UK: Major change in IVF Law
Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2007-05-17 22:23
Not only are a baby's needs for a dad no longer to be considered, but human/non-human hybrids can be implanted, also. Brave new world indeed. Story here. Excerpt:
'A major relaxation of IVF rules was announced by ministers today.
The changes will make it easier for single people and lesbians to receive fertility treatment on the NHS.
The move, which is part of a shake-up of laws on the use of human tissues, will also allow the creation of "Frankenstein" embryos - human and animal cells mixed together - for medical research.
Under current laws, fertility clinics have to consider the baby's need for a father before providing treatment. But today's draft Human Tissue and Embryos Bill says this is no longer necessary.'
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No Dad, No Sperm
It up to men. Remember, there was a drastic shortage of sperm donors when the anonymity of donors was eliminated. Let this be another reason to STOP DONATING SPERM. Let these women wait until scientists engineer sperm from female bone marrow. At least then, these "women" will only have female children to corrupt. Girls may not really need fathers, but boys most certainly do. I came from a single-parent family, and I can say, from experience, that boys who are raised without fathers end up with psychological scars.
When sperm donations was originally started, it's purpose was to help COUPLES containing ONE MALE AND ONE FEMALE to have children in case the father was infertile. Now, this service is being abused, so we need to STOP DONATING SPERM. If anything horrible becomes of this, it will be our faults for following through with this ghastly abomination.
Let's get this message out to as many men as possible!
Amen to that
I say let these women who've rejected men go screw themselves and inbreed with one another. It's not as if the gene pool has anything to lose in most cases.
I can't WAIT for there to be artificial embryos created from women only. Who will they blame? Who will they sue for child support? Who will they falsely accuse of domestic violence and rape in order to win houses, children and other valuable prizes?
If there's no male slave in the deal, women will simply stop reproducing. Sure, there will be exceptions, but that will be the general outcome of all this institutionalized misandry.
You have to love this - men's reproductive rights have been under continuous assault since the 1950s and the attacks are intensifying. No male birth control pill? Of course not - couldn't have that, it would actually give men some control over their own destiny and slaves aren't allowed to have control - but we can make girls out of women without men. It's just a question of figuring out how to make some man pay for the women's choices now.
Sure, we have the technology to prevent paternity fraud. Do we make laws to outlaw the deception of men and children by adulterous mothers? Or to require genetic testing before paternity can be established? No. Instead we make up laws to ensure a woman's right to screw everything that moves and then give her state-enforced power to bill some poor slob who was stupid enough to trust her any further than he could throw her.
Same old shit. Brand new pile.
Surely I can't be the only one who sees the pattern. It's getting worse, gentlemen. Our rights are under much more sustained attack than they've ever been before.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you*, then you win.
(* -> you are here).
At this stage in the war to see men treated as human beings if you donate sperm for any reason other than to ensure your own ability to reproduce, you're a fool. If you trust any woman in matters of reproduction, you're an even bigger fool. Every woman you meet, every woman you see has unlimited, state-sponsored power over you in matters of reproduction. If you want equality, don't reproduce.