Comment Captchas Enabled

Recently there have been some registered user accounts which have been used to post spam on the site using automated methods. For the time being I have enabled "captcha" image verification for comment posting. I know this will be inconvenient for the regular posters here, and I intend to look into alternatives or ways to whitelist some of the more regular commenters.

In the meantime, please keep an eye out for these spam posts (they will be obvious, usually containing dozens of links to other sites) and let us know when you come across them. Thanks!

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I've definitely noticed the spam posts lately, and my feelings on it are that I'd rather see you take actions like this to prevent the spam then to just do nothing and watch the site eventually get overloaded with it...

It's not easy owning a web page these days, as there are always these kinds of annoyances popping up along with the regular maintenance that that has always been.

So I for one won't be doing any complaining about it!

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..on one of my sites due to the spamming. They even tried to redirect my homepage to their site.

*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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