UK: "Men helpers 'fear paedophile tag'"
Story here. Excerpt:
"Just over one in 10 men do not volunteer to work with children because they are worried people will think they are a paedophile, a survey suggests.
More volunteers will have to be checked because of a new child protection law being introduced next year.
In all, 13% of the men questioned said they would not choose to volunteer to work with children due to fear of being perceived as a paedophile.
Both the NCH and Chance UK are calling for men to come forward and mentor boys aged five to 11.
The NCH's chief executive, Clare Tickell, said: "Many children, especially boys, are desperately in need of a male mentor, which is why we urgently need men to come forward despite any fears they may have about public perception."
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Work commitments were given
Work commitments were given as a reason by 59% of those who did not volunteer, and 68% said they did not have enough time.
In all, 13% of the men questioned said they would not choose to volunteer to work with children due to fear of being perceived as a paedophile.
So men are to busy being wage slaves to devote time to volunteer positions. No surprises there. After all, feminism only worried about freeing women from their gender roles.
I wonder if the survey asked a question about false accusations. I believe that more men would be worried about having some little brat levy a false claim then about what the general public thinks.
Who gives a shit what the public thinks, it not going to affect very much if you don't let it. But a false claim by a child can easily strip a man of everything he has in the world including his reputation.
I bet the surveyers didn't ask that though because PC speek these days says all kids are little angels who would never lie unless of course they accuse a godess (woman in her own mind and in the minds of people deluded by PC think) of wrongdoing because a godess outranks a mere angel on the PC divinity scale
It's not perceptions men need to worry about, it's that one out of 1000 (probably mush more these days but you get the idea) kids who's bought into victim empowerment syndrome that's the real threat to the common male volunteer mentor. When the completely innocent and posative interactions with the other 999 kids that didn't complain don't count for shit when that one kid who cries wolf starts the justice machine in motion there is no defence.
'fear pedophile tag' and the media
The decrease in male elementary school teachers mirrors whats happening in England. We have intelligent, kind, and sincere men staying away from teaching because of this stigma. I mostly blame the mass media. The question is: Does the media reflect, or shape society? My ansewer is shape!. "To Catch A Predator", shown 10 times a week on MSNBC is a perfect example. The media normalizes deviant behavior. I say "deviant" because thats what a pedophile exemplifies. "Normalize", because you hear about these sensationalized stories constantly. One might believe this an epidemic based on normal male conduct. The Truth: THE VAST MAJORITY OF MEN DONT SEXUALLY ASSAULT CHILDREN. Infact, based upon the number of adult men in this nation, its actually very rare. The media would have us believe differently.
Victory not Vengeance!
Paragon writes: "Who gives a shit what the public thinks, it not going to affect very much if you don't let it."
I agree, but for some reason, I do care. Maybe all the misandry perpetuated throughout the media has made me insecure and even a bit paranoid. Example:
About a week ago I was on the check out line at the super market. The woman in front of me had a female toddler with her. The female cashier was making playfull and innocent gestures towards the girl. The little girl started smiling and giggling as she looked at me. Ten years ago I would have made funny faces to see her laugh. That day, I looked the other way. Things have changed.
98% of men have never committed an act of violence against any woman or child.
Yet we are all painted as monsters.
Of course, this comes from a group of people who consider 51% of the population a "minority". Feminists really do suck at math. And reality.
As more and more high-profile cases come into the MSM, such as the one where a man is now on the sexual abuse registry for grabbing the arm of a girl after narrowly avoiding an accident that was her fault, look for that percentage to increase dramatically.
What do you expect them to do?
If they only put people who are an actuall danger on the sex offender registry, they would lose funding because no one would cough over the billions that AWA is raking in for maybe a couple hundred guys nation wide who are truly compulsive (meaning that no fucking registry will ever stop them anyway - some one needs to give victims advocates, police and lawyers a dictionary and point out the word compulsion) sex offenders who are not already locked up for life.
If they can't add every guy who so much as looks at a girl wrong, young man who had poor judgement and dated a teen aged girl, and non-compulsive (the kind that can be treated and are the reason sex offenders have the lowest recidevism rates of all classes of criminals) low risk offenders, then there is no point ot the registry as the gravy train for victims, groups, law enforcement, lawyers, and GPS and other equipment suppliers will vanish.
Registries are a poorly thought out fear based responce to a problem the cause many times more problems in application and create many more risks in real life then they solve. That's because they don't solve anything.
Once we get over our fear we will learn once again that the boogie man does not exist. What male serial child rapist and/or child killer that has been caught can you name that has not recieved life without parole or a death sentance?
I wouldn't even undergo the investigation, on principle
Just the fact that someone is checking to see if I am a someone who had a security clearance to work at the Pentagon, I take offense at the mere idea. Not that I am above suspicion in the investigator's eyes..but it is just doesn't sit well with me. I guess I'm just prissy.
The case you mention...
...about the man being placed on the registry for such a minor and non-sexual offense doesn't surprise me in the least. The courts are merely a mechanism by which men are kept in their places as slaves.
Equally unsurprising was the fact that this article was discussed widely on blogs and in the MSM, and the discussions consisted almost entirely of men saying they wouldn't go near children for just that reason, and women saying "well some men are pedophiles, so it's just as well".
The myth of men as monsters, hard at work. And nobody but us even cares enough to protest.
It's the myth of men as monsters and the convinient myth...
...that pedophiles are the thing your children need most be affraid of because they cause the most damage to children.
Never mind the fact that sexual abuse is not nearly as common as feminists would have you believe, but it certainly isn't the greatest risk facing children or the one that could cause them - talking in terms of as a group not individuals - the most harm. Physical abuse is every bit as damaging as sexual abuse, but abuse of any kind isn't the thing kids need most be affriad of. Plus the affects of many forms of abuse are greatly mitigated if the child is tought how to correctly deal with it - you know, the things that fathers have tought their children since the dawn of time - how to stand up for your self, how to fight back when you need to, how to feel confidence in your self, how to take measured risks etc...
Nothing beats the lessons of a loving father to reaise a child who is a confident, secure person that is not going to be a victim of anyone.
It is merely convinient to pick one group out of a hat and decide they are to blame for all the worlds ills. Plus since most people think pedopile = man, creating a moral panic over pedophillia is a great way to undermine the role of demonize all men and undermine the role of the father as the parent who instills confidence and offers the most protection from outside attacks to children.