Profiles Absent Father Crisis

In a just-posted article, looks at the devastating effects of fatherless households, including comments from dads in "A National Survey of Dads’ Attitudes on Fathering". It found that 91 percent of those questioned agreed there is a father-absence crisis in America. They listed work demands as the No. 1 barrier to being a good father. Other major impediments included the media and popular culture followed by financial problems. Fathers who were not married to the mother of their children cited a lack of cooperation from mothers as the chief obstacle to being a good father, followed by work responsibilities, financial problems and treatment of fathers by the courts.

Interestingly, the word “feminism” never shows up in this otherwise intelligent report.

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In spite of references to other issues in the article, I am starting to think they are focusing on this thing as a "race issue", i.e. the fact that it seems to be more of a problem in black households. If the media and others focus on this aspect, it will tend to minimize the other issues, such as the ex-wives' interference with visitation, in the public's mind. In a sense it is like they are saying, "okay, this is a problem involving a minority [blacks], so now we had better do something about it!"

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