USAToday: "Our view on college sports: Schools axe men's teams, but don't take it out on Title IX"
Page here. Excerpt:
"The worst that can be said about Title IX is that it compounds these problems while succeeding in providing opportunities to female athletes (such as the estimable Rutgers women's basketball team that reached the NCAA championship only to be slurred by shock jock Don Imus). To label Title IX the lone culprit is to give state legislatures a pass on their obligations to finance higher education and to give colleges a pass for their infatuation with big-time men's sports.
The decline in men's attendance at college is a national problem that needs to be addressed. But in the short term, if women make up a majority of students, they deserve a majority of athletic slots."
Shouldn't Title IX dollars be distributed based on the individual students interest in playing sports? Opposing view here.
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A self-limiting problem
It's no surprise that the MSM is busy kissing the cellulite-laden asses of their female readership. Men don't shop. We just do the work to earn most of what women spend on rags like USA Yesterday, so nobody gives a damn what we think. That's usually the case with slaves, and complaining is strongly discouraged.
Back out here in reality, where nobody gives a hair off a rat's ass about women's sports, it won't take long until governments get tired of subsidizing programs that even the women they're meant to pander to aren't interested in, all while profitable, popular male athletics programs continue to be shoved down the tubes. See, that's the thing: men's athletics brings in the MONEY, both in college sports and professional sports. It's not an "infatuation", it's COMMON SENSE. Nobody wants to watch a bunch of androgynous freaks play games with one another at a substandard level of effort, achievement and performance.
Athletic achievement always has been and always will be dominated by men. It's called biology. I guess they stopped teaching that at colleges around the same time they dumped math and statistics in favor of courses about one's feelings about math, biology and statistics. I just wonder how they manage to squeeze coursework in at all between all the Vagina Monologues, Date Rape Seminars, Take Back The Night marches, candlelight vigils and protests outside innocent fraternity boys' houses.
Oh well, maybe they're right to ignore reality. Reality isn't very politically correct - it's completely sexist you know ;)
I feel badly for the men who are being denied access to an athletic interest or career to soothe the egos of the feminists controlling our governments. But that's really nothing new - men have been getting screwed over by the states we slave and die to support for so long, it's a surprise when we aren't getting screwed.
But here's the best part: women simply cannot compete with men in athletics, math, most sciences or many other fields and making sure men have zero opportunity in those fields won't do a damned thing to change the biology responsible for that cold, hard fact. As colleges and universities become increasingly feminized, competition-free and touchy-feely, the bar will simply be raised to a new level so we separate the wheat from the chaff where performance does still matter. These days, even for-profit workplaces have been turned into overgrown, estrogen-drenched daycare centers where everyone gets a gold star for attendance and a cookie before naptime. That leaves self-employment, skilled trades and professions as the last bastions of actual performance-based competition, where nobody can force us to play nice in the sandbox before story time to protect everybody's feelings, and where talent, risk-taking and hard work still mean something.
Guess what?
Men are still on top of the heap in athletics, math, science, engineering and a whole bunch of other competitive fields where men's innate abilities matter. It doesn't make women any less valuable or equal or important. Women excel at different things than men (oh, the horror of suggesting that men and women are different!). That men and women are different is a simple fact of biology that the average 5-year-old has pretty much figured out.
And you can't legislate biology. Biology doesn't care about letters to the editor or presidential elections. It doesn't give a damn what Gloria Steinham, Kim Gandy or any of us think. It simply is. Ignore that fact at your own risk.
So I say this: stop denying men equal opportunity to try and punish us for the nature of human biology. It's a doomed effort, and all it will do is artificially lower the bar for both men and women in those fields while simultaneously lowering the quality of the work generated therein.
Equal opportunity means just that - equal opportunity. The outcome you get is an entirely different matter. Welcome to the real world, where biology is still studied, ladies.
(I rant, therefore I am. Sorry this one got so long.)
Title X - ban college sports!
The obsession of Americans with college sports is irritating.
I thus propose Title X: students have to actually study as they do in my country, instead of engaging in sports.