Clinton gladly plays the gender card

Story here. Excerpt:

"Armed with mounting evidence that women are providing her a strong foundation in the crucial early months of the run-up to next year's primaries, Clinton's campaign is trying to organize almost every aspect of the Democratic women's voting bloc — including lining up the support of feminist elites and stoking excitement in teenage political neophytes.
"Now is the time to break the biggest glass ceiling in the land," a beaming Clinton said last week after her endorsement by the National Organization for Women's political action committee, one of several influential women's activist groups that have rushed to endorse her campaign."

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There are numerous polls that show that less than 50% of women voters would vote for Hillary.

She has lost the rad-fem vote because she stayed with Bill when he was gettin' some strange in the White House.

Stay-at-home moms think she's a strumpet.

Kim Gandy is a whore for women's rights.

Yes, I mean that.

She is pimping women!

Just last week, Kimmy-Girrrlll stated --

"Hillary is absolutely loved around the world... women everywhere believe Hillary is someone they can trust..."

(Google Kim Gandy podcasts....)

Kim will look great on the podium at the Demo convention when Hillary makes her supprting speech for Obama!

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