Men's Day in India
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2007-05-21 09:42
Indian MRAs have decided to observe November 19th as the Men's Day. This journalist is obviously upset! Article here. Excerpt:
'The numerous feast-days and rituals for brothers, sons and sons-in-law in the various Indian cultures are just not enough to soothe their sensitive feelings. The lads want their day out on November 19, the day their brothers in Trinidad and Tobago celebrate their ‘emancipation’ as well. They would all like to go international — women can do it — but they are a little confused about the date.'
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hahahahha... wow she was
hahahahha... wow she was really upset!
Why is it when men ask for something, they are whinning? When women ask for something, they were denied thier rights?
Once again with the double standard, its so ubsurd I cant even believe anyone is listening. What the hell happen to common sense?!?
How trivial would it be to add a Comments section? Better still, an uncensored Comments section? Of course, they don't really want any debate up in their ivory tower, secure that no one can touch them. By the way, her English was atrocious, even for an Indian.
Yet another stupid woman...
Hopefully this mishmash of cheap insults, estrogen-induced radical activism, and shoddy reporting is not what is considered journalism today?
I actually think they should have muzzling laws for women such as this or perhaps a mechanical hand that duct tapes their mouths, since that is what women like to do to young boys that make too much noise, everytime they say something stupid rather than reporting the "actual story."
That of course would mean that the majority of female reporters would have gray tape across their mouths 24/7.
I am hoping that the members here will come through and join my group as I debunk this garbage point by point in my E-group.
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Common sense eludes these women
Maz: "How trivial would it be to add a Comments section? Better still, an uncensored Comments section? Of course, they don't really want any debate up in their ivory tower, secure that no one can touch them."
Of course they don't. Feminist censorship dictates that all logical arguments against the fictional female victimhood be repressed.
Moreover, the differences in IQ would be too readily apparent. All pro-female/feminist jargon would most certainly crumble under the blows of the intellectual "patriarchy." :-P
Maz: "By the way, her English was atrocious, even for an Indian."
Feminists are not known for their intelligience nor are they known for using proper spacing between paragraphs.
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Send Letters to the Editor at
Send brief, punchy letters to the editor at and include your name, address and phone number. Maybe we can get some response printed.
letter to editor
Dear Editor,
The sexist, misandrous article, "Lad's Day Out" (5/19/07) falsely states that men's rights activists have "outrage" that "springs from their innocence of the correct use of any law relating to gender justice." In reality, many feminist-backed laws in India and elsewhere are drafted in ways that are completely biased again men. For example, they provide strong incentives and little or no disincentive for false accusations of abuse, and they misframe domestic violence in extremely gender-biased terms that are not based on objective science but on anti-male feminist advocacy.
The truth is that women initiate domestic violence at least as often as men do. This was confirmed again in a recent 32-nation study by the University of New Hampshire, which included India, and which also found that controlling behavior is found equally in the perpetrators of both sexes.
In fact, virtually all sociological research shows women initiate domestic violence as often as men, that women use weapons more than men, and that 38% of injured victims are men, as this California State University bibliography shows at
Men also make the vast majority of homeless adults, prisoners, military conscripts (for wars that women support about as much as men do), occupational deaths and deaths by suicide. Men's rights activists around the world support International Men's Day as a valid effort to raise awareness about men's issues and to support gender equity and fairness for both men and women.
Marc E. Angelucci
Los Angeles chapter
National Coalition of Free Men
Shaming Language
Gandhi was Indian, too. He said:
First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.
"Ridicule" and "shame" are synonymous here. The only antidote for the shaming tactics of women's advocates (and individual women) is to use their pathetic attempts to browbeat us as our motivation - remember that their attempts to shame us are really attempts to silence us, and those are really attempts to keep us in our "place" as a slaves without a voice. See through this tactic for what it is and respond appropriately (as most of us are doing already).
Women have been using that same shaming tactic to preserve their gender privileges for millennia. Remember the cowardly women walking around the UK pinning white flowers onto any young man who wasn't off getting killed in WWI? Why weren't these obviously able-bodied, pro-war women picking up guns and volunteering their lives if they were so keen on the war? Simple - surviving wars which kill millions of men is a female gender privilege, and these women were interested only in protecting and preserving that privilege. This is no different. The fact that privileged women are trying to shame us back into silence and slavery means that they are very, very afraid. Why? Because they know they have something to lose - that's right - female gender privileges.
If you want to become a feminist's worst, most terrifying nightmare, be a man who is encouraged by shaming tactics and feminist hostility because they are a sign of progress.
If they cannot silence us, we cannot lose. Women should be pleased about this - men's activists are about equality for all human beings, not just the favored 51%.
As for International Men's Day, start petitioning a government near you to observe the occasion. 49% of humanity is entitled to the same recognition as everyone else.
Letter to Editor
Dear Editor,
The article, "Lads’ Day Out" (5/19/07) is one sided. It falsely states that men's rights activists have "outrage" that "springs from their innocence of the correct use of any law relating to gender justice." In reality, many feminist-backed laws in India and elsewhere are drafted, and implemented in ways that are completely biased again men. For example, the Indian Supreme Court strongly criticized the misuse of Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code in "Sushil Kumar Sharma v Union of India (2005)". The Chief Justice of Delhi High Court says that `Section 498A is more misused than used’. The Supreme Court, in "Batra v Batra (2007)" termed a provision of the Domestic Violence law `clumsily drafted, which if implemented would lead to chaos’, and suitably `read down’ the provision. Soli Sorabjee, the eminent jurist has also criticized the new DV law.
On the other hand, the Indian DV and sexual harassment laws deny protection to the male victims. A large number of men are now coming forward with complaints of domestic abuse. E.g. Over the last five years 519 cases of torture against husbands have been registered with the Orissa State Women’s Commission (that’s two cases every week). The chairperson of Orissa State Women’s Commission says that cases of husbands being tortured and harassed are on the rise, especially in urban areas of the state.§ion_id=3 A recent survey on child abuse conducted by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India found that the rate of physical and sexual abuse of young boys is higher than that of young girls, while the rate of emotional abuse is about the same. The rate of male suicide in India is also higher. In 2005, 64% of all suicide victims were male.
Mangesh Patwardhan
Excellent post RandomMan.
Excellent post RandomMan. Excellent post!
You know just last night I saw an out-of-control woman in action. Our neighbor next door was getting into a scuffle with his woman; who is loud, obnoxious, disrespectful, and walks around drinking beer and smoking black and mild cigars in the street. We could hear the tussling from our home.
Of course like all wild women she eventually came outside loud and ignorant. Yelling and cursing. She walked over to his car, a car which she always rides in and drives might I add, and punctured his back tire. She then threatened to call the police. Ever seen the movie Baby Boy by John Singleton? She acts just like the ignorant women in that movie.
He must have been outside for 45 minutes at least with a bewildered look on his face staring at his car. We just shook our heads, because I can recall times when my significant other and I were taking romantic walks(I'm a health nut.) and the very same rowdy couple would ride around sneering at us for no other reason than the fact that we(i.e. My s.o. and I) are happy with each other. Especially the woman, she has attempted to speak with me several times(running out of her house when I came home yelling "Hello..." I would just look her in the face and brush past her. I don't want to be affiliated with any ignorant women or pro-female men.). Like the majority of women they fail to see how all men don't really want them. Which is why I find the claims of women "being hit on all the time" ridiculous. Most men could care less about talking to women today, because women have wronged(and still are wronging) them.
I am extremely picky about the kind of woman I get involved with, you have to be, and not to mention I already have a woman! Not only do women not have respect for men they don't have respect for themselves and other women. Sorry to take the thread off track I just thought the behavior was relevant.
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Great letter Mangesh!
Thanks for posting this and for writing the paper! I hope you don't mind but I shared your letter with others. Those India-specific sources are very useful!
I agree...outstanding!
MCP: Be proud, you seem to have a great understanding of the social impact of our movement. Let me wipe some of the brown off my nose and say: Our movement gains momentum because of intelligent indivuduals like yourself and ofcoarse, everyone else on this board (Paragon, Roy, Random man to name a few) No disrespect if I forgot someone. (lots of new guys on this site!) Intellect and passion is our key to victory!
Victory not Vengeance!
Positive Development
Of course, all of you are welcome to share my letter with others. I also have a few other India specific data which I'll share with you all sometime.
Meanwhile, there have been some positive developments here. Nari Samata Manch (Forum for Equality for Women) is a feminist organization based in Pune (that's where I live). They have now opened their doors to male victims. I understand that in the last one year, quite a few men have approached them for help. I spoke to Ms Vidya Bal - the founder of the organization - sometime back. She agreed that DV is not a men v women issue and all victims of DV need protection. Also, many state women's commissions in India now regularly receive complaints from male victims, and these commissions, to their credit, have been helping them men in securing a fair deal.
Don't let them pacify us. Men always get pacified by women.
They are only doing it because the men's movement is now breaking their backs. Before men started speaking up those very same feminist organizations turned men away and denied that men were victims. Feminism is a disease that affects most women and even some men. If women want equal rights they need to become egalitarians NOT feminists. The very root of that movement is based on misandry(read Erin Pizzey's writings she was there when it began and saw the male hate and how they hijacked the DV issues.)
Keep nailing away at them guys! Until women renounce feminism, see men as equals, and make amends for the damage they have done for nearly 40 years I say let them have it.
It's been said before and I will say it again: No Justice. No Peace.
No_Feminazis: A group for men who refuse to let women enslave them!
Mens day
The mens day is beoming a real major hit. Specially the fact about differential taxes and men not being allowed to adopt children carry a lot of weightage with many people.
We never asked permission from Government or WOmens organisation to hold mens day .
Who can stop us
1. spreading awareness of Mysandrist laws on trains
2. distribting m ovie tickets to public on mens day
3. Mc donald outing for orphans on mens day
I like when the feminists fight becuase they give us more amunition for us to argue