Lowry: "Clinton and Obama's Great Feminist Pander"

Article here. Excerpt:

"The Obama-endorsed bill mandates equal pay for "equivalent jobs," while Clinton's bill would establish voluntary "guidelines to enable employers to evaluate job categories" -- all in the cause of increasing wages in female-dominated jobs beyond that determined by the market.
Never mind that the 77-percent figure is, in the words of Hudson Institute economist Diana Furchtgott-Roth, "flawed and bogus," failing to account for the most basic variables. The figure for men and women who work 40 hours a week is 88 percent. Baruch College economist June O'Neill finds -- adjusting for factors like schooling, lifetime work experience, and workplace characteristics -- that the gap almost disappears, with women making 95 percent of men's wages."

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Hudson Institute? Baruch College?? Never heard of 'em..no-one else has either, therefore none of the players that matter will ever give a shit. What does Harvard say?

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I'm sure you're well aware that Harvard is now a radical-feminist controlled institution as well. I'd trust the word of a preschooler before I'd trust those who inhabit Harvard's halls to get the facts straight in any matter where gender or sexuality is involved. I'm sure they're busy making sure their scientists apply "feminist logic" and "feminist analysis" to their physics experiments before they publish. I wonder what feminist neurosurgery looks like. We'll see shortly, I'm sure.

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Just keep your job, take company-paid sick or disability leave, get a sex change (preferably on someone else's dime) and explain that you're now a victim of the heterosexist patriarchy so you deserve a raise in order to receive "equal" pay for your "comparable worth". Make sure you eliminate any risky or competitive aspects of your work, cut back your hours and spend more time with your family too.

Is there anyone left in the political world other than fascists and communists? What a mess.

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"Is there anyone left in the political world other than fascists and communists? What a mess."

Actively in politics? No

Once upon a time we had a political spectrum with a left, middle, and right. But then the left and the right ends joined to form a circle which spiraled down into a deep deep void and the middle fell in. Now it doesn't matter which side in in power, they are both hell bent on destruction of the world as we know it.

Balance is gone.

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Alternatively if you're a man and you want a raise you could just sign up for a female-dominated occupation of "comparable worth" in your company. Same effect as the approach I outlined above without all the bother of "gender reassignment". As an added bonus you'd be a big hero because you'd be doing your part to break through barriers to "women's equality"! Yaaaay!

Guess how many men will sign up to do the dirty work when they can make as much or more in safe, clean, quiet, air-conditioned comfort working fewer hours? Can you say ZERO? The Soviets tried this idea of "equality" and guess who bitched the most about it...WOMEN. They HATED it, because they were expected to do the same crappy jobs for the same crappy pay. They whined endlessly about how women in the west "didn't have to work", all while women in the west were whining about the wonders of communist "equality".

Ain't communism grand? After all, it's worked out perfectly everyplace they've tried it, hasn't it?

As for the left and the right - you said it Paragon. The left and the right have chased themselves so far up their own asses that they can't even tell which side they're on anymore. Time for a third option.

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The Western world seems to be in turmoil and battle lines drawn. Centrist parties don't seem to be attractive to the people right now. People seem to be drifting further and further in towards either the left of or the right. Balance and consideration of multiple view points seems to be getting rarer even among people on the street.

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I am aware that Harvard is a bastion of fem-fascist thinking, especially with Katherine McKinnon there.


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Well, I'm pretty sure it will entail the excising of the evil patriarchy, one neuron at a time. (Just like our current legal system!)

And it will be focused on restoring a man's emotional intelligence, preferably via a crude frontal lobotomy.

But then, what's the point anyway?

Marriage is a kinder and gentler procedure with fewer risks of malpractice claims from the beneficiaries of feminist goodwill.

Maybe I'll have to revive my ancient sig line ---

"It's a terrible thing, living in fear."

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There are many examples of this type thinking, not just concerning feminist issues, where things appear repeatedly in MSM and people go berserk and take it as gospel, no matter how wrong it is. For example, some people think that psychiatric meds are no better than placebos (they seem to think that patients normally stop taking their meds after 6-8 weeks, since that's what they do in those "studies"; or they think placebo effects last forever - guess what, they don't).


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Marriage is a kinder and gentler procedure with fewer risks of malpractice claims from the beneficiaries of feminist goodwill.

Made me smile :)

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Obama and the Hildabeast (or Hillzilla) can *pander* to the feminists all they want too but that still doesn't make me want to vote for either of them.

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