"Our sons don't need a father"
Story here. Excerpt:
'Anna Lloyd and Jane Harvey could be any middle-class mothers strolling with their sons in their local park. But behind their everyday appearance lies a story of a highly unconventional family - for they are lesbian partners, and Oliver and Charlie, aged two, are their twins.
Thanks to a shake-up in the law announced yesterday, NHS fertility clinics may no longer have to consider a baby's need for a father (or mother), so a gay woman would have as much right as a woman in a heterosexual relationship to walk into an NHS clinic and request fertility treatment in a bid to have a baby.'
"We thought of asking a male friend to donate sperm, so that we would know who the father was, but he might have wanted to be involved in the baby's life.
"We didn't want this; we wanted to raise our children alone, without having to answer to the father.
"Yet we don't feel they will miss out. These days many children grow up without their dads if they come from broken homes. At least Oliver and Charlie have two parents in a stable relationship who love them dearly."'
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We need to go on a campaign encouraging men not to donate sperm! Make a short flyer briefly explaining how sperm donation hurt boys and men in the long run. Pass them out to every guy you see. Post it on trees. Do whatever you have to do to get the message out!
Sexist is as sexist does
How quickly do you think we'd hear uncontrollable outrage if someone were to publish a story which claimed that "Our Daughters Don't Need A Mother", even if it was to support the idea that homosexuals have the right to reproduce?
Does it sound misogynistic? It does because it is. It's as misogynistic as "Our Sons Don't Need A Father" is misandric.
If lawmakers and the media in the UK are so interested in reproductive rights for homosexuals, why then are they writing about not needing fathers instead of not needing mothers? Why is it that only fathers are considered disposable in this equation?
Clearly it's now government policy in the UK that children are exclusively women's property, so I wonder if they'll be amending child support laws to ensure that women take on the full responsibility for those children (not that I'm holding my breath)?
Naturally, this decision and the article are nothing more than radical feminist misandry in sheep's clothing. In this case, the sheep's clothing consists of the noble idea of giving homosexuals better reproductive rights. I'm all for that particular idea, but leave it to the UK and feminists everywhere to pervert even the noblest of sentiments into misandry.
Two men can raise children just as effectively as two women, yet you won't hear anyone lobbying to make that happen. Why? Because just like male heterosexuality, male homosexuality is somehow "dirty" and "evil", while ALL female sexuality is "good" and "pure" and "empowering".
As I said, before the feminists and other assorted misandrists got their grubby hands on this, it was really about ensuring that homosexuals have the same right to reproduce as heterosexuals, which is a noble goal that I happen to support. Homosexuals are people too. It's a real shame the the UK doesn't consider homosexual OR heterosexual men to be people. I wonder if they'll stop collecting taxes from all of those "sub-human" men (straight or gay), since those men are being denied the basic human rights related to reproduction that women clearly enjoy...
While society is so worried about reproductive rights for women and homosexuals (preferably female homosexuals), who's looking out for the rights of the 3 billion or so men on this planet?
The governments? No. They're trying to figure out ways to make men pay more for women's reproductive choices.
The media? Not likely. They're too busy selling processed foods and makeup made out of mutilated male genitals to women.
Meet My Parents: Mummy One and Mummy Two
"One day we will have to explain to our sons why we brought them into the world the way we did," admits Anna, who gave birth to the twins."
Yes, and when that day happens, your sons will hate you.
And, they will be born again as anti-feminist men with a vengence.....
Hopefully, They Won't Make the Same Mistake ...
...especially when they realize their "mothers" were sexist about it. What message does their actions send out to their sons? It sends out the message that they are useless in the family unit. When these boys grow up, I doubt they'll be in a haste to start families of their own because they will not have a live-in example of what fathers are supposed to do in the family circle. They may feel a father's role is purposeless in the family unit and avoid it all together. I just hope they don't make the mistake their true biological father made ...
Selfish Parents
What ever happened to "what's best for the children" as a guiding principle? I guess it goes right out the window the minute an adult (usually a woman) decides they want something.
Excellent Idea
Tell every man and boy you know that if he lets a woman anywhere near his sperm, he's asking for trouble (unless he's planning on being a father). That includes donated sperm.
What ever happened to
What ever happened to "what's best for the children" as a guiding principle? I guess it goes right out the window the minute an adult (usually a woman) decides they want something.
Unless of course the parent wants child support, then no one can think of anything else.
Nothing New Here.
Bastardy has been an accepted lifestyle for some time now especially in the Western social-Marxist democracies.
Decadent? Yes, but what did you expect?
The irony is....
...Those two boys will probably turn into the kind of men feminists complain about. The kind that use women (or maybe men), don't commit, have no interest in starting a family, and date many women at one time. Their mothers selfish streak is likely to rub off on them.
Like you said, they'll have absolutely zero concept of what it means to be a man and they'll place zero value on the role of a man in a family. They will grow up thinking families are anything where there are no adult men.
Their examples of masculinity will likely come one of two sources
From pop culture where a male is portrayed in basically one of 4 roles - idiot, pimp/player, criminal, athlete.
From their parents lifestyle - Gay culture
Why Does Liberation = Domination?
When I was young and foolish in university, I bought into feminism.
It seemed completely logical that men and women should be equal.
Silly me.
I believed naively that women had the same sense of fairness, justice, and integrity that men inherently possess.
Well, life has a way of teaching you lessons, even when you don't wish to learn them.
Today I view women -- as a species -- as predatory parasites who seek to harvest men just for the sport of it.
Of course, there are exceptions... a few good women.
But where American females are concerned, it is best to carry a crucifix, holy water, and a wooden stake ....
and a condom if you have to defile yourself.
Integrity, morals, logic,
Integrity, morals, logic, and equality are largely male domains.
I agree
I agree with that idea, I think once men start to realize that donating their manly goodness leaves them open to all sorts of trouble they will stop donatied their manly essance and I can bet once that becomes nthe norml the femanazis will try to pass a law that men have to donate their sperm
Nah. Here is what they will do...
I doubt that they will pass a law. They will just flash some skin for some schmuck and tell him that not donating sperm to women--via sex or some other obscene activity--somehow equates to "hatred of women."
Men will fall for it, and women will continue to say that their kids don't need dads. See? It's simple.