Another car maker: Misandrist ad -- again

As if there weren't enough misandrist ads from automakers these days, Dodge Ram (who I thought would want to sell to men) brings out this little ditty.

"I now pronounce you unconscious" features a bride and groom at the alter. She delivers a violent headbutt right before "I do", then drags the unconscious groom out of the church.

I can take a joke. Really, I can. But this is really, really violent. Even a bit scary. Anyone would cringe at this ad -- MRA or not.

If you choose to comment on the video on YouTube, please be polite and civil.

If anyone has the contact info for Dodge's marketing department or ad agency, please put it in the comments here and on YouTube.

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As far as misandry and advertising, this one is by far the worst. Not only hitting him, but throwing him over her shoulder as she walks towards the door! Society is so concerned about the impact Spears, Hilton, and Lowhan are having on young girls. What about a brutally violent ad perpetuating violence against a male by a female? I assume these advertisers feel this is amusing, but no one laughs when a man hits a woman. Could you possibly imagine the fallout if the genders were reversed in this ad.??? If a woman believes violence against men is funny or acceptable, what happens if she punches her husband? He's gonna hit her back. Considering he's a male, his punch will be much more painfull. Legally he's within his right to defend himself, but the VAWA doesn't care, he's wrong! We continue down a very dark path with the acceptance of female violence perpetuated against men.

Victory not Vengeance!


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I think we should write the company with considerable enthusiasm thanking them for being so out front in exposing the issue of women's violence. We must express much gratitude for the forward thinking way they took on this issue. In passing we may, or may not, care to mention the much-ignored evidence that half the spouse abuse cases are perpretrated by women, and more than half of the child abuse cases. (Give references if you can.)

We are eagerly looking forward to more and better ads of this kind.

Of course some of us might care to mention that they have done a great favor for the men's singleness movement. (Sometimes blamed entirely on men by calling it "unwillingness to commit.")

These people are innovators and should be justly rewarded for it.

(If, so far, you have only detected a trace of irony... you're not paying attention.)

They really have given us an opening -- now we have to capitalize on it. You may recognize the approach,it's like the informational picketing of "First Wives Club" that insisted that the film was not comedy but a daring and extremely honest documentary.

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The consumer/retail industry has long given up on men as a target market. And with 2 million more women than men every year going into University (approximately 8-10 million more female students altogether at third-level counting all years), they will make up tomorrow's ruling elite who have the cash.

I would say that most new cars - budget, luxury and otherwise - are bought by women, or moving very near it.

The economics of it mean that any moral opposition we mount to the ads will be utterly inconsequental.

It's all about stroking the female psyche and all its deep-rooted man-hatred, it's about getting all that Divorce cash and high-earning Graduate cash.

Pickets will achieve nothing. Men's economic buying power in the eyes of businesses - big and small - has long disappeared. The economic means for it to have an impact are not there.

That is to say I don't think RandomMan's proposition will work. Not that I don't support it; it just won't have an impact.

"How many years of "oppression" are required before counter-top stabbings become acceptable? ... I hope these narcissistic, violent little girls are ready for the beatings and abuse their granddaughters can look forward to, all thanks to their own venom."

Oh no, it will not work like that. Now is payback time for women to punish men, and that is going to continue indefinitely.

Don't expect that women will change their ways when their original argument no longer holds weight (glass ceiling, women in the workforce, women at University). They simply adapt it, even throw away the original rationale altogether, up the greed and look for even more. And more. And more. Until they are the undisputed, infallible ruling class. Until all male wealth/assets is redistributed to females. They are total relativists who have absolutely no principles. What principles they have now will be discarded or adapted to suit the situation in 20 years' time.

That is a very good reason why one must never negotiate with a woman or feminist. They are all total relativists and will not play by any sort of rational, concrete rules.

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This is the transcript of the letter I have sent to Chrysler via I certainly hope you will all do the same.

To whom it may concern;

I recently saw your television ad entitled "I now pronounce you unconcious", and frankly, am totally and completely appalled that Chrysler would endorse such unabashed violence against men so publicly; I have missed the point of the commercial, I fear - is it supposed to be funny, or amusing?

Studies have overwhelmingly shown that the largest portion of violence committed in the home is directed toward men, whether or not those same men report it as such. I include a list of sources at the end of this email.

I do not find it funny, sirs or madams, that I live in a society which not only condones but encourages my wife or significant other to violently confront me to resolve issues, or hey, just for fun - because abuse is just hilarious.

As a man in North America, one faces real fear each day that he must sit through a violent confrontation in which he is beaten near to death - scared to retaliate for fear of his imprisonment as a wife abuser, and his abusing wife's martyrdom as a liberator of her gender.

I find this a very backward thinking ad, and I place it on the same level as "humorous" depictions of the Ku Klux Klan, or "amusing" ads depicting Rwandan Genocide.

I found this deeply offensive, and I am surprised that focus groups or advertising reviews allowed it to be aired.

Know that this commercial is coming under considerable fire from men's rights groups, registered nonprofit organizations, and other lobbyists both in Canada and the United States.

Until this ad is revoked from the air forthwith, and a public apology is issued, I will drive the extra kilometre to the Toyota dealership.

Respectfully requesting that your company carefully examine the target market that may be affected by this kind of thoughtless, violent advertising,

Matthew M. White
Graduate Fellow
University of New Brunswick

36. Suzanne Steinmetz, "The Battered Husband Syndrome," Victimology, Vol. 2, 1977/78, pp. 499-509.

37. Interview with Suzanne Steinmetz, September 11, 1997.

38. Richard J. Gelles, "Research and Advocacy: Can One Wear Two Hats?," Family Process, Vol. 33, March, 1994, p. 94. Confirmed in phone interview with Murray Straus, March 31, 1999.

39. Murray Straus, Phone interview, March 31, 1999.

40. Richard J. Gelles, "Research and Advocacy," op. cit.: "Can One Wear Two Hats?," Family Process, Vol. 33, March, 1994, p. 94. Gelles' co-editor was Donileen Loseke.

41. Leslie W. Kennedy and Donald G. Dutton, "The Incidence of Wife Assault in Alberta," Canadian Journal Of Behavioral Science, Vol. 21, 1989, pp. 40-54. The research was conducted in 1987 by the University of Alberta's Population Research Laboratory. In an interview with Earl Silverman on September 2, 1997, he explained he received the censored research six years later from Bob Adebayo, who had assisted Kennedy and Dutton in the preparation of their original data. Even after Silverman received the data, he could not get it published. See Earl Silverman, "A Proposal To Prevent Spouse Abuse Through Crisis Intervention For Male Partners," unpublished manuscript, May, 1996, p. 10.

42. Walter DeKeseredy and Katharine Kelly, "The Incidence and Prevalence of Woman Abuse in Canadian University and College Dating Relationships," Canadian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 18, 1993, pp. 137-159.

43. John Fekete, Moral Panic: Biopolitics Rising (Montreal: Robert Davies Publishing, 1994), pp. 79-80.

44. Walter S. DeKeseredy, Daniel G. Saunders, Martin D. Schwartz, and Shahlid Alvi, "The Meanings and Motives for Women's Use of Violence in Canadian College Dating Relationships: Results from a National Survey," Sociological Spectrum, Vol. 17, 1997, pp. 199-222.

45. Diane Hill, Director of Policy and Research for the United Way of Greater Toronto, email of February 22, 1999.

46. Mark Schulman, "A Survey Of Spousal Violence Against Women In Kentucky" (Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, July 1979), Study No. 792701, conducted for Kentucky Commission on Women and sponsored by the US Department of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration.

47. Murray A. Straus, "Physical Assaults by Wives: A Major Social Problem," Current Controversies on Family Violence, Richard Gelles and Donileen Loseke, eds. (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1993), pp. 72-73.

48. Ibid.

49. Carlton A. Hornung, B. Claire McCullough, and Taichi Sugimoto, "Status Relationships in Marriage: Risk Factors in Spouse Abuse," Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 43, August, 1981, pp. 675-692.

50. R. L. McNeely and Gloria Robinson-Simpson, "The Truth About Domestic Violence," op. cit.: A Falsely Framed Issue," Social Work, November/December 1987, p. 485-490.

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When men have been oppressed long enough, will it become acceptable for men to beat the shit out of women in commercials? How many years of "oppression" are required before counter-top stabbings become acceptable? That's the thing about hate. In a society which endorses the hatred of a group, eventually it will be your group's turn to be hated. I hope these narcissistic, violent little girls are ready for the beatings and abuse their granddaughters can look forward to, all thanks to their own venom.

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I guess she's trying to say that Dodge makes cars for "real men". Although, I disagree because any American car isn't for a real man. German cars are for real men.

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well i searched for the video in you tube but could not find it .

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Great post, I am waiting eagerly for more and better ads of this kind. Thanks

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