Glenn Sacks Speaks About Alec Baldwin on CNN

Newsletter here. Partial Transcript by Sacks:

"Parental Alienation campaigns such as what Kim has done to Alec Baldwin are very common. This campaign that she has done for the past six years has been so bad that even Basinger's mother has come out and condemned her daughter, and said that Alec is a good father, that he loves his daughter, that she loves him, and that Kim has done everything she could to drive him out of her life."

Video link is here.

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This Grace person seems to be pretty disgusting. I don't normally watch the show, but I just happened to flip through that channel last night..they were talking about the Baldwin thing. One of the interviewees (a man, he is some sort of attorney, but is not involved in the case himself), when asked by Grace about the possible effects of the call on the daughter, answered by saying Baldwin had done everything he can possibly do to meet the ridiculous restrictions for the calls (time of day he may call, etc). The attorney then went on to say how men commonly get screwed over in these cases, and how even if they miss one support payment, they are thrown in jail (not that this is an issue in Baldwin's case). I loved it, but of course Grace got upset and switched to another person.

Also did it occur to any of you guys, that maybe the daughter does behave like a little pig sometimes? No doubt she is under the influence of her mother, like this article shows.
Anyhow, even if one looks at the phone call in isolation, and not take into account anything else that is going on, I don't see what is so bad about the call. Baldwin doesn't shout or use foul language, or make any significant threat. I think he in fact, uses remarkable control. My suspicion is that millions of parents have at one time or another talked to one of their kids like this (probably more mothers than fathers), in a "fit of rage". Big deal. If that is the worst thing that has ever happened to the poor girl, she has led a sheltered life.

Also one other thing, Grace and one of her guests were speculating about the emotional effects on the daughter, of "repeatably hearing the tape". That is a laughable statement..first of all, I doubt that the daughter is sitting there watching all these assinine shows every night; secondly, whose fault is it that the tape got out (no doubt Basinger); and third, if Grace is so concerned about the daughter, then why the fuck does she keep playing the tape, on her show itself?


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It sounds like Alec Baldwin might become a spokesman for at least the issue of 'parental alienation' if this
article is correct. Maybe his eyes will open to other MR Issues as well.

Divorced dad Alec Baldwin, caught yelling at his daughter on a voicemail message, said Wednesday he asked NBC to let him out of his "30 Rock" contract so he can devote his time to the issue of "parental alienation."


According to the partial transcript from "The View," Baldwin said he intended to take "three years or five years, it doesn't matter," and focus on the problem of divorced parents and their children. He has a book coming out about divorce litigation, possibly this fall, he said.

"There were bills that were proposed (by California lawmakers) that were killed which were about equality and co-parenting and divorce litigation and ... this is work that I've been creeping up on, but I've been busy," he said.

Acting has lost its importance to him, he said.

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digitalhermit, Alec Baldwin has been promoting father's rights and better custody arrangements for years.

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This probably shouldn't worry me much, but some guy being interviewed for one of the talking head shows last night, was talking about Rosie O'Donnell leaving "The View" (there's a female role model for you. Did you hear about the crotch-grabbing incident?).

Anyway this guy (I think his name is Levin, some kind of media expert) said he recommends that Baldwin replace O'Donnell! And he is dead serious!! Hopefully Alec will not stoop that low..after all, "The View" is purely a tabloid show, put on by sleazy broads (perfect for Barbara Walters). One might say it would be good exposure for him to get the word out about PAS..but obviously the show could not spend all day every day on this one issue. His better course of action is to do as in the article, which hopefully he will.


PS: I don't think O'Donnell is ever going to seek out the mental health care she needs. A good cure for her is to enlist in the military (non-combat), then give it time until she has a break-down..then she will be forced to be discharged and get help. Sad to say, but sometimes it takes a seismic event in a peron's life, for them to realize they need help. And at least she will have had some discipline instilled in herself. Of course the only catch with this method, is "don't ask, don't tell" might not apply ;-)

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