RADAR ALERT: Education for Injustice

It's widely known that the domestic violence policies and procedures of organizations across the country are outdated. If only that were the reason why so many men experience bias and violation of due process when accused. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. False "facts" from debunked studies, lies created by over-enthusiastic writers, and skewed statistics from unsound research are common in today's domestic violence trainings.

Demonstrating that current domestic violence trainings are deplorable, RADAR's new Special Report "Education for Injustice" documents that:

  1. Judicial education programs nearly always refer to the perpetrator as "he," while victims are designated as "she."
  2. A police officer describes the domestic violence training classes he attended as "so dripping with male hatred that everyone in the class felt uncomfortable, male and female officers alike."
  3. The director of a domestic violence hotline admits that trainers instructed their staff to profile callers based on gender, treating all male callers as perpetrators, regardless of the actual circumstances.

This report is a must-read, no-holds-barred critique of our nation's domestic violence trainings. Not one educational program mentioned in the report reflects well-established research findings on intimate partner aggression - that women are at least as likely as men to engage in abusive behavior.

The report can be seen at: http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/Education-For-Injustice.pdf

So this week, we call on you to read the report, "Education for Injustice". Then forward this Alert to all your friends, media contacts, and elected officials, so they know "It's Time to Educate For Justice."

Date of RADAR Release: May 21, 2007

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. - Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting - is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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Nice article. For once I am not turning away from the screen in disgust. Let's keep plugging away gentlemen.

United we stand, divided men go back to the days of slavery.

Join No Feminazis!

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If they did, maybe they would like a taser held to their balls for a few seconds..like prison officials are currently doing to men falsely accused of domestic violence and rape (see my post from ifeminists a couple weeks ago). Even that might not be just punishment, since the effects of their psychopathic hate-filled mentality are much more heinous and far-reaching, than the physical torture of even one thousand men.

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I think an excellent punishment would be to lock them up with the men they are responsible for putting in jail and then let the prisoners know exactly who their new roommates are. *Devilish grin*

Join No Feminazis!

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While I applaud RADAR's latest expose of feminist tyranny, it's a bit like clapping for the TV weatherman.

He/she tells me what the weather MIGHT be....

Sometimes it's correct; more often, it's not.

Telling the truth about domestic violence is irrelevant.

This was proved during last year's reauthorization hearings for VAWA 2005-2010, when Sen Joe Biden (N.O.W. a presidential candidate!) blocked all such "truthful" testimony from objective DV experts.

Smoke the truth-telling spliff all you want....

If you really seek the truth, worship Haile Selassie!

In dis ya time, it's only about babylon power and shitstem politricks...

oh... and MONEY! (30 pieces of silver...)

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What I hate about men is that we are so easy to pacify. All some woman or organization has to do is admit they are trying to kill us off, say it is wrong, perhaps admit there are SOME male victims(while still maintaining that MOST victims are women thus keeping the status quo), and then we get all happy. No. We need to keep pressing and destroying anyone that labels themselves a feminist or that shows any signs of misandry. No holds barred.

Like with the India thing a few feminist organizations--which is by the very root of the word sexist--decide to "let" a few men be victims and men get happy. Oh god. I wanted to roll over and die. I mean honestly the only reason we have 'iFeminists' and 'Wereallylikemeneventhoughwestillcallourselvesfeminists' feminists and any other pseudo-liberal groups is because women know how dangerous and misandric feminism is at its root(and the fact that they still label themselves as such means THEY DON'T CARE. It is all an act.). They also know--more than anything else--that if they don't try to 'cloak feminism' it will not last long as the men's rights groups grow in opposition against it. So they hide it under good intentions: A wolf in sheep's clothing.

These women cloak it in another name(most don't even really change the name they STILL say they are feminists! Women First always! LoL! That's how weak they think men are and some men are going along with this tirade!) all the while blocking or ignoring discussions and facts that show feminism was birthed in the racist Women's Ku Klux Klan. iFeminist.com quickly dismissed this FACT. Wendy McElroy has banned numerous male posters from her "iFeminism" site because they disagree with the feminist status quo. In other word if feminism is founded on racism and sexism, it is by nature racist and sexist and can be nothing else since that is its root and what it is founded on.

You can be a "gender racist" or "equity racist" but you are still a racist. Thus feminism is what it is; bottom line get rid of it or you are against true equality. Men need to stop buying into these half*** tactics by women to attempt to get men to stop exposing feminism--and women--for what it/they are.

No Feminazis: REAL MEN know the only kind of good feminism is NO FEMINISM!

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Where are you getting this idea about the "Women's ku klux klan"? That is the first I have heard of it, as far as being the source of feminism. Can you point me to a valid reference?

Also, are you sure the posters McElroy has banned where not using profanity or attacking anyone? Her site is more P.C. than ours.

Feminism has served its purpose. Women have equality of opportunity. It is time for them to move on and take advantage of the opportunities, instead of seeking out more "barriers". I get the feeling that at this point, most feminists want to instigate change for the sake of change, so that they can feel like they are accomplishing something important. But whatever necessary changes still need to be made, will be done so in the normal course of our ever-changing society...since enough momentum in this direction has aready been achieved by feminism. Unfortunately, there will always be malcontents who spend their entire lives, "finding" even the faintest hint of inequality.


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A book called women of the Klan by Kathleen Blee.

You can read more here: Women of the Klan and Feminism.

You can also look here: WKKK - Wikipedia.

Equality of opportunity was around way before feminism came sauntering along. Don't fall for the feminist hype...although it seems many men here have. Check out some of the writings and statements by Phyllis Schlafly.

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I had already read in one of Nathanson and Young's books about how the suffragetes were big-time racists.

But I still think that radical feminism owes more to Marxism than anything else, as far as part of its origin being attributed to some earlier movement.


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You don't need to look any further than "comparable worth" to see the shades of Marxism in feminism.

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