The Truth About the Pay Gap: Feminist politics and bad economics
Article here.
These are aspects of the wage gap we already know. I hope these opinions are taken seriously, examined, and treated with equity before we demonize men. Hillary, take notice, NOW's philosphy on the matter is flawed. The American Asscociation of Unveristy Women might even be more of a perpetuator of this biased myth. When will the governement and society accept views regarding the wage gap that is not infected with feminism?
"As they get older, many women elect to work less so they can spend time with their children. A decade after graduation, 39 percent of women are out of the work force or working part time -- compared with only 3 percent of men. When these mothers return to full-time jobs, they naturally earn less than they would have if they had never left."
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Most women...
...don't buy the feminist agitprop - even most of the self-entitled types know that it's complete crap. Remember that most of them haven't been indoctrinated into the warped and wonderful "Women's Studies" cult of cognitive dissonance, victimology and conspiracy theories.
I personally know plenty of women who completely understand that feminists are nothing more than politicians and that they're trying to manipulate average women with stuff like the mythical wage gap, rape hysteria, discrimination under every tree, that kind of thing. They're the ones that notice that MRAs are about real legal equality and human rights while contemporary feminists are about supremacy and inequality. I also know a few who believe every word the feminists spew out, hook, line and sinker, but I honestly believe based on my own experiences that the majority of women understand that there are good, solid reasons why the average man earns more than the average woman. Of course there are exceptions, but they're just that - exceptions. I and most of the men AND women I talk to are all for pay equity for BOTH men and women, i.e. if there is actual discrimination going on either way it needs to be addressed, but they see the pay gap myth for what it is - a myth. Most women I know are concerned that their sons won't get a fair shake from the public education or health care systems. They worry about the fact that their sons could be drafted or subject to false abuse/rape allegations or even worse, abused themselves. Our message IS getting through and most people believe it because unlike contemporary feminism it's based in reality. Politicians are another discussion - they will deliberately NEVER get it as long as they feel they can get votes by kissing women's asses. Which is weird, since most women don't believe this crap in the first place! Fools like Biden? We need to concentrate our efforts on idiots like him when elections come around.
Here's the real beauty of Hillary Clinton's war on masculinity - she's pulling out all the stops and trumpeting every feminist myth she can put her hands on to try and manipulate women (and men). As a result, the MSM is FINALLY picking up on the fact that these are cheap political stunts and picking the myths apart.
It's incredibly ironic that Hillary may end up being an MRA's best friend until she loses the election, don't you think? By putting feminist agitprop into her political platform, she's making the previously-untouchable and sacred myths of the sisterhood fair game for critical examination by the media and society, and those myths are being torn apart. Men can't criticize women for anything, but ANYONE can criticize a politician or politics. By inserting the feminist myths into her campaign, Hillary opened the door for a little "reality-based" analysis thereof.
Modern feminism is a cult coupled with a purely political movement seeking female supremacy, and Hillary's doing great things to tear it down. I'd never vote for her, but I'm damned glad she's running. You gotta love politics!
Re Most women...
RandomMan wrote: Politicians are another discussion - they will deliberately NEVER get it as long as they feel they can get votes by kissing women's asses. Which is weird, since most women don't believe this crap in the first place!
I don't think politicians always pander to women’s issues because they think it directly results in votes. I think it’s often a damage-avoidance maneuver more than a direct appeal to voters.
Organized feminism has influence in government and media enormously disproportionate to the number of voters that subscribe to their agenda. They are far more effective at damaging the people that challenge them than they are at convincing the public to agree with them.
Not to mention, Arty...
Organized feminist groups have money. And politicians <3 money!
Well said Arty
That's an excellent point and it answers my half-question about how these people can have such incredible influence over the political process with so little real support. Elected politicians know that the feminists - skilled politicians that their leaders are - will do an immediate hatchet job on any man who doesn't appease them. That makes perfect sense. The media panders to women to sell ad space so the MSM won't do anything to oppose feminist hatchet work either, lest the feminists come after them. The MSM is little more than a feminist mouthpiece most of the time for just that reason.
The question now is how do we neutralize feminist hatchet work? Most of it plays on men's instincts to protect women and children. For the most part, men just won't stick up for any man who's being portrayed as harming women even if we suspect it's completely political and total bullshit. Every man here knows that we're wired to protect women and children, yet feminists continuously try to demonize us as being harmful to women and children and they mostly succeed. Why don't we have the ability to reject feminist lies or to protect ourselves? Simple - we're not allowed to do so according to biology and society. That's the reason I'm pushing for a male-defined version of masculinity to replace the current female-defined construct. That's my solution to this issue.
We're seeing the dissection of feminist myths in the MSM for the first time in nearly a half century, so the goal of coming up with an antidote for feminist venom is a long ways off. Still, it's worth thinking about how we can beat the feminists when they deliberately misuse chivalry to their political advantage. That is about 1/2 of the radical feminist strategy, and it would be a powerful step forward if we were able to counter it more effectively outside the MRA community. Any other suggestions that would work for the average man or woman on the street?
We don't because of three things
"Why don't we have the ability to reject feminist lies or to protect ourselves? Simple - we're not allowed to do so according to biology and society. That's the reason I'm pushing for a male-defined version of masculinity to replace the current female-defined construct. That's my solution to this issue."
We don't because,
1. We helped create the lies that enslave us
- We created the ridiculous constructs about sexuality that
feminists constantly demonize us with. Sexual ideals we
attempt to impose are not realistic. Masculine and
feminine constructs are not what men and women are really
like or behave like.
2. We really are hard wired to protect and provide for women
and children.
- Feminists exploit that at every opportunity which leads
3. Male guilt.
- men readily accept guilt - especially from women
"Organized feminism has
"Organized feminism has influence in government and media enormously disproportionate to the number of voters that subscribe to their agenda. They are far more effective at damaging the people that challenge them than they are at convincing the public to agree with them."
This is the FEAR CAMPAIGN that is at the root of all of their so called "social achievements".
Feminism has done more for attorneys well being than nearly any other societal problem.
oregon dad
That's a very "optimistic" and "mythical" viewpoint.
That's a very "optimistic" and somewhat mythical view of things. Here are some facts though...
1. If women were so opposed to feminist dogma and extremely concerned about how it affects men; We are not talking about kids, we are talking about MEN. Then why have very few women actively opposed feminist dogma? Since women control over 70% of the wealth and 51% of the vote they could easily wipe feminism out, yet they do not. I wonder why? Most certainly this is not because they are adamantly opposed to feminist dogma. In-fact they seem to be advocating it silently.
2. Hillary Clinton is an adamant Women's Suffrage icon and holds much of the feminist dogma as ultimate truths. Thus Hillary is anything BUT pro-male. Just like the feminists Hillary has her best interests, and those of her gender, in mind.
3. Feminism is simply the by-product of female greed and sexual exploitation(i.e. Manipulating men and the system to get what they want from all males instead of just husbands). The manipulation being employed by feminists is nothing new it was happening for years in the homes of America. Women have always been more privileged than men. Women have always been catered to at the expense of male health, sanity, and at the expense of men's lives.
It is the inherent "entitlement mentality" that brought women to feminism along with the unspoken rule, held up by women and chivalrous men, that women are somehow better than men. I keep hearing people say feminism this and feminism that. Yes feminism is a horrid creature but it is not the source of the problems we now face. Tha actual source is women's attitudes that need to change, women need to learn to cherish men the way men cherished women, women need to respect men, women need to see men as gorgeous human beings, women need to wake up and pay more attention to their male partners than they do to other men and women. All in all women need to wake up and men need to stop catering to women and LET THEM WAKE UP because if not women will forever be locked in the coma of their own selfishness and narcississm.