System Overload: Father pays child support, still jailed
Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2007-05-19 07:25
Story here.
I'm not happy with the term "Dead Beat Dads" used several times in this article. Excerpt:
"Every day, the state of Ohio processes more than 50,000 child support payments.
Has that volume led to unfair treatment of parents who are paying?
Derrick Adams is a deadbeat dad. Or so says the State of Ohio.
Deputies arrested him not once, but twice, even though the father of three boys is making child support payments."
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$2000/month free and clear - that's a full time job right there!
If one were working, they'd have to make about around $29000 - $30000/year to have $2000 per month take home income after regular taxes, unemployment and welfare contributions.
That's a full time job!
Dad can't pay mom's full time salary in full so he ends up in jail twice and the State takes away his license which is necessary for him to work to make enough to pay mom's free salary.
Sick, truly sick.
Aren't we tired of...
Aren't we tired of living and dying as nothing more than disposable hate-objects and slaves?
What's it going to take to wake most men up to the misandric mess we live in, to get them to stand up and say "enough"?
AWA might do it in the USA
The 5 people AWA has forced to live under a bridge in Florida has gotten quite a bit of attention. I also think people are starting to clue in just how easy it is to get on the sex offender registry and be forced to comply with hate laws like AWA - heck, credit card fraud can do it.
I doubt child support will ever come to a point when men say enough because most of the formerly fathers by role but still fathers by financial responsibility I've met are pissed as hell but they tough it out because they love their kids and some even still love their ex. Kids make people do things that are self sacrificing, totally opposite of whats best for themselves, because they love their kids. They have every incentive to sty the tough course in hopes the one day their kids will become a part of their life again.
So, even though most mens organizations are dominated by the 'fathers rights' area of mens rights, the opposition still holds much powerful in that area in that most men comply peacefully with the hateful 'fem'ily court system with its alimony and child support laws and enforcement only towards one side of the custody agreement. The opposition simply says "who cares, they're taking it so why should we stop dishing it out?"
I think the sex offender laws like AWA will fall first as you can only pretend that farce is "for the children" for so long when you're adding names to the list by the thousands who are victims of credit card fraud or convicted of indecent exposure for pissing on bushes. Another, reason I think laws like AWA could mark the turning point is once a male is added to that list there is no more hope that maybe one day he'll get to see his kids (diminished incentive to comply). Plus, it targets young, single men without kids in many cases (a group that traditionally baulks the system and cherishes personal freedoms). These people don't share the same motivation to grin and bare it like non-custodial fathers do - they are not suffering for their kids. They put up with it out of fear of retaliation - but the list is already closing in on a million so that fear grows smaller every day as once there are enough of them they wont fear vigilantes or police anymore. The problem there becomes, since they aren't taking it for the kids, and are resisting out of fear plus the discrimination they endured they likely won't show the same restraint non-custodial fathers do in their fight for equality. Plus those on registries like AWA have no political organization to turn to for help to lobby for change. All that points towards armed resistance unfortunately. When the souls of the damned who are on that list say enough is enough, God save the one's who stand in their way because I doubt they'll be looking to solve their disputes at any bargaining tables or in any courts of law. They'll be looking to fight.
It's hard to say though for sure as men are attacked from so many directions and discriminated against in so many ways its tough to predict what eventually will be the straw that broke the male slaves back.
It might be something as simple as bars offering ladies nights where women get half priced drinks when many women who go to bars don't pay for their own drinks to begin with. Or it could start with boys minor league sports players who are tired of having to put up with one single girl changing in their locker room because she cried discrimination and is such a terrible the team can't even make the post season because they have to carry around the dead weight because some court told them they can't make her feel bad. It might just be that men get sick of 'shot to the groin' jokes.
All that I know for certain is that change will come, I don't know yet what the trigger will be that sparks the awakening of men and non-feminist inspired women to the countless injustices men face but I know it will happen.
Check out these links at the end of the article
System Overload: Deadbeat term overused?
System overload: Deadbeat moms?
Victory not Vengeance!
It will take BETTER organization...
It will take better organization, without women and chivalrous men hindering our efforts.
The men's movement is still pretty much underground and fragmented. Moreover, some men are afraid of "women not approving of them" they don't realize that it is this "need to be approved by women" flaw that some men have which keeps them under her thumb.
Join No Feminazis
Maybe dads should think outside the box
Too bad dads couldn't take their money, buy goods such as food, clothing, and toys for the kids, and drop them off with receipts. Mom doesn't get to squander the dough on her own stuff, but the kids are still cared for.
Of course no child who is healthy needs 2 grand a month, the money is going to support mom as well.
I am sure DSS would have a cow....which would show how this whole thing certainly has nothing to do with the chiiiildren.
edited to add- Ideally folks would either stay married, or have 50/50 joint custody. For now, there has to be a better way than handing over a paycheck.
It's all about money.
The entire feminist movement and this whole it is for the kids spiel is entirely bogus. From the door this has been about nothing else but money.