Shocking Update: Mary Winkler Could Only Serve 60 Days

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who killed her preacher husband with a shotgun blast to the back as he lay in bed was sentenced Friday to three years in prison, but she may end up serving only 60 days in a mental hospital.
That leaves only two months, and McCraw said up to 60 days of the sentence could be served in a facility where she could receive mental health treatment. That means Winkler may not serve any significant time in prison."

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... between the code of Chivalry and the Mental Health Alibi Industry for WOMEN ONLY?

Does our society's penchant for excusing women's bad -- errr, criminal --- behavior reveal anything interesting about the psychological state of masculinity?

Are men now so afraid of women's feminist clout and legal entitlement that they would rather let female criminals off scott free, than face the scary consequences of trying to hold women accountable for their choices?

Just my pet theory.

("Let the bitch go... at least then she won't come after me!")

Like with the revamped ERA -- "Women's Equality Act...." ?

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If they EVER let this woman regain custody of her children I predict there will be more trouble. Will it take the death of one or more of her children for a Jury to finally be convinced she is a murderer and put her away for good? I shudder at the thought.

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Since the whole argument that she should be allowed to have the children she traumatized to an unimaginable degree is that "she would not be complete without them"

In other words they are HERS... as in property.

And she can do whatever she damn well wants with her property.

Why giving the kids back is even being discussed is beyond any and all comprehension. She's a convicted KILLER. She is mentally ill - or at least using mental illness as an excuse to get out of jail.

She's no parent. She's a monster!

The reason that the prison population in Western Nations is only about 2% female has absolutely nothing to do with women being less criminal then men. They are every bit as criminal - and probably more because they know the law does not apply to them. It is simply that we let these monstrous women go virtually scott free.

She's spent less then 6 months total in prison for MURDER!

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The trial of Mary Winkler is saddening and disappointing, but it's not surprising. Women get away with murder probably everyday.

The foreman was on the jury this Friday morning on CourtTV. According to him the women on the jury wanted to acquit the murderess. He, the jury foreman, was disappointed by the verdict but said the decision was a compromise since the ten women on the jury wanted to set her free.

Lisa Bloom, host of the CourtTV program and daughter of famed misandrist Gloria Allred, said the defense attorney was smart to keep the platform heels next to the defendant when she was on the stand. Apparently, Mz. Bloom thinks this helped the female jurors to sympathize with and exonerate the murderess. If a man wants his wife or girlfriend to wear heels, he deserves to be killed.

WHen a man gets married, he gives his wife the right to take his life, as well as his rights and property.

What's interesting is that in another case some months ago, a man was sentenced to eight (8) years in jail for trespassing in a women's apartment and trying on her underwear. So women believe a man who tries on her underwear should be jailed for eight years but a woman has a right to kill a man just because she feels like it. Where's the "equality" here?

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Now thanks to her oily lawyers successfully playing the "pussy pass" card Mary Winkler has gotten away with killing off her "bread winner" husband. She will now have to support herself by actually working a job. She is presently a clerk in a dry cleaners. Wouldn't it be her just desserts if she were to be killed in an armed robbery? And being shot to death, preferably in the back, with a shotgun too! In any case she will come to a sticky end sooner or later.

Like0 Dislike0 justify stealing from men and children. The sooner men and children realize this the better things will become.

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She will now have to support herself by actually working a job. She is presently a clerk in a dry cleaners.

Good point. How long before the courts rule that wives are still entitled to the life insurance benefits of their husband, even if they murder him "because of abuse"?

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People like the male owner of the dry cleaners she worked at and the females from the jury that lat her go will start a trust fund for poor Mary and the now single widow mother...

I mean, despite the reality of women being more kinky and more perverted then men on average, poor Mary was forced to wear a wig and high heels and everyone agrees she was abused.

I'd agree to if I had not seen an interview on CNN about three years ago with the two female owners of this site:

sickchixxx (add www. and .com I'm not about to post a live link here on a public forum. It's owned by, operated by, and the majority of it's members are female. It caters specifically to female perversions. The interview which is no longer on their site painted it as a wonderful, empowering thing these women were doing and just great that women are starting to take control of the adult industry in the producers role)

But don't tell any of that to poor Mary who likely has a lifetime membership to that site, she's poor little innocent girl who's the real victim in her murderous story.

People will support her no matter what. She will never have to accept responsibility and she will never be made to pay in any meaningful way for killing her husband while her daughters were in the house. In fact I'd put the odds in the fight between the paternal grandparents who have custody currently of the girls and Murdering Mary at 5:1 in favor of murdering Mary. Any takers?

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I'm doing an article on those bitches right fucking now. It's time to blow women's spot up.

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I find that site at least as unappealing as all the "alternative interest" sites that romanticize death and torture which are run by men. I just sited it as an example because of the big deal everyone in the MSM is making about the wig and high heels, as if there was something unfeminine and perverse about them. As if women universally do not like 'kinky sex'. Well, that site is a counter-point to that notion that Marys lawyers exploited in court if there ever was one.

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Will it take the death of one or more of her children for a Jury to finally be convinced she is a murderer and put her away for good?

Remember Andrea Yates who systematically drowned her five children in her bathtub? Her conviction was overturned and she hadn't been charged again. The belief is that women cannot possibly do any wrong, even if she murders five children.

Unfortunately, if Mz. Winkler murders her children she probably will not be punished for that.

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When you need it?

Anyone remember that movie? Coincidentally all the judges only murdered men in that too.

I swear Stephen King couldn't write novels this good.

Terrorism is the only successful government, set of checks and balances that has ever proven to work.

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...until men realize that you can't waste time trying to prove that you are humane to a monster. Women have been taking men out for sometime now and have no qualms about doing it. Women are pretty much herd creatures that all move in one direction. The few women that decide to go against the crowd get ostracized by "the sisterhood" beyond belief.

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