Carey Roberts: Pelosi Proclaims Women as "Peacekeepers of our Societies"

Article here. Excerpt:

"This past week House speaker Nancy Pelosi used Mother's Day to launch her latest salvo against the Iraq war. And while she was at it, she indulged in some back-handed gender stereotyping, making the remarkable claim that "Women have always been the peacekeepers of our societies."

"So coming just a month after her ill-fated peace mission to Syria, it's regrettable the Speaker of the House would tap the occasion of Mother's Day to indulge in gender stereotyping and male-bashing. As my mother used to say, "If you can't speak well of someone, it's better to not speak at all."

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A never ending steam of vitrol pouring out lies and myths about HUMAN nature.

Women have always played a role in WAR and peace. White flower campaigns anyone?

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...then why did Pelosi agree to fund the Iraq war despite being elected only because she told the voters she would help stop the war? The blood of every casualty on both sides of the Iraq occupation will now be on her hands. She doesn't sound too peaceful to me.

...then why are they more likely than men to initiate domestic violence?

...then why are they more likely than men to abuse children?

...then why are women more likely than men to assault their dates?

Women are the "peacekeepers"? What a load of misandric, self-serving, pandering horseshit.

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Nancy Pelosi is a moron. Always was, always will be. Talk about something that matters.

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...but it is nice to rub her misandric nose in it. After all, this is the lady behind the bright idea of including gender in hate speech legislation.

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We call these kinds of people oxygen thieves.

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...she's the third most powerful person in the USA. That makes her among the most powerful people on Earth.

Even if it is self serving horse shit, people are listening when she speaks.

We need to rid our leaders of these misandric ideas and if our leaders are not willing to get rid of these false notions then we need to get ourselves some new leaders

But you're not in charge of getting rid of the old leaders MrReality LOL! But you have every right to vote for who you think should take their place

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Excellent historical note, Paragon!

It is interesting to connect the dots between the WWI white flower shame-and-blame campaign by American women with today's post 911 climate, yes?

Why isn't Kim Gandy at N.O.W. demanding that 18 year-old women must register with the Selective Service?

I guess we men know why it's called "selective."

Only one gender is disposable, apparently.

99.9% of Iraq war dead and injured have been male -- except for the Iraqui civilian collateral damage.

If you despise Pelosi, imagine what a Hillary in the White House would produce!

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Feminists have not only succeeded in rewriting and revising history, but have also rewritten psychology and social science texts, such that their ideas and version of events (such as the notion that women are simply peace-loving, nurturing creatures) is firmly embedded in the American psyche. Even if tomorrow we recognized that we'ed all been bamboozled, it would take no less than five or six generations to excoriate this wrong-headedness from our texts, leave alone peoples' minds.


note: I suspect the reason people are talking about Pelosi in this thread, is because that was what the initial post/article was about. When you say "talk about something that matters", are you saying we should change the subject, or what?

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I was being cynical about the issue. It gets tiring hearing the same old thing from the pop feminist icons. I pretty much agree she needs to be stopped though. Sure we can shut her up. Muzzle, duct tape, gag?

You know I find it funny that the moves feminist WOMEN have made in the last 40 years is what got the world as messed up as it is today. Yet she blindy makes a statement which completely contradicts the facts.

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