DNA tests, new law could help some men escape child support payments

Story here. Excerpt:

"John Walsh, 40, of Deerfield Beach, wants the same thing. He recently challenged his $400-a-month support requirement. He said two weeks after his 8-year-old son was born, he learned he was not the father. He has since had DNA tests indicating there is no biological relationship and filed a challenge to his support orders earlier this year."

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...where the defendant has to prove he's NOT liable for civil damages. Why the hell aren't women required to ESTABLISH paternity before they can even file for support?

Oh, right, it's because men don't matter, and they sure as hell don't have rights.

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If he'd challenged it when the kid was still 8 weeks old, he probably would have gotten out of it. Sadly because he tried to do the "right" thing, according to people who think family stability should be maintained at all costs, including a man's freedom, he'll probably end up stuck with the kid.

Keep in mind in many of these cases there are 2 men wronged. The one being forced to keep paying child support, and the often overlooked biological father, who might have wanted to spend time with his own child, but probably wasn't even told about the kid, since that would interfere with the elaborate lie the mother has constructed for her and her child.

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...is apparently to enslave men to pay for women's choices.

Whenever someone tosses this red herring into the argument, remind them that gay marriage and adoptions by gay parents are now the norm in many parts of the world and that single parents have been having and raising children for a long, long while. None of this seems to harm the child's best interests in any way (not that I'm trying to assess the "right" or "wrong" of these things, I'm just pointing out that they are the order of the day).

In other words the idea that a man owes a women support for herself and her offspring regardless of the actual parentage of the child is an anachronism. It's sexism, plain and simple, and it needs to end right now. Would society accept it if a man was allowed to impregnate his mistress and then bring the child home so he could extort child care or other support out of his wife, just because he happened to be married to her when the child was born? I don't think so. Then why does it allow the equivalent mistreatment of men?

If families with two mothers or two fathers or one of either of the above are OK and can somehow manage to support themselves then I don't want to hear another goddamn word about "preserving the family" or "the right thing". It's sexist bullshit that should have gone out the window when feminists destroyed the notion of a traditional family, and it's high time women learned that they'll have to take responsibility for their own actions. Grow up already girls.

You want to know what would really be the "right thing"? Society holding women responsible for their choices and actions, just as it already holds men responsible for theirs.

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If society held women responsible for their actions we would see a whole lot of women really trying to preserve the family and the feminist plan would backfire on them.

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