Women earn 95% of what men do

I came across this article on CNN and discovered a hidden gem. The article spouts the usual numbers of 80%, 69%, etc, but then hides in an otherwise unexplained line that only a quarter of the paygap is specifically related to gender, and the rest is behavior based. Now despite women outperforming men in education, I can still take 20 and divide by 4, meaning here in a CNN article they admit the actual number is closer to 95 cents on the dollar than the 76 they like to claim. And if they were that wrong for so long, it won't be hard to suggest that even the last few % could be from behaviors the study didn't consider.

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In "Why Men Earn More" .. when all things are equalized, women in the same positions make slightly MORE than men do. No need to do new math, the research has already been done.

How about some anecdotal evidence too? I worked from 1973 - 2003 (that's thirty years), blue and white collar jobs alike, and NEVER ONCE did I hear either officially or through a grapevine that some woman was making less than a man, in all the places I worked. I think that is a representative sample. Certainly in all the time I worked, if women were making so much less than men, I would have heard about at least one complaint.

Question? "The women were scared to come forward!". Answer: crock of shit - not in the atmosphere of the last 25 years, during which if anything women are egged on to come forward. Question? "How did I know what other people are making where I worked?" Two-part answer: 1)re-read my post. I heard no-one COMPLAINING; 2)minimum wage is minimum wage. Question? "Would I necessarily know if there WAS a complaint? Answer: Re-read my post..THIRTY YEARS, certainly I would have heard about at least one.

Here's even more evidence: not only have I myself not heard a complaint, but no other man or woman I have ever known, in any capacity, has ever told me THEY heard of a complaint in all the places THEY worked.

Instead all I hear, is ever few years there is something like the Walmart lawsuit in the paper. How does that equate to the ridiculous claim, of seventy-odd cents on the dollar for all workers, even if it is averaged over everyone? Let's see, if each man at Walmart was making 10 Million dollars per hour, and the women there were making 5 cents a week, maybe that would be enough to tilt everything.

You know, the fact that so many people, even those with decades of work experience, believe there is a wage gap, is a sad commentary on our society. There is even more to it than the duping of us by feminists..it is an indication of how peoples' psychology can become perversely convoluted into believing anything, even when they MUST know deep down that the thing is not true. Putting it bluntly, people are regularly hood-winked into believing that their common sense is of no value.


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I've actually spoken with many HR people (mostly women) about compensation in several technology companies. I can confirm that these (mostly women) said, "there are many many reasons why people are paid at different levels, even when they have equal qualifications" and went on to say, "if they do what they are asked, do the overtime, do the travel, do the special projects, and make themselves available for the business, they will be paid at the highest rates for the job. If they don't, they won't."

She went on to say that pay differences based on gender is against the law.

oregon dad

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I want to know why, as someone who did a lot of extra-curricular activities in college, completed two internships and got a high GPA, am being paid more than someone who did the bare minimum to scrape by and got Cs in all their classes. IT IS DISCRIMINATION!!!


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