More Winkler Case Details Emerging

Looks like Mary Winkler had a problem with check-kiting in addition to having her "ugly come out" enough to murder her husband. I suspect by the end of this trial a lot of pretty ugly things about Mary Winkler will surface. Let's see if justice gets done. Story here. Excerpt:

'SELMER, Tennessee (CNN) -- The day before a Tennessee preacher was shot to death, a banker tried to reach his wife several times about an account in her name that was nearly $5,000 overdrawn, a corporate fraud investigator testified Saturday.

When Mary Winkler finally returned the calls to Regions Bank late in the afternoon on March 21, 2006, banker Mary Guest told her she was unable to deposit checks from another bank because there weren't enough funds to cover them.

"I told her what she was doing was called kiting checks," Guest testified she told Winkler.

Guest testified she told Winkler the practice could result in criminal charges, and reminded Winkler that she and her husband had an appointment at the bank the following morning to discuss the problem.'

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