The Terror Of Oral Sex In Georgia
Submitted by Luek on Fri, 2007-06-15 00:38
We are all by now familiar with the sad saga about the 17 year old high school jock who was convicted of having oral sex with a 15 year old. And of course we all know this happened in the State of Georgia.
However, going back to the late 1980's there was IMO a much worse travesty of justice and misandric justice at that concerning the case of James David Moseley who was sent to prison for having consensual oral sex with his ex wife. The wife who consented was not prosecuted but he was. And of course this happened in Georgia too. Oral sex just seems to hold a special terror there for some reason.
Read about it here.
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Lace curtain
Those bastards couldn't even think of trying the woman for the same crime - just look at the background in which the charges were filed - a fight over custody, ie, a situation where the man didn't roll over and let the courts and the woman trample all over his rights as a father.