Get-out-of-jail-fast card for Paris

The 800-lb. gorilla must speak... story here, just in case you have been away from TV, radio, newspapers, and the web for the past 24 hours. Now, let's analyze some.

1. Pretty
2. Rich
3. Famous
4. White (bonus: blond)
5. Female (bonus: under 30) +
Three days (maybe) in stir...

...for disobeying a judge's orders, DUI, and who knows what else.

I once had a friend (male, middle-class, not famous) who got busted once for DUI. He did 6 months in jail for it. This isn't to say women don't go to jail for things like this, especially if they are not young or pretty or white or famous or rich. The point it, anyone with Miss Paris' list of "credentials" stands a very good chance of getting out fast for any charge, while anyone with the rather opposite list of "credentials" does not. Would a black man, any age, with little money, having committed the same offenses, get out after only 3 days of a 45-day sentence to a cushy house-arrest? Would any man of any age or ethnicity without a very good lawyer get out so fast?

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To me, she looks more or less like an ostrich. Oh well, 4 out of 5 ain't bad.
Did you see her mug shot? It looks like they let her spruce up for it, i.e. adjust her hair and makeup. They didn't even do that for Andrea Yates.

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But signs of hope, right here on MSN. Top of the second page:

"What about Tom Sizemore? The actor was just taken into custody on Wednesday for violating terms of his probation on a drug possession charge. If I were advising him, I would tell him that, instead of continuing to be 45, male and fairly nondescript, he should instead become 26, female and beautiful. Oh, and cry a lot. That would help. Law enforcement officials interpret that as a sign that you want to get out early."


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Hey, were all guys. I wouldn't throw her out of bed. I realize I'm missing the big picture of the article as it relates to our movement, but Paris's situation is more indicative of special treatment for all actors. However, I would be naive to suggest in any aspect of society women are held with the same level of accountability as a man. Paris?.....who cares.

Victory not Vengeance!


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...refuses to cover this nonsense, for which I am eternally grateful, but they had a great line that they "discussed, just in case":

The Shawskank Redemption

Sadly, that bimbo is beyond redemption. She's a dish alright. A petri dish. I wouldn't touch her with yours, anthony! ;)

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There is nothing cute about this woman. She looks like a fish with those thin, wide lips. Her chin is too big. She's skinny. Oh lord, this woman is fucking ugly. Why do they keep showing this whore to the American people?

I am already going blind from having to watch her while searching for TV shows on the TV GUIDE channel.

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My opinion on particular women's attractiveness doesn't really matter.

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If Paris Hilton was in your bed, banging her wouldn't even cross your mind?

Victory not Vengeance!


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I am homosexual, remember, and since I bang my best friend every night, why bother with some tramp convict.

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I have no idea what your talking about.

Victory not Vengeance!


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...would be the door on my way out of the room to find some disinfectant. They haven't invented a condom thick enough to make that cesspool safe. Sorry, stupid spoiled whores who volunteer as petri dishes just don't do it for me. Looks wouldn't even have an opportunity to enter the equation, but even if they did, I find her rather repulsive.

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Anyone want to take bets on how long she'll stay locked up after being sent back this afternoon to jail?

I have an idea for an amusement park ride: the "Paris Go-'round". It will look like this: you get into a cage and then is spins around slowly. You scream and cry until it stops and then you get out, then get back in and it goes on like that again. You have to complete an entire loop around the machine and then get off. You get a prize if you make the operator stop the machine 4 or more times before the ride is up.

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Paris Hilton is the perfect mascot for today’s “raunch girl” culture.

She has all the essential attributes that gold-digging whores of every social class everywhere seek –-- rich without working, 24 x 7 celebrity with no talent whatsoever, has successfully established herself as a “brand” in the fashion industry, elegantly trashy and promiscuous – uses sex as power, totally narcissistic and convinced she is the center of the universe, a rapacious consumer of useless high-status commodities –of which she herself is the ultimate example.

Paris is mainly doing her masquerade for other women who measure their self-worth by their degree of self-celebrated raunchiness.

Girls used to just wanna have fun, but now they just wanna be "hot."

FemAmerica is overflowing with idiot Paris-wannabes who possess all her qualities, but lack her wealth and mass media access.

They’re on display at any mall, high school or college campus, trailer park, or yuppie surburb.

In other words, Paris is everywhere. She's the ultimate Real American Girrrrlllllll.

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I have taken the liberty to form a task force demanding the unconditional release of feminist icon, Paris Hilton. S.P.F (Save Paris Foundation).. My website should be up and running shortly. I'll keep you posted!


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No need Anthony; they re-arrested her ass and threw her back in jail. LoL!

The reason given for her second arrest? They saId the public was outraged at this "preferential treatment" of Ms. Hilton.

Are women starting to see the house of cards they built fall finally? Heh heh. Time to pay the piper?

Let us hope so gentlemen. Of course in the same news hour we had to hear about yet another false stalking accusation from some unknown drunk white woman whom claims she fended off an attacker "who wanted her"--and her pleather go-go boots--by grabbing one of his dredlocks. Where do they find these fucking morons with these stories?

Anyway: Google "Paris Hilton back in jail" to get the news story on hilarious Hilton.

My take on the situation is on my homepage below.

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...throw away the key! Do you ever think that I'd ever marry a mischievous, talentless, spoiled brat of a twat like Paris Hilton? Fuck no...when piggies fly...FOR A HOUSEBOY!

{p.s. welcome to the club Mr. Reality!!! Yahoo! Looks like I have another intelligent black masculist in the room to confide in! Right on badass brotha!)


*****masculism is a black male's best friend!!!!!*****

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...should be made an example of since that is what the majority of the fem-morons in America aspire to be like. I hope they lay her low in prison. Read my homepage to see what I think should happen the Paris Hiltwhore in prison.

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Check out the Paris Hilton: Prison Diaries I just uploaded to my freeweb site below. I'll have Part Two up a little later this week :

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Apparently Paris has found God. She states she'll no longer act Dumb for media exposure.

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...dumb. Leave it to an Ameriskank to say something dumb in an effort to prove that she is no longer dumb. What a dumb whore. A complete waste aka "An oxygen thief."

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....She's still somehow managing to make more then 100X the money of the average yearly earnings for a male in the United States off this crap, and the media are making even more.

That's what really irritates me. That people are willing to fork over insanely large piles of money to this woman who was born a multi-billionaire for stupid reasons like the fact that she's the ultimate example of a good for nothing human being.

Hell, I'd gladly do a few weeks in a segregated prison cell for a DUI and some other little shit if it meant that I'd come out with more money then I'd make if I lived to 130 years old and never retired. That would be a fucking cake walk.

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Paris Hilton gets more money than people with (x+1)*100 times her IQ, as you can't get a number higher than zero by multiplying her IQ

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...the feminization of America makes doing dumb, illogical things popular. It has been said that women are not logical, this pertains to alot of women not all of them(but most). So what they did was change the way the world views stupidity and made it something that was CUTE as opposed to being something people detested.

Women don't match UP to standards. They don't want to do the work it requires. They get standards lowered to match their standards. Thus we have the Paris Hiltons of the world. Women support stupidity--either directly or indirectly--which is why feminism has been around for so long.

*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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Yes, I'll admitt, Paris Hilton is Hot....


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