Nifong Faces Contempt Hearing

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- Three former Duke University lacrosse players are seeking criminal contempt of court charges against Mike Nifong, the disbarred prosecutor who pursued a flawed rape case against them.

In legal papers filed Friday, the exonerated players also asked a judge to order Nifong to pay their legal bills.
Besides asking that Nifong be held in criminal contempt and forced to pay costs associated with the players' defenses, the motion asks the court for any other disciplinary action it deems appropriate.

Possible penalties for criminal contempt include jail time or a fine.'

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Ever since it aired on the news that the boys' innocence was proven, I have felt that this case is a prime example of the outrageous preference the "justice" system shows toward women. I certainly agree that Nifong should be punished for his crimes, but I think the heat is being maldistributed here. He's having his whole life ruined, while the woman who started it all is where? Free. She doesn't have a single charge brought against her, she isn't made to pay in any way for her lies and her significant role in the persecution of the boys. It's been brought to my attention by others that trying to pursue the woman would mean more money and time spent that most people directly involved with the case wouldn't want to bother giving, but then why keep burning Nifong? He's already been disbarred; why not go after the woman now, if this is going to continue?

Everybody seems to be missing the greater injustice here. All the men suffer, whether deserving or not, and the one woman goes free.

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Girl, it's not about punishing a poor black stripper with the semen of five men in her panties.

It is about the very shitstem of radical feminism that allows innocent men to have to prove their innocence, and the blowback that makes it harder for actual female victims of sexual abuse to come forward.

Crystal Gail (the stripper) was born a victim.

Of her class, race, and lack of education.

That does not excuse her choice to be a predator of rich white boys with her "rape" scam.

Sexual politics in these Gender Wars need to be taken seriously.

If you, ostensible Femnale-MRA, want to "go after the woman now..." ---

attack the feminist shitstem. Put Kim Gandy under house arrest. Reform the anti-family courts.

But please, stop with the false solutions.

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I don't think Female MRA was saying that going after Crystal would be the only solution; just questioning why there's not very much being done against her, and only major actions against Nifong.

I think that's a fair question. It goes back to women not needing to take responsibility for their actions.

The sad part is that you're right... that before we can even get to the point where someone like Crystal can be held accountable; the entire system needs to get a clear and direct message that their support of cases like this against men is corrupt, and that THEY will be held accountable.

One step at a time, I guess Female MRA. But Roy's right here. We're not even at a point yet where Crystal could be expected to face charges. The system needs to realize that it's been in the wrong first.

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I am going to have to agree with Female-MRA here.

Fuck the 'born a victim' excuse. If that were the case John Couey wouldn't be on death row right now. He was 'born a victim', abused from birth, also suffering from mild mental retardation, sought help at least a dozen times prior to killing Jessica Lundsford, born to the lowest economic class etc, etc etc... fuck him, he took a life and the system will take his. Don't see any sympathy for him do ya?

That bitch should be locked up as if she were a rapist her self in the name of fair and equal justice for all. If men are held to the standard that their circumstances don't matter and only their actions count, hold women to the same standard.

That bitch probably just likes to fuck. She makes her living off of sex. She must like it. If she don't like her whoring ways she should change them and seek a new job. She could have 100 000 mens cum in her cunt for all I care as long as that's the standard that men are held to. She made choices and took actions, that's all that should be considered because that's all that would matter if she were a he. 5 guys is nothing. Women like sex as much as men do and getting fucked is not some form of punishment for them. All heterosexual sex is not rape. Crystal Magnum is an adult woman capable of thinking and making choices and she chose to get into the situation she is in and she should be made to pay the consequences for her crimes.

Why can one only take the hard line approach if the perpetrator is male? Pity the men who give strippers money, don't pity strippers.

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"Ever since it aired on the news that the boys' innocence was proven, I have felt that this case is a prime example of the outrageous preference the "justice" system shows toward women."

I fully agree. In order to divert attention away from the women who started it all - Crystal Mangum and her accomplice, the DA is being roasted on High because he is a man and society likes to see men punished for women's mistakes. Hopefully this will also have a chilling effect on prosecutors but I'm not counting on it. Just like a man can drink a beer with his recently-divorced buddy and think "what a loser. He doesn't know how to keep his wife happy, like I do," the same way other prosecutors will think "He should have done it this way - my way."

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The Ameriskank is being kept out of the news on the sidelines while the males are suffering. I also think they should be going after Crystal "Ameriskank" Mangum since she started all of this.

Nifong is the fall guy.

*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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Thanks alen for understanding and clarifying my point.

It would be easy to crucify a poor black stripper, and maybe she deserves to be legally stripped of her future.

But it would be an easy sideshow, and would take the spotlight off the real shitstem --

the misandrist feminist hate-mongering anti-male injustice system!

Crystal Gale may be a criminal....

indeed she is.

But the real vampires are in Congress. All 100% of them who voted for VAWA and continue to kiss Kim Gandy's sagging ass at N.O.W.

The difference between a sad black stripper and a U.S. Congressperson?

One actually knows the meaning of "work."

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..and women have more choices than men do anyday. Crystal "Ameriskank" Mangum is not a "poor black stripper" nor a victim. She chose to be what she is, as all women do. That's their power CHOICE, something men don't have. We have responsibilities. Mangum is a representation of the everyday Ameriskank: No morals, sex for money(but at least she is honest about being a whore, most Ameriskanks are DISHONEST WHORES), playing the race card when beneficial and gender card when beneficial, lying and plotting against men when she is rejected because she never learned life's most valuable lesson--one which most women never learn--how to take rejection and keep going.

Most women hardly ever hear the word NO or that they are not worthy of a man's attention. Thus when they finally DO hear this from a man with integrity whom they want to be with, they don't know how to deal with it and suddenly it is "sexism" or some other artificial slight that they have made up to cover up the fact that maybe, just maybe, the woman being dealt with just does not measure up to the required standards.

I know alot of women that don't measure up to anything. They are losers to the core. They always blame men. They choose to do nothing about it and jump on the victim wagon; like this whore did. When most men get turned down or rejected(by a job or a love interest) they either A) Move on B) Try again until they win the other person over C) Make changes to themselves to improve themselves or D) Ignore it and do A. In that instance, I see men as being very brave and above all of the cat and mouse games women play.

Women don't do any of the above. When they get rejected the world has to hear that it is somehow "discrimination against women" instead of it just being that she was not worth a man's time.

I actually think men should NEVER chase women.....ever. I think women need to grow up and learn that courting is a two-way street as is work. As an adult women should not be waiting around for men to talk to them. If you want something in life go and get it don't wait around and then whine about it when someone else does not do the work for you. That's one part of the childish female mindset. Waiting around for a man or the government to do something for you rather than getting out there getting hurt, maimed, killed, rejected, and just about everything else men have had to--and still have to--go through in the name of true equality.

Kim Gandy and this lying stripper both have the same mentalities just on different levels.

[NOTE: This message was edited recently by MrReality. It was originally located under Alen's post. Nice point Alen BTW.]

*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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Two issues here...
1) Why is what's happening, happening?
2) How should it be?

I think Roy's answering #1.
The rest of you are answering #2.

On 1, The problem is that going hard after a black woman first wouldn't be politically wise, and I think the prosecutors realize that. They want to make a statement, and nailing those responsible in the system is an easy hit for them right now.

Absolutely, in a just society Crystal should be held accountable (#2). The fact that she's not (yet) just continues to indicate how corrupt the system is. But for the prosecutors, and the victims that want to make a statement and make it loud and fast, continuing to push Nifong more right now makes sense. He's certainly guilty, and deserves punishment.

It's a sad truth that politics plays a factor in justice. Once people realize how wrong Crystal's actions were, though; in part by establishing how wrong the system was, then I sure hope action is taken against her. She deserves it.

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