AG: Woman who leaves newborn in Wal-Mart toilet shouldn't be prosecuted
Story here. Excerpt:
'Saskatchewan's Attorney-General says women who abandon their babies should not have to fear the justice system after another abandoned child was found in bizarre circumstances this week.
On Monday, a manager at a Wal-Mart in Prince Albert found a minutes-old newborn lying in a toilet bowl inside the women's washroom. The baby's mother was nowhere to be found, and the baby, in serious condition in hospital, was fortunate to survive."
"I don't think it should be a justice system response," Mr. Quennell said. "A young, frightened woman confronted with a baby she just doesn't know how to cope with won't be prosecuted, particularly if she surrenders that child to a hospital or to social services.'
Because, y'know... She didn't have nine months to figure out how to get help or put it up for adoption or have an abortion or give it to the father or give it to her family or anything.
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Oh, we have safe haven laws here to
where women can drop off babies they don't want at police stations, hospitals and fire stations without fear already.
So, woman has pretty much infinite choices on how to deal with an unwanted pregnancy - chooses murder. But let us not prosecute her because the infant isn't the victim - she is.
But Heaven help the teenage boy who gets his 13 (soon to be 15 as Harper government s trying to raise age of consent to 16 with some one no more then 4 years older) year old girlfriend pregnant, he's off to jail.
But that's because he chose to engage in sexual activity. He made a choice and society says his choice was illegal in Canada.
Oh, wait... she chose to have sex as well.
Girls - even teen aged girls - in Canada can get the morning after pill without prescription and without parents consent. I know this from experience. When I was 20 my girl friend was 17 and we had an incident once where a condom broke. She had no trouble at all the next day - I drove her - going to the pharmacy and getting the mourning after pill.
Not to mention the regular pill/patch/shot cream and however else girls want to have their birth control delivered.
Not to mention all the other forms of female birth control, gels, diaphragms, I.U.D.s, female condoms ect
Heck, most women I know also know their cycles and can easily avoid sex during the week in which ovulation occurs. Women have a grand total of 48 hours per month in which they can become pregnant.
Getting the idea?
Women have thousands of options when it comes to pregnancy. If a woman CHOOSES to carry a baby to term she MUST be made to accept the consequences of bringing a life into this world. Since women are the only gender with any choices when it comes to reproduction, they should subsequently be forced to shoulder the responsibilities that those choices bring.
If the choice is to let an infant drown in a toilet - then a murder she has chosen to be.
Why do children's lives only have value when a male takes that life away or attempts to take that life away?
Would we allow a man who did not want to be a father drown the baby minutes after the girl delivers it? I mean he only did it because he's scared and overwhelmed about being a father and isn't ready yet. No, we'd charge him not only with murder but also assault on the female and a litany of other related charges.
Freedom of choice for women up to an including murder is not what I want my Canada to be.
When does her right to kill her child end? Does it ever?
Society already allows women to kill perfectly viable children at any time up to and including delivery. We allow women to discard those children without consequences after birth, all in the name of "choices". Apparently asking women to take responsibility for their choices or the lives of their children is oppression in much the same way it's oppression to ask a woman to dress or behave modestly. Remember that men are still routinely fired for failing to wear suits and ties in sweltering heat waves while the women they work with wear tank tops and mini-skirts, and that there are many men who are now registered "sex offenders" because they once urinated in public.
In short, society still feels perfectly comfortable imposing responsibilities and rules of conduct on men but somehow the popular belief is that it's "oppression" to impose them on women. Women have far fewer responsibilities and rules to worry about than we do, yet they have far more choices than we do. It's an anachronism from the past - women are still enjoying their gender privileges AND they have the right to enjoy the privileges that were previously only available to men. That's wrong, and it needs to change. Either grant men the right to enjoy female gender privileges (e.g. reproductive choices, reduced criminal liability, reduced restrictions on conduct, dress, etc.) or eliminate female gender privileges entirely. You can't have a society of equals where only 51% of the "equals" have full rights and choices. Leaving female gender privileges intact prevents us from achieving real equality so it's almost as harmful to women as it is to men.
As for this case, now we're supposed to allow someone to kill a child after it's delivered? Will the government try to extend this female gender privilege (i.e. the right to kill one's children with impunity) so women can't be prosecuted for killing anyone they gave birth to even in the child's adult life? Children are NOT a woman's property, and we need to get this idea through the incredibly thick skulls in our governments.
As I said, female gender privileges need to be eliminated or balanced by male gender privileges. It's time for some reproductive responsibilities to be tagged on to the infinite number of choices and options afforded women. It's not oppression to suggest that women should take responsibility for themselves and for the lives of their offspring. In fact, I'd suggest that women should be held to a higher standard of accountability than men for the death of their children since women have all the choices when it comes to reproduction and a child's well-being! Until society accepts that women can and will do the same heinous, monstrous things they accuse men of doing and updates the laws to reflect that, there can never be real equality between the sexes.
Couldn't agree more!
There has to be accountability when there is choice.
Lets face it, a woman who was not raped and became pregnant had many conscious choices to make leading to the outcome of pregnancy. During the 9 1/2 months it takes to carry a baby to term she had a countless number of choices to make.
If the result of all those choices is an infant left to drown, then an attempted murder charge should be the accountability.
Especially in Canada where there are more options for pregnant women then in the USA - as I mentioned women here have private unrestricted access to mourning after birth control even as teens where in the USA they do not - this should strike a cord in society. Society should cringe in horror when things like this happen.
But we (society) just can't accept women as capable of making choices and accepting responsibilities can we? Women are perpetual infants in the view of the law.
Another sick thing is that in Canada if this woman wants that baby back we'll give it to her.
Your mom tried to kill you, here, go live with her, she loves you.
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if a year or so from now - or even 10 years from now - this woman gets custody of this child.