Fourth false rape claim - woman spared jail
Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2007-06-16 13:20
This is false rape claim #4 for Nicola May of Auckland, NZ. No jail time, of course -- but she has to pay a whopping $20 per month to compensate police 10K of the $60K investigation.
This part of the article is rich: "There was no single victim but rather groups of victims including the community and the police, he said.".
No mention of the guys she falsely accused. Of course.
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This woman successfully used the fact that she had done this multiple times in the past AS A DEFENSE
The fifth paragraph: "The condition was made as it was revealed by defence lawyer Colin Amery that May had made four previous false claims, three in the South Island and one in Auckland."
So this one is actually at least number 5 for May.
That's a new one on me! Has anyone ever heard a male rapist go into court and say. 'well your honor, I've done this many times before so I think you should let me off because I obviously have mental health issues and am a danger to the community'
How do you actually get to use your past CRIMES as a defense when charged with the same crime in the future? Hasn't a long history of similar offenses typically been used to lengthen a sentence?
Oh, and I have yet to EVER hear a woman sincerely apologize for any crime. May's 'apology' is the usual not my fault bullshit
third sentence on the second page: "I am very sorry to the community and victims and to the police for the damage this has done."
See the word I emphasized? She didn't use the word I she used the word this. She doesn't feel the least bit responsible at all. In her mind it's just some stuff that happened. Not within her control or as the result of her actions at all. No responsibility on her part at all.
It's pretty much universal (I'm sure there is a RARE exception somewhere). Every women convicted of a crime I have ever seen make a public apology never accepts responsibility in that apology. They always pass it off on some one else or just blame circumstance. It's NEVER really their fault!
When is the day going to come when we stop accepting that bullshit and start treating women as adult human being responsible for their own choices and actions?