Unbelievably good news for men's health in Great Britain!

I've just read on the menshealthforum site (UK) this breaking news:

"The Equality Act 2006 has created an important new duty for NHS organisations: the ‘gender duty’. NHS organisations’ compliance with the duty will be overseen by the new Commission for Equality and Human Rights and the Healthcare Commission."

"Men's Health Forum's president Dr Ian Banks believes ‘men are being badly let down because of the "one size fits all" approach to health care that has bedevilled the NHS since its inception.’ He says: ‘the Equality Act provides the biggest opportunity to improve male health since the foundation of the NHS."

This one is the best:

"The Men’s Health Forum will be monitoring the performance of the NHS and will not hesitate to use the new legislation to ensure compliance."

"Since men do worse in any areas of health, specific actions are needed to improve male health."

Check out the five main issues affecting men's health according to the MHF.

Please spread the news on every MRA' and men's site you know ! I think that this story is worth Glenn Sacks' newsletter with its more than 50,000 registered readers!

By the way every MRA should know the MHF site and show his support by emailing them! Just let them know their work is much appreciated!

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Wow, take a look at this:


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