Male of 17 years goes to jail for receiving oral sex with a 15 year old female
Submitted by blaze4metal on Thu, 2007-06-07 12:37
This article here talks of a 17 year old receiving consensual oral sex from a 15 year old. Gets 10 years in jail! TEN YEARS! Didn't this website have an article about a woman who beat her kids for 6 years and got 19 months in prison? What the hell is wrong with our judicial system?
Ed. note: This is commentary on a case previously covered here on MANN.
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"The reason they haven’t,
"The reason they haven’t, according to ESPN, is they believe Wilson is guilty under the law and there is no room for mercy."
What the HELL is this all about!? When a mother murders her children we have to have mercy on her. And understand where she is coming from. But because he is a man we have no room for mercy. Give me a break. Never thought that anyone would have to respond when asked,
Q: "what are you in for?"
A: "I got a blowjob."
Men's Rights NOW!!
P.S. ~ Don't tell anyone, but my wife is 3 years younger than me and we get it on all the time. I don't want to go to jail. lol
I think I'll focus my comment on this question:
Is the prosecutor punishing Wilson for exercising his right to a trial?
You're God Damned right he is! That's standard fucking operating procedure! That is just one of the many diseased organs of the legal beast that must be removed to restore something we can maybe call balance.
Men under any circumstances ARE PUNISHED to the most severe extent possible when they try to exercise their "rights". Why? Because that's when they are treated to the news that's been true since their birth but no one bothered to tell them - THEY DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHTS.
If our justice system thinks it's ok to DESTROY young men's lives before they even have a chance to live them we need to scrap the whole fucking thing and start new - Every judge, prosecutor, court official, lawyers, police officers etc must go. No room for mercy. We can't risk even one cancer cell remaining in the new justice system.
Misandry must be completely taken out of the justice system and since it infects every single aspect of it the whole thing must go and be replaced with non-diseased components. At that point we must be vigilant as the strain of societal cancer that is misandry is highly aggressive and may return so we must sever any pieces of the rebuilt justice system at the first sign of infection.
That poor young man's ordeal makes me physically sick. There is no excuse for what they did to him. It is pure undiluted Misandry.
I was acquitted when I was charged with rape - not for lack of trying on the part of the "justice" system, but because the inconvenient fact (to them) was that the crime I was charged with simply never happened at all. But, I still know what this poor young man has been put through.
My heart goes out to him and all his loved ones suffering with him.
He's MALE and he's BLACK...
...which means he has no rights--or respect from the American justice system--whatsoever. They pretty much still view black MALES as robbers, killers, and lazy bums.
What we need to understand
What we need to understand here is that the main factor isn't that he is a BLACK male. he is a male. And as men we need to stick together. Black, White, Purple, Maroon, we are all men. And it is the feminist that try to pit us against each other based on color, creed, or Religious belief. It is just another form of control. We can not base this fight off the color of his skin. We need to base it on the fact that he is a MAN and that is why he is a target. If we say that it's because he is a black man, then we segregate our selves as men and weaken our own front lines. We need to ALL stand behind him as man kind. Not as black men, or white men. That is a segregation put on us by the feminist media to make us fear each other. Once we realize we are all men being put down in different ways by the same feminist reich we can once again fight the good fight together as men, for men. You are all my brothers, we all bleed the same blood.
Men's Rights NOW!!
I say it is a factor.
I say it is a factor. Race "does" matter no matter what the racist morons here say. The fact that he is male and black is not one but two strikes against him.
While I agree to your point
While I agree to your point that his race is a factor. Are you wanting to fight this injustice of him being a black put in jail for this for the larger reason, that he is a man. Because I am sure you could fight a good strong fight based on the race issue but how will you get the MRA movement onboard with that rally cry? It is a factor but we need to focus as a group HERE on this site now on the fact that he is being punished as a male for getting a blow job from a fellow student. I am sure there are plenty of other forums that will back you up on the battle front based on race rather than sex. But no matter what color he is I just see another man put in jail unjustly. It's up to you if you want to focus on the color of his skin.
Good Luck,
Sick Boi
Men's Rights NOW!!
I fight injustice not simply for men's rights. The reason his race is a factor is simply because women--and men--have been lobbying to act like it is not a factor. You can't make racism go away by simply claiming it does not exist and that is what not only the feminists but "some men" have been doing for years. This is exactly why the issue of discrimination against black males was NEVER resolved.
When women hijacked the civil rights movement and ran with it what needed to be finished was never brought about. I don't care what dumb ass Paragon says or how much he tries to derail thread just to attack blacks I will KEEP fighting for black men to be put on equal ground with everyone else. I will NOT pretend like black men are equal when nearly every black male is portrayed in a negative light continously even when white males, black women, and white females are not.
Couldn't agree more SickBoi
Just to add to your point. Are we sure that the 5 other boys who faced the exact same injustice who took the plea deal were all black? None of the articles I can find on this mention the race of the other boys who were also arrested and charged from this same party. Maybe they were all black maybe they weren't, I don't know.
But if even one of them was not black, that completely mitigates the argument that this boy was sentenced harshly based on the color of his skin.
He was sentenced harshly because he refused the plea deal. In our system it doesn't matter who you are, the justice system punishes all men for refusing to go quietly off to prison when offered the "opportunity"
That seems a much larger factor then his skin color as the whole system is dependent on plea deals as there are simply not enough resources to offer everyone charged with a crime a day in court.
Bottom line though like you said, he's a male and he's being punished because of his gender for an act that no female would ever be punished for in the same circumstances. That is without a doubt cause for outcry.
You are the one steering this thread in the wrong direction
This is clearly a case about GENDER not race. To falsely inject a race factor that is not even there - THIS ONE BOY WAS NOT THE ONLY ONE CHARGED, CONVICTED, AND PUNISHED HERE.
This one case may involve people of several races as 6 boys were rounded up and persecuted here. Their plights should not go unnoticed simply because the article only mentions them in passing.
Face it buddy, today, RSOs face far worse discrimination, slavery, dehumanization, and persecution then any group of human beings in the past few centuries and they come from all races of men.
So this issue, the one that affects this boy and his loved one has a grand total of zero to do with his race. He is now on the list of the damned.
You think he rejected the plea deal to avoid prison? He said himself he rejected it in a failed effort to stay off the sex offender registries! He would rather have gone to prison then be on that list. Do you think that's cause he's black or because that list will destroy the future of ANY MALE on it!
Huzzah to you on this one
Huzzah to you on this one Paragon. You are right, there are now several other men of undisclosed race that are now convicted sex offenders. Over what? Not much. And who is looking out for them? No one. This one brave man is the only one that would even stand-up to the injustice. And look where it got him....
This is the wrong time for
This is the wrong time for any male to consider having sex. There are too many risks involved--and not just sexually transmitted infections. This is a day and age in which men may have to swear off sex completely to protect themselves from the dire consequences that could befall them. Chillingly though, many men cannot do this. Misandrists know this, and so they are manipulating us like puppets, punishing us for our sexual nature and maliciously and destroying us at every turn.
Yep. Women have mastered lying to themselves.
Women have been suppressing their sexual drives for financial gain for centuries. It's what the author of SEX-ploytation calls "The Dishonest Whore."
Men, on the other hand, are honest with their sexual needs. Women use sex for control, men use it for sex.
Makes you wonder
What punishment will this 15 year old princess get? Isn't 17 a minor in some states? I know it's probably not in this particular state but she wasn't being a little angel sucking off two guys was she.
RandomMan always likest to say...
It's still 1963 for men because we were not included in second wave feminisms liberation of women.
But, for RSOs its more like 1663 because they are caught right smack in the middle of the largest witch hunt the world has ever known and they get all the persecution that comes along with witch hunts.
Hey, MrReality, check the RSO web site in your State and call up a few of them - you know like an impromptu survey - and ask them whether if given the choice would they rather be
a) A Black man before the civil rights movement, maybe arount the dawn of the 20th Century in America. Living right down south.
b) Where they are today exactly as they are today
I bet you'll get allot more people saying a) no matter what their race. And th sex offender registries are a rapid growth industry - completely and 100% legal - literally torturing and enslaving those on it in completely inhuman ways. AWA is going to be even bigger business then VAWA before you know it. That's the slavery in the 21 century my friend, and color just don't matter one bit because that system targets all men.
Guys like this are 95% of our "predators"
This guy will be entered into the "predator" database. Less than 1% of those listed therein, are anything even near to John Couey. I read that in the paper a year or so ago (the 1%).
Also for you guys saying race is a factor, that depends on the crime and the race of the victim(s). For example, when ugly white female Jennifer Porter ran over and killed 2 black kids in a hit-and-run, she got off virtually scott-free. Would a black female have gotten any worse treatment? Absolutely not, precisely because judges and other officials are worried about appearing racist on the sentencing issue. On the other hand, if Porter had been a male of either race, and _especially_ a white male, they would have thrown away the key. In fact that would be the classic crime to nail a white guy on, killing black kids then fleeing. After all, white hereo-sexual males are responsible for all the world's ills. "Dead White European Males"..I am sick of hearing about it. Pardon me where, because of my gender and skin color, I am responsible for centuries of supposed oppression by my ancestors. Apparently, society must have a class that is a scapegoat. That is why feminists indoctrinate blacks and gay men as allies. Also, look what the Duke guys went through.
Also note that Porter was ugly. When it comes to serious crimes, looks of the perpetrator have nothing to do with it. Debbie Lafave didn't have it any easier than Porter.
Racism cuts both ways...
..as we saw in the Duke case. I'm often agreeing with MrReality about the particular hardships faced by black men (they have to deal with "men as monsters" AND "blacks as monsters"), but that same strain of racism will also impact white men and women of both races when it comes into play.
Mr. Reality
I've been affiliated with this website for about a year and a half. I have never read a post or comment that even suggested racism. Sometimes I think your missing the whole aspect of our movement. Its not man vs man, not black vs white, Its not even man vs woman. Its us against a society imbeded with feminist influence and misandry (and ofcoarse, much more.) I have no idea what religion, ethnicity, race or political affiliation anyone has here. Its none of my business. It shouldn't matter, we are all "XY's". All men benefit from our movement.
Victory not Vengeance!
Does anyone know the races of the other boys?
None of the stories I've found on this mention them in any detail. Probably because they as the prosecutor of the case put it "took their medicine" and therefore are completely written off by everyone. Their lives will be the same hell - probably worse as I'm sure they don't have pro-bono legal representation like this boy does.
It would just be good to know if any of them were not black as it would be definitive proof that this case had zero to do with race as this boy was offered the exact same deal the rest of them got twice and turned it down.
consensual sex between minors - age of the minor, other factors
It depends on the state, but there seems to be certain "levels" of minors.
Maybe if the girl was 16 it wouldn't have been illegal (unless the guy was 18 or over, or maybe 21 or over). I think Louisiana allows two to marry without parental consent, even if they're under 18 by a couple years.
Even younger with consent. Maybe New Hampshire too, not sure. So how can such sex as in this case, always be illegal?
Also, maybe the particular sex act had something to do with it.
P.S: Authors Joyce Carol Oates, and Alice Walker ("The Color Purple"), are totalitarian feminist pigs. I just wanted to get that off my chest. Oates also reviews books, and she will not give a positive review to a white male unless he has been intimidated into being an honorary woman (or at least appearing as such). Same with the N.Y. Times in generral.
As much as I would love to discuss the factors you mention...
... which absolutely played a part in this case, I'm just going to state my general opinion on those factors.
Romeo and Juliet clauses are BULLSHIT! They are arbitrary numbers and are a piss poor solution.
The standard should be consent unless there is an aggravating factor. Period.
An example of an aggravating factor would be a camp counselor diddling the kids. There consent is irrelevant.
But it's not hard to imagine a set of circumstances that a 14 year old girl could end up in bed with a 28 year old man if she snuck into a night club and everyone involved was drunk. Bad judgment by all parties involved? Yup. Something both parties will probably later regret doing. Probably. Criminal? No. She put herself knowingly in the situation and consented to sex. Putting some one in jail for that does no one any good,
So that's why I'm opposed to Romeo and Juliet laws because they are simply arbitrary and do not take circumstances, choices, or motives of the parties involved into account.
Consent unless there is an aggravating factor such as
very young person involved - like preteen
extreme age difference involving a youth - talking decades
Direct supervisor involving a youth
Things like that. But circumstances and consent come first, then look for aggravating factors which might legitimately bring consent into question
Obviously cases of real rape, where no consent was ever given are not within the scope of this conversation and should be handled accordingly.
Re: "The reason they haven’t,
"Is the prosecutor punishing Wilson for exercising his right to a trial?
You're God Damned right he is! That's standard fucking operating procedure! That is just one of the many diseased organs of the legal beast that must be removed to restore something we can maybe call balance.
Men under any circumstances ARE PUNISHED to the most severe extent possible when they try to exercise their "rights". Why? Because that's when they are treated to the news that's been true since their birth but no one bothered to tell them - THEY DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHTS.
If our justice system thinks it's ok to DESTROY young men's lives before they even have a chance to live them we need to scrap the whole fucking thing and start new - Every judge, prosecutor, court official, lawyers, police officers etc must go. No room for mercy. We can't risk even one cancer cell remaining in the new justice system.
Misandry must be completely taken out of the justice system and since it infects every single aspect of it the whole thing must go and be replaced with non-diseased components. At that point we must be vigilant as the strain of societal cancer that is misandry is highly aggressive and may return so we must sever any pieces of the rebuilt justice system at the first sign of infection.
That poor young man's ordeal makes me physically sick. There is no excuse for what they did to him. It is pure undiluted Misandry.
I was acquitted when I was charged with rape - not for lack of trying on the part of the "justice" system, but because the inconvenient fact (to them) was that the crime I was charged with simply never happened at all. But, I still know what this poor young man has been put through.
My heart goes out to him and all his loved ones suffering with him."
Well said, well said.
Race again
I, too, hate to see race divide MRAs.
As Mr.R said, women have hijacked the civil liberties movement, so any progress made for black men in that regard gets totally (and I mean TOTALLY) negated by their opportunistic misandry.
Being black puts black men in a vulnerable situation, and being male means their needs get ignored.
My gut reaction is that gender and race both play roles, but different roles.
The portrayal of men as sexual predators is an attack on MEN...black, white, you name it. Its about men.
Race plays a different role. A black man will have less of a chance of affording a good lawyer. He will viewed differently by the jury (thanks in part due to biased media portrayal of blacks a villains). He will almost certainly receive a harsher sentence. Once out of jail, he will have a harder time reintegrating into society, including getting a job.
So I think its an attack on men, but black men will suffer greater consequences.
Just thoughts.
I just read
the article in a bit more depth.
Yeah, the bit about being punished because he had to nerve to stand up for his rights definitely fits.
That is a very important issue when someone can't plead not guility without risking exacerbated punishment.
Didn't seem to be the case for Andrea Yates.
His lawyer is working round the clock FREE of charge
Well, I agree with you if the crime is something stereotypically portrayed as a "black crime" like crack cocaine, or car theft... I'm not going to continue because we all know the disgusting stereotypes black men have to fight against and repeating them only lends credibility to them which I am not in favor of.
But sex crimes are unique in many ways in how they are dealt with in the justice system. They are the one crime that you can be a Chinese albino who likes to paint himself purple and you will be treated equally as harshly as a white multi-millionaire.
AWA plus the State registries make it imposable for any male of any color to reintegrate into society when convicted of a sex crime. It's on the books, it's legal, it affects all men equally by completely destroying every single one of them.
This young man is EXTREMELY fortunate that he has a lawyer willing to work for free in what she believes is right. Very few men of any color get that. His friends obviously didn't and look what happened to them. They're fucked.
While I agree that race plays a role in certain crimes - most black men are in jail in the USA on drug charges for example - sex crimes are unique against all other crimes.
Tupac put it best in 'Things will never change'
When he said "Instead of a war on poverty they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me"
I'm not saying that black people do more drugs or sell more drugs then any one else, I'm saying they are unfairly targeted by the cops. I know racism is a reality, and I don't pretend it doesn't exist. But I don't think that racism is a factor in a sex crime because gender trumps race 100% of the time and sex crimes are definitely gender specific.
For those who are not sure what I am implying, I am strictly talking in context of SEX crimes, not all crime in general and I am also talking in context of this specific case which shows absolutely no signs of race involvement at all considering the boy has a free lawyer who by all estimations is working hard for him, it's involving multiple boys of unknown ethnicity who were all offered the exact same plea deal, and all the media coverage is 100% in favor if this boy being released from prison. In this case, I just can't see racism. But that doesn't mean I am denying racism completely in all cases. I'm just trying to look at the facts as presented before I look at the picture of the convicted and jump to conclusions. I hope my context is clear.