Bush May Veto Hate Crime Bill With Gender Focus

Article here.

Be prepared, this article is from "Women's E News". My suggestion to NOW, just come right out and speak the truth. This law is not aimed at gender hate crimes, its simply a way to manipulate society with the fallacy that all men hate women. Excerpt:

"It looks like it will be unlikely that it will become law, but we will keep working at it," said Olga Vives, a vice president at the National Organization for Women in Washington, D.C.

If the legislation becomes law, it would establish uniform protections for women and girls who are victims of hate crimes around the country. Currently, 28 states include gender in their own versions of hate-crimes laws.

If the bill fails, advocates say a hard-won opportunity to specifically address hate crimes against women and girls will be lost, or at least put on hold until a different president occupies the White House."

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I can't resist this one. Is there a name more fitting for a feminist than OLGA??? Look at the picture of this woman, i doubt she bakes cookies for her husband or wife. Who the hell knows! I actually saved a copy of the picture. If I'm feeling a bit horny with no women around, I simply look at the picture. Works better than a cold shower!

How about a feminist joke?

"A professor told dirty jokes in class and the women wanted to protest it. So they decided that in the next time that the professor will start with these kind of jokes they all will leave the class as a protest.

Somehow the professor heard about the plan.

In the next lecture, in the beginning of the lecture he said: "In Sweden a prostitute makes $2000 per night."

All the women stood up and started to leave the class. So he shouted after them: "Where are you going? The plane to Sweden doesn't take off until the day after tomorrow."

Victory not Vengeance!


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"It looks like it will be unlikely that it will become law, but we will keep working at it," said Olga Vives

And decent men like us will continue to laugh at you when reality prevails and you FAIL again, and again, and again.

Not in my lifetime, sister. If you want to hate something so badly, go kick your cat.

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I think a lot of seventeen year old guys would envy that mustache!

NOW really needs to come clean and for the first time in its herstory publish its actual PAID MEMBERSHIP count.

They have claimed 500,000 women since the birth of Christ, and the number never goes up or down.

That smells like a fiction.

And even if NOW actually has 500,000 members, that represents what?

4% of America's female population.

And these bloviated dittzes influence Congress?


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