, gay, whatever) being wronged by the misandric legal system but I am not going to become an activist for some other 'unrelated issue' no matter how much they post--or lie--about it. I assume many men here have taken the same stance which is why hardly anyone has anything to say to these two.
Back on Point: I am all for contacting the companies and stations like we were advised earlier in the thread before it got derailed.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
Actually, I recall hearing that the declining Y chromosme theory was controversial at best, and that the prediction that the Y chromosome would go extinct in 100,000 years had been discredited. I was writing tongue-in-cheek, and couldn't resist some science fiction.
Though I am partial to Lionel Tiger's theory that there is a decline of males, and that the basis is biological. Not having the advantage of observation over evolutionary time-scales to witness the predicted decline is a problem, though.
As for the Trojan Horseshit, it's obvious that the double-standard in advertising wouldn't permit females to be represented as anything other than the most physically attractive members of their own species.
I see the usual caution to be respectful when writing to Trojan. That's too bad: it means protecting Trojan from the deep well of anger they have provoked. On the principle that if they can dish it out, they can take it, I wouldn't spare Trojan the slightest vitriol. It's perfectly acceptable to be scathing in this case. It's poetic justice to tell a condom manufacturer to go fuck itself.
On the other hand, perhaps they've made the biggest marketing blunder in history: they could be marketing to pigs and not humans.
Another doomsayer
Yeah yeah, men will be extinct. Sounds similar to..
"There will be another ice age soon" - 1960's
"The End of Science" - title of a 1990's book
"The Late Great State of California" - 1970's book, about how a major earthquake will case California to break off the continent and float out to sea.
"Time Bomb 2000!" - book by computer "expert" James Yourdon, about how all hell will break loose on 1/1/2000 due to the date "bug" in computer code.
"We're going to change the world" - numerous fuzzy-headed yippies in the 60's
PS: Gore is an idiot with his predictions too.
I think we agree.
Except for one small point (that doesn't really matter all that much in the scheme of things)...
"You're either black or you are not. There is no scientific debate or widespread disagreement over the fact that black people are black. Thus the analogy is lost."
I'm not sure I agree completely with that one... given that races mix all the time; but I'll accept that people will consider you to be either black or not. And that's just as relevant...
Bottom line is that it doesn't matter. I think you made some great points that were relevant to men's issues and that's what really matters.
"I'll talk about issues affecting men(black, white, gay, whatever) being wronged by the misandric legal system but I am not going to become an activist for some other 'unrelated issue' no matter how much they post--or lie--about it."
We are saying the same thing.
I'm not sure I agree completely with that one... given that races mix all the time; but I'll accept that people will consider you to be either black or not.
Right. However the determining factor with most is the presence of an abundance of melanin(i.e. darker skin tone). Some go as far as hair, features, etc. You know....
In other words there is no discrepancy over whether someone designated and documented as a black person is actually a black person.
I think we are both pretty much saying the same thing so let's just move on and get back on track.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
LoL Ax!
Man what is up with you? You have been cracking me up lately with your posts.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
Out of curiosity
What are the biological reasons that Lionel Tiger points out?