Sex abuse survivor: Male victims no different than female victims
Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2007-05-18 21:54
Story here. Excerpt:
"You may find that in 10 years this young man, or others in similar situations, will grow up with alcohol issues, relationship issues and anger issues but will never look at the root cause," St. John said yesterday, the same day that Gross, 24, of Mohegan Lake pleaded not guilty in Elmsford Village Court to having sexual contact with a 16-year-old boy inside a parked car."
There is a link to an organization I didn't know existed:
"Curtis St. John is president-elect of MaleSurvivor: the National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization."
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if you check at the bottom
if you check at the bottom for the reader comments, there's someone who's more or less excusing the behavior of the female rapists.
Yeah, I saw that and started laughing
That commenter is either a feminist or a male completely and utterly brainwashed by feminist influence.
Immediate knee jerk reaction to offer and excuse for females who sexually abuse young males....
But yet no excuses for males who sexually abuse young girls though statistically most of them have sexual abuse in their childhoods to.
Either women get the same responsibilities as adult men who are not able to use their past abuse as an excuse, or men start getting the sympathy of women and if htey claim abuse all is forgiven.
Personally I think it should be somewhere in the middle. People who have been abused who go on to abuse a child do deserve treatment and sympathy, but also accountability and consequences for the harm they have caused. One without the other only makes things worse. If you give them nothing but sympathy and treatment you end up with a feminist - a monster who leeches off the world through their addiction to being a victim and destroys the life of every person they meet. If you give them nothing but punishment you get a different kind of monster who not only is filled with the pain of their abuse but also rage at the injustice that and no self control mechanisms to restrain either. That's why you need a balanced approach that brings sympathy, understanding and treatment on one hand with a penalty for the harm caused on the other.
But the current system of all sympathy to women, all punishment to men isn't working for anyone.
Great definition, Paragon
you end up with a feminist - a monster who leeches off the world through their addiction to being a victim and destroys the life of every person they meet.
I think that's the best definition of "feminist" that I've seen yet.
thanks :)
Every now and then I'm good for a quote or a tidbit of philosophy. Though I must admit that I am also good for a few idiotic quotes here and there as well. Only human.
One of the reasons I am very connected to the MRA cause is that I feel our hypothesis about humanity:
If female, then good. If male, then bad
Isn't turning out to be true and by continuing with the social engineering experiment in spite of proving our hypothesis to be invalid is creating disastrous results.