National Post: Domestic Violence, Feminism
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2007-05-31 03:01
The National Post ran two articles and two letters to the editor today on men and feminism.
Barbara Kay, discusses the Peel School Board's approach to domestic violence, false statistics, and ignoring violence against men.
Two letters to the editor on feminism can be found here and here.
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That was a very well written piece by Barbara Kay
She pretty much hit the nail on the head that the school board had some money waived in their faces and subsiquently signed on to participate in a misandric violence against women program.
Money makes people in positions of power do anything the person waiving the money wants them to do
The letters to the editor...
...certainly sound supportive, but both are dripping with female gender privilege, particularly the second one.
Which privilege? The firm belief held by most women in the western world that they have the exclusive, absolute and inalienable right to choose on every single issue along with the right to freely ignore ethics and morality in their choices.
Such women reserve the right to choose to hate men.
Such women reserve the right to choose to protect female gender privilege.
Such women reserve the right to choose to be supremacists.
It must be nice to think you have the right to renege on your responsibilities as a human being because of your genitalia.
That obnoxious self-assurance about their mythical right to "choose" can and does make it very, very hard to take anything some women say seriously.
There was that undertone there huh?
I thought I migh have been reading to much into the reader comments when I got that impression... I'm a benefit of the doubt kind of guy... but you seem to have detected the same thing so perhaps I was not rushing to quickly to judgement on the notion htat those two women who wrote those letters were wolfs in sheeps clothing. Heck, one's only gripe with feminism was the the movement did not approve of her choice to drop out of her career to squeeze out the next generation of little feminists.
Strange that even dissenting views on feminism in the lettlers to the editor section are all from a female perspective. I have little doubt they recieved letters from men about that article, I wonder why their views made the trash bin and not the paper?
Yes there was
Heck, one's only gripe with feminism was the the movement did not approve of her choice to drop out of her career to squeeze out the next generation of little feminists.
They only care how feminism impacts their own, personal "right to choose". They couldn't care less about anyone but themselves. Why would they? 40 years of feminism have taught many women to be narcissistic and selfish, and to exploit men whenever they need something and crap all over them the rest of the time.
I'm sure you, too, noticed that in response to an article about the misandry of the school board and our governments, these women could only manage to talk about themselves.
I have little doubt they recieved letters from men about that article, I wonder why their views made the trash bin and not the paper?
Slaves aren't allowed to have opinions. Or needs. Or a voice.