Newsweek: Is Title IX Sidelining the Boys?
Read some of the female perspectives about Title IX. An article in a major publication such as Newsweek (Outstanding!)
What do female athletes say?
"I know that I’ve heard from lots of female athletes who are starting to say that this law has outlived its purpose. They don’t understand what this law means because they’re seeing it limit the opportunities of the men they travel and train with and who make them better athletes. And they think it’s insane. There’s a big generational divide here. Some of the women who are of the “if you build it they will com”’ mentality are older women and they lived at a time and went to college at a time when women were being given the short end of the stick in a major way. But these women today have had a very different experience and they don’t agree with what this law is doing to their male colleagues."
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Too little, too late.
But these women today have had a very different experience and they don’t agree with what this law is doing to their male colleagues.
It must be nice to have the luxury of simply being able to choose to agree or disagree with a completely discriminatory law that favors you.
That's what I was thinking
Yep, must be nice to stand there and get interviewed and speak your mind and then go back to your gov't- and (probably) dad-sponsored collegiate life, knowing the doors are wide open to you largely because you're a girl. And aren't you noble for standing up for the boys, who don't get interviewed on this topic, it seems.
Nonetheless, at least she is speaking up. If she were a he, though, he would not get any space in print in the MSM on this topic!
A Proposed Solution
As women will increasingly dominate student enrollments in higher education -- 57% and growing -- the current implementation of Title IX based on gender body-count proportionality guarantees the extinction of many more male teams; and not coincidentally, the deliberate erasure of one of the last remaining male-only social spaces/subcultures -- already outlawed as criminal activity.
The problem could be solved by redefining the essential concept of "sport."
For example, if "Bagging a Rich Husband" was defined as a "sport" -- then the problem is instantly solved -- because 90% of all female collegians are engaged in this serious competition.
The most sophisticated female athletes are more likely to compete on soft horizontally-inclined playing fields, when they're not masquerading as actual jocks in designer spandex.
What about pro sports? Wont
What about pro sports?
Wont this crap effect pro sports in a big way? If males dont get to play during the school years up thru college, whats the chances of them playing pro?
Now we all know that male pro sports teams make much more money, I dont see the NFL or a similiar organization supporting this for long. This will take money right out of thier pockets! ..hahah.. I swear females wont be happy until everything is destroyed, then they will want us to rebuild it...pathetic.
LoL! You're right Dutch269!
LoL! You're right Dutch269! Moreover they will claim that it is our fault(i.e. Men's Fault) that women destroyed everything.
The only males I truly blame for letting women get this far are the overly chivalrous ones that think women can do no wrong.
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The lady being interviewed has a skewed sense of justice
Interviewer: "Do you advocate getting rid of Title IX?"
Gavora: "I do think we still need title IX. I think that everybody in our educational institutions deserves protection against sex discrimination. I think that’s an important part of equality in this country. But we need to change the way we are judging schools."
In other words Gavora does not even see, that boys are NOT being protected against sex discrimination in the first place. Title IX is obviously one of those "equality" laws that means "equality for women". The way it is currently being implemented, i.e. the cutting of men's teams, is merely the net result of the mentality behind the law itself.
I think it was Schopenhauer (or one of the other German philosophers) who said,
"The fundamental defect of women is their lack of a sense of justice." He is correct. It is not just a defect, it is their *fundamental* defect. Think about it, you will see it is true.
(one might respond, "well, there are women judges who are pretty fair.." or something like that; but someone can appear "fair" and still not have a fundamental sense of justice).
It's also that male sense of
It's also that male sense of justice that keeps men from outright overthrowing the female oppressors.
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