The American Daily publishes SAFE Executive Director article on Duke University Case

This is an excerpt from the American Daily Press Release: for the entire piece, please click here.

"If your son was falsely accused of rape, and when he was proven innocent, still was not able to legally hold his accuser accountable, had suffered loss of reputation, not to mention the emotional toll on him and the changes in his personality…and yet had no recourse, how would you feel as the parent of this young man?

If you are a man and you are falsely accused of domestic violence or sexual assault under the laws we currently have, you will find yourself exactly where these young men from Duke University are.

Even though they have no case against them, they will carry the stigma of the accusations with them forever. The same goes for those with false allegations of domestic violence and with false restraining orders placed against them.

Not only do they become instantly prohibited from entering their homes, seeing their children and sometimes even lose their jobs but they are also under the threat of arrest, based simply on the “victim” claiming that they called or happened to see them in a public place.’

Ultimately, if the restraining order is dropped by the “victim”, that does not mean that the defendant won’t be tried in a criminal court for having “assaulted” their accuser.

Even if they are proven to be innocent, they will suffer the stigma of having been accused and some people will always assume the worst. False accusations and lack of accountability ruin the lives of many and it’s time for a change!"

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"This is also the theory that drives the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which, is directly biased against males being treated equally by the programs it funds."

This is not bias.
This is an opposition to fairness for males.
The feminists oppose this at every turn!

oregon dad

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