Father denied justice by NZ courts, says UN

Posted on behalf of Marc A. Story here. Excerpt:

'The United Nations has slammed the New Zealand legal system for denying justice to a man accused of abusing his children.

The Government now has three months to explain itself to the international body and offer a solution to the man.

Human rights lawyer Tony Ellis took the man's case to the UN's Human Rights Committee saying his client's right to a fair trial had been ignored by the Family and then the Appeal Courts.'

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This is excellent. For a case like this to be recognized by the UN is a great step forward.

I really hope this guy is a saint, because he's blazing trail here, and that means his life is going to be "interesting" (and I don't mean that as a good thing) for the next little while.

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I would like to see the VAWA be condemned by an international body like the UN as torture and denial of basic human rights; WHICH IT IS!

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