Study: Men's earnings shrink

Two for the price of one here. The male college crisis and though not mentioned, the "wage gap" hysteria that has hindered the income of many men. Some cites:

"Those in their 30s make less than dads did, a report says. Outsourcing and the advancement of women are cited.

American men in their 30s earn less than their fathers' generation did at the same age, potentially reversing longtime assumptions that each successive generation will be better off than their predecessors, according to a study released Friday."

"A stronger push to college also could help raise men's earnings."

"Education has always been the one staircase out of the class-stratified society," said Ellen Galinsky, president of the Families and Work Institute in New York. Yet among those under 50, 32% of women hold a four-year college degree, compared with 23% of men. That's a dramatic change from the past, when younger men were better educated than younger women."

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About 5 minutes ago I was watching Fox news when a female broadcaster commented on this very study. It was a brief comment with a few statistics. Her comment when finished (with a huge smile on her face).."Maybe thats because women are making all the money" She seemed to have gained so much satisfaction about this story. Almost shoving it in the face of all watching.

Could you imagine the fallout if a male broadcaster made a joke about the "so called" wage gap?

Gentlemen, let me state the obvious: Our politically correct society has determined a man must walk on egg shells when speaking of a female. Women? restrictions, they are aloud to vommitt misandry without any repercussions. This is becoming a freedom of speech issue.

Finally this disturbing stat. from the article:

"Yet among those under 50, 32% of women hold a four-year college degree, compared with 23% of men."

This is a HUGE gap and nothing is done about it. The education system is too concerned with giving women special treatment when entering a collegiate math or science program. God for bid women aren't properly represented in a particular field. I suspect over the next 10 years, this special treatment will actually make men the minority in gaining math and science degrees. But for some reason thats considered o.k. Feminists aren't looking for equality, its all about superiority. You can send a thankyou letter to the politicians who have created a social welfare state for women. Is governement privilidges the only way a women can succeed? Ocoarse, at the expense of men.

Victory not Vengeance!


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We'll just have to hope we can stop this trend from continuing. Otherwise, before you know it there will be no one to perform the necessary professional careers, and our economy will collapse.

And why will this happen? Because everyone who has a degree in those fields will have left the workforce to have kids.

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that women are going to finally experience the true meaning of "independence" and "liberation."

I am 100% in favor of women being independent --- from my wallet, liberated from my home, and fully empowered to buy everything they want and need.... without my contributions.

That 10% gap in college attendence doesn't seem like much until you consider the impact it will have on the increasing lack of availability of high-earning husband material.

All the empowered career-gal fems might want to sock away a 20 year nest-egg before they make a trip to the local sperm bank, because their reproductive desires no longer make sense to any thinking man.

Making a baby is the most expensive proposition that a man will ever face.

And even if the vagina you are leasing is making major bank right now, she's gonna want a two-decade vacation from earning money when the cute babies pop out.

My advice? You go girls! Make all the babies you can independently afford!

And, good luck finding some suitable anonymous certified sperm.

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"That's a dramatic change from the past, when younger men were better educated than younger women."

This is not true. Women always have been better educated than men, at least since 1900.

In 1900, for example, a high school diploma was the sign of a very good education. Less than half the population had one, and young women were much more likely to graduate from high school than young men. The reason was simple, men were more valuable in a workforce that for the most part did not require education. A coal miner in 1900 didn't need much in the way of schooling. He just needed the strength to make enough money to support his family. And then die.

It's true that more men went to college back then, but the percentage of college students was so small as to be almost meaningless. Women have always had the upper hand in education.

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