"Man" in teen sex case should go free, judge rules
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2007-06-11 18:41
Everyone remember the boy that got 10 years for getting oral sex from a consenting 15 year old? Well, a judge effectively voided that sentence. Article here. Excerpt:
"A Georgia judge ordered the release Monday of a man sentenced to 10 years in prison for having consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old girl when he was 17."
I put "Man" in quotes because the guy involved is 17 years old. Nice try, mainstream media.
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They call him a man because
They call him a man because he is 20 now. He was 17 then. And they threw away 3 years of his life over a blowjob. Thanks Feminist Scumbags for trashing another young mans life, hopes and dreams.
Men's Rights NOW!!
As great as the news is....
It's to early for celebration just yet a sthe AG of Georgia is seeking an emergency appeal to the Supreme court in his State to overturn the decision.
Awesome news none the less though and it's certainly the right call to let him out and exempt him from registering as a sex offender. I wish him all the best against the Supreme Court of Georgia. He is a true champion in this struggle that all men are in gor bsic human rights and his courage and tenacity are remarkable.
I hope very much he gets released on bond pending the AG's appeal.
Applaude The Judge But Not The Defendant
Genarlow Wilson is not the poor victim he is made out to be. He is not a good example of a victim of a misandric court system even though I applaud the judge who overturned the conviction and basically said the law Wilson was convicted under, now rescinded by the legislature by the way, was too draconian and not in line with the Constitution, which is typical of rad-fem inspired law as this one was.
However, Genarlow Wilson is an a_hole and a punk! He is the typical self absorbed high school jock who thinks the world is all about him just because he can move a ball from one end of a field to the other. He doesn't care for anyone else except him self and would in my opinion have landed in prison on some other charge if not for this one. I would not hold him up as some kind of martyr for men's rights.
As I said, I applaud the overturning of the misandric bad law he was convicted under but don't care for him personally.
The Duke Lacrosse players were not exactly 'wholesome' in all of their behavior either, but you better damn well believe they are victims.
Just as this young man is absolutely without a doubt a victim of exactly the same hate that wrought fire and brimstone upon the boys at Duke.
whether you like him personally or not is irrelevant. Where did you come to this conclusion that he is a "typical self absorbed high school jock" anyway?
He's pretty fucking brave in my book for standing his ground against a systems that completely remorsefully and purposely destroys mens lives for far less then he was accused of.
So what if he was some dumb
So what if he was some dumb jock. Is that any reason to take away his life over a sexual act by a consenting partner? Sure they were stupid young kids. But his aptitude in sports should have no reflection of MRA's support of him. Look at the feminist movement. They will fight tooth and nail to defend a woman who is clearly guilty of a crime. And this boy has done nothing wrong. Even if he is the biggest ass that I would ever come across in my life I could not hold that against him in this case. Because the fact of the matter is he is an innocent man in prison for an unjust crime. And I will support him in any way I can.
How many young women are dumb,...
...self-absorbed, consumer hounds? They can be self-absorbed--that just means they will get less dates--it does not mean that they should go to jail for 10 years.
I think we have angry women infiltrating the discussions here.
*****BREAKING NEWS!******
I just read an AP article this evening (Tuesday 6/12) that the guy is still behind bars, pending an appeal of his release. Apparently the "victim" or her parents came forward and shed tears, when they found out he would be released..and some other people were in an uproar too, so now they are appealing to a high court to block his release. Keep an eye on this one.
They--or she--shed tears...
..because "she" wanted to give him--and several other guys--a blowjob and he let her?
So they were crying because their daughter got what she wanted; a phallus to suck?
I don't get it. Logic has been truly outlawed in FemAmerica. As soon as women took over everything went according to how women "feel" as opposed to facts. So obviously she "felt" like sucking him off so why is he in jail?
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Could be any of the usual excuses
Could be,
Little bitch got addicted to all the attention she's gotten from being a "rape victim"... like instant sympathy and a way to distract anyone instantly when she fucks up, free money, a team of mental health "professionals" provided by the state to kiss her fat ass, etc...
Could be she bought into the hype created by the man hating idiots who are responsible for locking these KIDS up because she got to drunk and now truly believes she was victimized. This is an extremely common mental illness suffered by women. If some one tells them they have been wronged, they believe it and throw facts and logic out the fucking window.
Could be she's to much of a coward to admit the truth so instead simply goes along with the lie.
Could be that she mistakenly blames alcohol for her poor choice to be a teenage slut - not that there's anything wrong with that as long as the bitch don't go charging guys with rape cause she likes to fuck around - and doesn't much like accepting responsability
Could be that the AG in Georgia is putting pressure on them because he's on some fucking crusade to hang this kid for reasons known only to him. I mean he jumped all over the judge that invalidated the original sentence within minutes of him doing so so he's clearly out for blood on this case.
Could be a mixture of all of the above. Who knows, it's not like women are ever held responsible for anything they do and are never investigated to see if they have hidden reasons for acting the way they do.
The whole fucking problem is that no one is going to look beyond this little bitches tears to see that the reason she is crying is not that she is a victim, it's that she doesn't want to accept that she made the choices she made to suck a bunch of cocks at a party.
We as a society need to stop thinking when we see a video of a girl sucking a bunch of guys dicks at a party that there is a guy off camera pointing a gun at her and forcing her to do it.
This should not have ever got within 10 miles of a court room to begin with.
I guess it isn't really "breaking news"
I just looked at the first post in the thread; (the "high court" I mentioned is the state supreme court). Sorry!