Boy Dead: Female Day Care Worker: "I Bound Boy With Masking Tape to Keep Him Quiet"
Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2007-05-20 18:44
Story here. Excerpt:
'Paramedics had tried to revive Joshua, who was found unresponsive after the in-home day care center's owner, Vicki Leigh Chiles, bound his mouth and hands with masking tape.
"You could see the bruising (on his face) where the tape had been," Robert Minton said."
Chiles, 42, told police that Joshua would not be quiet for nap time and that she used masking tape to bind his hands and cover his mouth to keep him quiet, her arrest report states.'
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I wonder which man will be blamed?
Will it be the child's father?
The daycare owner's husband/boyfriend?
Or the boy himself?
I ask, because one thing's for sure - nobody will blame the woman in the situation when this gets to court.
I blame the inventor of
I blame the inventor of masking tape, which I'm just guessing was a man.
Of course they didn't find any red flags.. she's a woman
As a society we simply ignore behavior in women towards children that would see men rotting in prison cells for years. We just ignore what we don't want to see.
Notice she wasn't even charged in the fly swatter attack until she admitted to it and even then it took them more then 24 hours to go get her and issue an order to shut down her business.
I wonder if she'll even be charged with murder. I doubt it though, since she claims it was an accident, they'll automatically charge her with involuntary manslaughter and she'll plead it down further.
If it was a man who claimed to accidentally kill a child, he'd get charged with first degree murder, told he's going to get the death penalty if he goes to trial and get to plead it down to second degree murder or maybe manslaughter (not involuntary) if it's clear beyond any doubt in this world that it really was an accident.
It'll be interesting to see how this one turns out.
My deepest sympathies to the family of the boy who was killed. Indeed she had no right to inflict that on your son.
What's New Here?
She is probably out on no more than a $1,000 bail if that.
Women just can't do wrong especially when it come to children.
Not much
Women just can't do wrong especially when it come to children.
The law has always gone very easy on people who destroy something they believe they own, or consider their personal property. Most women today are under the mistaken belief (thanks to 40 years of society repeating it like a mantra) that children are their property and theirs alone. Our laws and customs around reproduction and child raising certainly support that erroneous and sexist belief.
Hence the reason that mothers and mother-surrogates like daycare workers or teachers are handled with kid gloves when they rape, torture and murder little boys - crimes that would get any man a lethal injection or life in prison. Only because a potential woman is the victim does the law become a tad fussier when the child is a member of "the royal sex" (as maz would put it).
You can judge how society views or values someone by the way that someone's murderer is prosecuted, or by the way that someone is prosecuted when he commits a crime against others.
In societies where humans can be "owned" (i.e. under slavery or as a result of indentured servitude), "owners" are never punished as harshly for committing crimes against the "owned". Those who are owned are punished brutally when they commit crimes against their owners, often using methods considered too harsh or barbaric to impose on the owners themselves.
Men killing women or girls receive substantially harsher penalties for those murders than women do for murdering men or boys.
Very few female murderers are put to death for their crimes where capital punishment exists.
Forced labor is legal according to black-letter international law, provided the slaves are young and male.
Debtors prisons and other sanctions are reserved for men only when they stray too far outside their female-defined gender roles as slaves ("providers" is an inadequate description of the situation).
Only men are drafted to die in warfare.
Women are prosecuted and punished lightly, if at all, when they kill men and boys.
Never, under any circumstances, are women held to the same standards of responsibility as men for their crimes, especially crimes involving children, yet women insist they are equals (sometimes, as ridiculous as it sounds to experienced ears, even less than equal) under the law.
How does feminism tie into this? Why is it so important to keep pointing out these barbaric, heinous acts by women on a site which states clearly that it is NOT about demonizing all women by reporting on the crimes of individual women?
Here's how and why it's important: feminism is nothing more than a smokescreen to justify the continued enslavement of men and the continuation of traditional female gender privilege. Dissenting slaves are shamed into silence or punished for speaking out, so we can't speak for ourselves. That's where this kind of story becomes so important - they can speak for themselves: the differentiation between the slaves and the owners is clearest in the decisions of the courts, because those courts are nothing more than a manifestation of the collective will of society.
As one of our brothers-in-arms (Anthony) has been saying lately: "Victory, Not Vengeance".
I'm going to try and find
I'm going to try and find the article, but I recall just a few weeks ago there was an article about a father who had put his child into the kid's crib "too harshly". The kid received some strange fracture from it and ended up dying.
He was sentenced to life in prison.
Edit: Here it is
Yes, throwing a baby into a crib in frustration is wrong, but so is taping a kids mouth shut. His punishment was excessive, her's will most likely be probation.
I believe very few is actually one...
"Very few female murderers are put to death for their crimes where capital punishment exists."
Eileen Wornos is the only female murderer (serial killer) to my knowledge that has received the death penalty in the United States.
I'm honored!
"Only because a potential woman is the victim does the law become a tad fussier when the child is a member of "the royal sex" (as maz would put it)."
RandomMan, I have loved your posts ever since I joined MANN. Its an honor to be remembered by you.
I am amazed at the way
I am amazed at the way people ignore this and continue to attack men as the all evil monsters. Then to make it worse, they get little to no punishment.
If equal means equal treatment, then why dont females get the same punishment? I will never support feminism untill this happens.
number of females executed in the U.S.
Actually Aileen Wournos was the third since they re-instated the death penalty in 1979. I don't think any women since her has been executed, perhaps one.
Also note that the movie about her (which I watched), asked the viewer to feel much symapthy for her. It also was part fiction, because in real life Wournos later recanted a charge of rape, but the movie did not depict that.
Fiction Indeed
It also was part fiction, because in real life Wournos later recanted a charge of rape, but the movie did not depict that.
Correction - it was mostly fiction. Wuornos falsely accused all seven of her male victims of rape or attempted rape and the movie depicted exactly that despite her later recanting the charges. Of course the movie never corrected itself - why let reality interfere with perfectly good misandry?
Like most sociopaths, Wuornos lied continuously and pathologically to justify her exploitation of others for personal gain. Of course, you can't depict that accurately on screen. Women would never pay to see it. Every film released today has to pander to the "victim" fantasy (or to raw misandry). Hating men is a "viable political act", remember?
You can't make a movie today unless women are depicted as superior or as victims. Ideally they're depicted as both, even if it is a stunning example of self-contradiction. Hence the reason I don't pay much attention to the filth that comes out of Hollywood. Consider the recent James Bond films: these stories were always intended to be male fantasies (oh no, can't have men enjoying themselves - they might mistake themselves for actual human beings!), yet every recent film is poisoned with misandry.
As for Wuornos, isn't it interesting that a sociopath would immediately employ the trusted and true tactic of false rape accusations to get away with her crimes? Lacking a conscience she simply used whichever tactic was most likely to succeed in protecting her from the consequences of her actions. Interesting that she chose false accusations, isn't it?
I wonder how close she came to escaping justice through those false accusations? Hollywood certainly believed her self-serving bullshit.
prostitutes are considered victims anyway
People in Wournos' profession are typically treated as victims of the johns, the police, and their pimps. Unless of course it is a male prostitute, then it's "round-em-up" time.
Sick of the Victicrats.
Yeah, someone who exploits men for their money is a victim. I am so sick of America's "victicrat" political party.