Democrats Hope to Reverse Supreme Court Ruling on Pay Discrimination
Here's more political nonsense about the wage gap nonsense:
'"All Americans deserve equal pay for equal work, and it is my hope that Congress can remove the technical hurdles that will prevent individuals from receiving what is rightfully theirs," said Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., a Democratic presidential candidate."
"Many victims of pay discrimination who didn't immediately realize they were being paid less than others will have no remedy, even though the discrimination continues with every paycheck," Kennedy said. "With women earning only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, the nation needs strong laws against pay discrimination. This is not what Congress intended when we passed the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1991, and we need to restore full protection against wage discrimination."'
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Ladies! You're A Victim...
...whether you know it or not! Believe yourself to be fully enfranchised? Think you're being treated fairly? Guess again, you're an American woman, so you're a victim whether you know it or not! Vote Democrat to get even with those dirty, evil, awful, potential-rapist men who are oppressing you into living 5-7 years longer, never having to dirty your hands in warfare, receiving better educations, receiving better health care and having complete control over reproduction!
Of course, the other option is a bunch of chivalrous assholes who will give away the farm to snag a few votes from women.
Is there ANYONE who is capable of saying "no" to a woman in politics?
I realize it's political suicide to even think the N-word (that's "no" when dealing with feminists) in the presence of an American or Canadian woman, and I'd hoped that a female candidate would be able to handle the heavy burden of using that syllable in reference to a feminist demand for the first time in recorded history, but I guess that's not going to happen.
No deadline then?
So what, Hillary's going to get rid of the deadline on submitting claims if she's elected?!
Is that really what she's claiming?
year 2007.. women claim 2 billion in lost wages due to 77% wage gap
year 2134.. men finally convince society that wage gap is myth.
claim 20 billion in lost wages due to payments made to women.
year 2289.. women reclaim wage myth due to money given to men, claim 200 billion
year 2338.. men disprove new wage myth claim 2 trillion in lost wages
That's how revolutionary communism works
It's a never-ending cycle of "revolution". Each time the most powerful group is overthrown by the "oppressed", the cycle repeats because the formerly oppressed are now the group in power and the newly oppressed are looking to overthrow them.
Hillary Clinton is happy to borrow from communism whenever it suits her, as are all radical feminists. Notice that it doesn't suit her when she's counting her own money or doing TV appearances. Despite her own wealth, her economics are strictly communist. That's what comparable worth and pay "gaps" are all about.
It's time to get that fact in front of the average voter.
Clinton definitely a Communist - but then all women/feminists ar
"With women earning only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, the nation needs strong laws against pay discrimination. This is not what Congress intended when we passed the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1991"
This woman is talking complete lies and once again showing, as a female, her total contempt for the male electorate. As I said before, if this is her pre-elected anti-male rhethoric, imagine how bad her actions will be when she's in the most powerful job in the world.
Bill Clinton was one of the best things to happen to Feminazi politics. His legacy is one of instituting a Matriarchy; of denying men rights protected by the Constitution for centuries. This happened in the form of his Orwellian Violence Against Women Act.
"77c to the dollar" is nothing but an unsubstantiated blanket claim. The Irish Independent, a trashy, liberal broadsheet in Ireland, regularly engages in the same. And it goes unchallenged, because feminists control the media. You insert lies into the collective consciousness of the public - that's how propaganda works.
Hitlery Clinton's talk on "discrimination" and "wage gaps" (aka Gender Politics 101) has nothing to do with discrimination or an earnings gap.
It reveals two things. One, that as feminist "academics" proclaimed, the more the Feminist State advances, the more it will resemble a Communist State; they are one in the same. (I think it was Catharine McKinney who said this.)
And two, that all women would prefer if men could not accumulate their own wealth and gain financial autonomy. They are basically jealous of any income a man makes and feels that, by virtue of the fact that he is a man, he does not deserve to have it. They do not believe that men should be entitled to money.
It should be obvious that what Hitlery is calling for - that men who work extra hours cannot be paid extra, that they must be paid the same as everyone else, a common wage - is basically a Communist wage package.
Modified of course - "property is not theft" if it is in the ownership of women, and of course the consumer economy that feminism gave birth to involves money at every point.
What Hitlery is saying is that men's wages will be capped to a common maximum wage. There will be no such cap on women. Though generally, it will cause all men's wages to drop substantially, for many to below poverty levels (bearing in mind 10% of US men are unemployed also), and it will cause all women's wages to rise substantially.
Women basically abhor competition, especially fair open competition. This is why Karl Marx's Communist doctrine will really only work with women - whether he knew this himself or not is another matter. Communism will rise again, in a modified form of course, but basically Marxist-Communist social and economic structuring.
It's interesting to note that I'm not aware of very many female dissidents in Soviet Russia, who either acted intellectually or by taking up arms. My conclusion is that most women actually had little problem with the system, while men found it completely intolerable.
There is only one possible ends to Feminazi/Hitlery rhetoric about "equalising wage" and those ends are (modified Feminist) Communism. Where women make up the ruling Politburo class and men make up the "workers" who gained absolutely no economic benefit from the system.
Is there any man who is capable of telling a woman fuck off?
That's the bottom line here RM. Until men get strong enough to be able to tell women to go fuck themselves--and actually mean it--women will continue to act this way.
Women have to be afraid of losing a man's confidence in them the way men are afraid of losing a woman's confidence in him. They have to be forced into an equal role--via men not putting up with their bullshit any longer(no violence, just standing firm and leaving her if you have to.)--because obviously they will not do it on their own.
Women have not had to grow up for hundreds of years. It is our fault as much as it is theirs. We told them let us handle everything and now they want us to handle everything and they want everything(even what you have!!!). Learn to tell a woman NO. Learn to think for yourself. Learn to speak to men with the respect you speak to women. Learn to ignore women. Learn to cater to women that cater to you.